Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2418 Trap! (1 update)

"Could this old woman be Master's mother?"

Ling Feng's expression changed, and his infinite vision expanded. But at this moment, there were only the old woman and the fat man in the wooden house, but Mu Wangchuan was not here!

Thinking of what the fat man said, could it be that Mu Wangchuan was in trouble?


As soon as his figure flashed, Ling Feng no longer cared about changing history and rushed directly into the wooden house.

At this time, the dagger in the fat man's hand was only a few inches away from the old woman's throat!

"call out!"

A wisp of finger wind shot out, and there was a "ding" sound. The dagger in the fat man's hand shattered into pieces and fell into pieces on the ground.


The fat man turned around suddenly and saw a middle-aged man with a scar on his face, staring at him angrily. The fat on his fat face trembled wildly.

"You are considered a man if you attack a defenseless old woman?"

Killing intent surged in Ling Feng's eyes, and the killing sword intent burst out uncontrollably, forming an extremely cold killing field.

"Sword... a strong man in the sword domain!"

The fat man's whole body was filled with excitement. He was just an ordinary inner disciple, but a master who understood the Sword Domain was someone who could rival the top ten in Duyuetian!


The obese man shivered, his legs softened, and he knelt down directly, "This... this hero, I am not a person! I am not a thing! But this is not what I mean. This old woman and I... are not No, I have no grievances with this old lady, so how could I kill her? I... I just followed orders!"

Ling Feng's eyes turned cold and he stared at the fat man, "Act according to orders? Whose orders do you follow!"


The obese man said tremblingly: "I don't know who he is. That person is dressed in black robes. He is as light as a black mist, but his strength is too strong! It's him, let us deliberately Set a trap, let out the news that there is a natural treasure that can cure his mother in the Shadow Forest, and lure him into taking the bait, and then I... I will be responsible, cut... cut the weeds... eliminate..."

"You deserve to die!"

When Ling Feng heard this, he was already filled with rage. He took an arrow step and pierced the obese man's throat with a palm like a demon's claw.

There is no point in living in this world for such a scumbag.

Even if he just followed orders and attacked a dying old woman, such a person has no humanity at all!


The obese man vomited a few mouthfuls of blood, his body trembled violently for a while, and then he fell to the ground, breathless.

Ling Feng walked to the bedside, helped up the old woman who was coughing in the distance, sighed softly, gritted his teeth and said: "It's okay, old lady, I have killed the bad guy who hurt you!"

The old woman seemed to be greatly frightened. Looking at Ling Feng's rough look, she said in a trembling voice: "You... who are you?"

"I am……"

Ling Feng thought for a while and blurted out: "I am a friend of Brother Wangchuan! Old madam, don't be afraid, I will heal your injuries right now."

"No... no need."

The old woman shook her head and said, "I am already about to die. This strong man, hurry...hurry to save Yun Xi..."


Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, Yun Xi, from the description in the file, Yun Xi should be the maid next to Mu Wangchuan.

The Mu family is in decline, but this Yun Xi can never leave her. This friendship is indeed precious.

"Has Miss Yunxi been taken away?"

Ling Feng's heart tightened, this Yun Xi was probably his junior wife.

And three hundred years later, there has never been another woman beside the Shepherd.

Perhaps, the fate of this girl Yun Xi is already determined.

"Yunxi... Yunxi has been captured by the accomplices of those bad guys. Save her...go and save her quickly! Ahem..."

Because she was so excited, the old woman coughed more and more violently. Before Ling Feng had time to give her acupuncture, she had already coughed up several mouthfuls of black blood with visceral fragments. Then, her body stiffened and she died suddenly. .

"Old lady!"

Ling Feng clenched his fists tightly and could only watch helplessly as this old woman died in front of his eyes.

Moreover, he will never die in peace!

With his medical skills, he couldn't tell that the old woman had suffered extremely serious internal injuries and had been delayed for too long. In addition, she was so frightened by the fat man that she had already lost three souls and seven souls. She was just holding on for the last time. Just one breath.

Now, she finally told herself her final instructions, and she could no longer hold on.

She has reached a state of exhaustion.

Gently closing the old woman's eyes, Ling Feng's eye circles were a little red.

Mu Wangchuan was a filial son. Perhaps he knew it was a trap, but he had to try it out for his mother.

However, even if he found the most precious treasure in the world, it would be of no use.

"Don't worry, old lady, I will find Miss Yun Xi."

Ling Feng took a deep breath, "Also, I will definitely protect your son and not let him be plotted by an adulterer!"

After saying that, Ling Feng put the old woman's body into the Five Elements Heavenly Palace.

He couldn't just watch the old woman's body being dumped here. He had to hand her body over to Mu Wangchuan himself.

"Mist Shadow Forest..."

Ling Feng frowned. He had heard that the Mist Shadow Forest was a dangerous place in the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range, but often in such dangerous places, there would be some rare treasures of heaven and earth.

"Miss Yunxi was captured by this fat man's accomplices. The situation is not good. If a girl's family falls into the hands of these scum, you can only imagine what will happen..."

Ling Feng clenched his fists. The longer he dragged on, the more dangerous Yun Xi's situation became.

Thinking of this, Ling Feng grabbed the dead fat man's body. Taking advantage of the fact that he had just died, he might be able to get some valuable clues from his memory.

In the eyes, the yin and yang fish floated, and the overbearing spiritual thoughts directly invaded the fat man's spiritual sea.

The imprint of his soul has been erased, and the sea of ​​​​spirit is gradually collapsing.

Ling Feng must race against time, otherwise, all his memories will disappear.

Fortunately, Ling Feng's luck was pretty good, and he finally got the news about Yun Xi.

"It turns out they want to capture Yun Xi and threaten Mu Wangchuan!"

After all, Mu Wangchuan is too strong. Even if he sets a trap, he may not be able to deal with him. If he can capture the hostages, then Mu Wangchuan will naturally have to obey.

"These scum!"

Ling Feng secretly resented it. No wonder Lord Mu Shen later dug up the ancestral graves of the nine major families. Thinking about it, it was not just like the rumors, just to force the ancestors of the nine major families to come out to fight with him, but he was holding back a feeling in his heart. Hate it.

After all, these ancestors may not know it, but what the juniors of the nine major families have done is indeed too much. Even if Lord Mu Shen digs up their ancestral graves, they deserve it!

"Go and rescue Miss Yun Xi first."

Ling Feng clenched his fists, hoping that everything had not come to the worst yet.

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