Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2421 The righteousness is too thin! (1 update)

"Are you kidding? The most outstanding genius of my Xuanyuan family, who will definitely become the leader in the future, how can he wear women's clothes!"

Xuanyuan Longteng refused righteously and said categorically: "Absolutely impossible, absolutely impossible! Even if I, Xuanyuan Longteng, die today, I will never wear women's clothing!!"

A quarter of an hour later...

Under Ling Feng's coercion and inducement, Xuanyuan Longteng finally changed into Yun Xi's clothes.

"Uncle Ling, we have agreed that you will personally teach me swordsmanship for a few days!"

Xuanyuan Longteng tightened his tight clothes. Although he was still young, he was already about the same height as Yun Xi, and they were both slimmer. Their hair was disheveled, so they were somewhat similar.

Coupled with the fact that Ling Feng disguised himself for him, he already looked very similar to Yun Xi.

"Don't worry, I, Ling... ahem, Ling's words will naturally count."

Ling Feng patted Xuanyuan Longteng's shoulder and handed two apples over with a smile, "Take them, please?"

"What are you doing? I'm not hungry!"

Xuanyuan Longteng felt aggrieved, like a frustrated little daughter-in-law.

"Take it and stuff it in your chest!"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes, "Don't forget that you are a woman now!"


Yun Xi suppressed her smile, looked at Xuanyuan Longteng and said, "Thank you for your hard work, Young Master Xuanyuan."

"I do this all for the sake of morality!"

Xuanyuan Longteng patted his chest, "A true man acts with righteousness as his top priority!"

"Not bad, not bad." Ling Feng nodded repeatedly.

"Right!" Xuanyuan Longteng was beaming with excitement, "Uncle Ling, you also think that I am extremely righteous, right?"

"My sense is, you look pretty good dressing up like this."

Ling Feng grinned, holding his chin and looking at Xuanyuan Longteng.

Thinking of Xuanyuan Longteng hundreds of years later, I couldn't help but feel happy.

"roll roll roll!"

Xuanyuan Longteng was so angry that he jumped to his feet. If he couldn't beat Ling Feng, he would definitely call him a bear face with his fists!

After dressing up Xuanyuan Longteng, Ling Feng also changed his appearance again, pretending to be the "dead" fat man Sun Zhilin, and swaggered back to the place where Yun Xi was imprisoned.

The real Yun Xi has been taken into the Five Elements Heavenly Palace by Ling Feng, and they will be reunited when Mu Wangchuan is found.

Early the next morning.


The drunken warrior who was knocked unconscious by Xuanyuan Longteng's stick rubbed the back of his head, with an expression of pain on his face.


The drunken warrior got up from the ground, suddenly thought of what happened last night, his heart skipped a beat, and he quickly looked around.

Fortunately, "Yun Xi" was still in the stone room, huddled in a corner, with disheveled hair, looking a little embarrassed.


The drunken warrior breathed a sigh of relief, it was okay, otherwise, if Yun Xi ran away, he would not be able to carry around.

"Damn it, what bastard dares to slap me!"

The drunk warrior cursed for a while, but did not notice that "Yun Xi" frowned and muttered: "You are the bastard, and your whole family is bastard!"

"I knocked it, do you have any objections?"

At this moment, a fat man with a fat head walked in. The drunk warrior looked back and was shocked when he saw it was Sun Zhilin.

"It turns out to be Brother Sun. Brother Sun, didn't mean that."


Sun Zhilin, oh no, it should be Ling Feng pretending to be Sun Zhilin, snorted coldly, "You kid, you are such a coward!"


The drunken warrior's whole body trembled and he trembled, "Isn't it that I drank...I drank too much!"

"I asked you to guard that woman here, why don't you drink too much for me? If I hadn't come back last night and let that girl run away, would you be able to bear it?"

Ling Feng squinted at the drunken warrior, and was so frightened that he pissed his pants. He knelt down on the ground and slapped his own cheek, "Brother Sun, I was wrong! I was wrong, Brother Sun, You don’t remember the faults of villains, I won’t dare to do that anymore!”


Ling Feng snorted coldly, "I won't punish you for your first offense, but if you dare to have evil thoughts and touch that woman again, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

"I know, I know..."

The drunken warrior nodded hastily.

"Get out of here if you know it!"

Ling Feng snorted coldly, "Go and call the others, it's almost time to set off today!"

"Yes Yes!"

The drunk warrior crawled out of the stone room, but he kept cursing in his heart: Sun Zhilin, you damn fat guy, what are you pretending to be? To be honest, it was not his idea to hit that girl!

After a while, more than a dozen direct descendants from the nine major families gathered in the main hall outside the stone room.

Most of them were at the late stage of the Imperial Realm, and some even reached the Semi-Saint Realm.

These are probably people at the level of the top ten.

But the leader turned out to be Ling Feng's "old friend", Sun Guangyi!

Yes, it was Sun Guangyi, the elder of the Sun family.

It's just that the country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change.

Sure enough, Sun Guangyi, the old bastard, was no longer a good person hundreds of years ago.

In terms of seniority, Sun Guangyi should be Sun Zhilin's clan uncle.

"Uncle, everyone is here, and we also caught that girl!"

Ling Feng looked at Sun Guangyi and resisted the urge to beat him up. He imitated Sun Zhilin's demeanor and said with a smile: "And that old guy, huh!"

Ling Feng made a gesture of wiping his neck with a knife, "It has been solved, and the root cause has been eradicated."

"Well done."

Sun Guangyi nodded, "Everything is ready now, all we need is the east wind. Mu Wangchuan, Mu Wangchuan, if you want to blame me, the only thing to blame is that you are arrogant because of your talent. You can't blame me for being cruel."

"Uncle, what's our next step?"

Ling Feng looked at Sun Guangyi and asked lightly.

"No hurries."

Sun Guangyi grinned, "The mysterious man's plan is already perfect. Let Mu Wangchuan play with the nine-tailed black fox first. If he can collect the heavenly materials and earthly treasures guarded by the nine-tailed black fox, they will not be ours in the end. What’s in the bag?”

"Goodbye, uncle!"

Ling Feng praised Sun Guangyi against his will. Judging from Sun Guangyi's words, the mysterious person in this guy's mouth was probably Xiao Tianji.

That guy is indeed as sinister as ever!

However, it’s a pity that I met Ling Feng!

"Uncle, that mysterious man hides his head and shows his tail. I don't think he is a trustworthy person."

Ling Feng said in a deep voice: "Look, he is cooperating with us in name. He wants nothing but Mu Wangchuan's life. But don't forget, in addition to the heavenly materials and earthly treasures guarded by the nine-tailed black fox, There are definitely many secrets hidden in Mu Wangchuan. If Mu Wangchuan falls into that guy's hands, wouldn't all the secrets in Mu Wangchuan become his?"

"So, I suspect that guy is just using us. Mu Wangchuan is in the One Moon Heavenly Palace. He doesn't know how to attack, so he uses us to lure Mu Wangchuan out. When it comes time to share the benefits, he is the boss!"

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