Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2422 Nine-tailed black fox! (2 updates)


Sun Guangyi's eyelids jumped, and he stared at Ling Feng for a long time, "Zhilin, how come your brain has become so good today?"

"Uncle, it's up to you!"

Ling Feng smiled with a drooling face.

"Don't say anything! Your mother and I... um!"

Sun Guangyi's heart "clicked" and he looked at Sun Zhilin in front of him, muttering in his heart: Could it be that this child knows about my affair with my sister-in-law?


Ling Feng was speechless for a while, no way, could it be that this Sun Guangyi actually had an affair with his sister-in-law!

Beast, beast!


Ling Feng smiled awkwardly, so it seems that the fat Sun he killed before is Sun Guangyi's biological son?

Tsk tsk tsk!

It's really a coincidence!

"Uncle, do you think what I said just now makes sense?" Ling Feng changed the subject. He was not interested in knowing about Sun Guangyi's dirty deeds. The key now was to use Sun Guangyi's greed to make trouble between him and Xiao Tianji. In this way, Sun Guangyi would naturally not watch Mu Wangchuan fall into Xiao Tianji's hands. "Yes, it was me who was too careless." Sun Guangyi nodded, "That guy, hiding his head and showing his tail, really doesn't look like a good thing!" After pondering for a moment, Sun Guangyi frowned and said hatefully: "Let's go, we should set off too. Calculating the time, Mu Wangchuan should have arrived at the Mist Shadow Forest by now." "Everything depends on uncle's wishes." Ling Feng nodded, counted the number of people, and the group set off in a mighty manner. The destination was the Mist Shadow Forest! ... At the same time, in the Mist Shadow Forest. "It's just ahead!"

Mu Wangchuan looked at a hide map in his hand. This Misty Shadow Forest is a dangerous place in the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain Range. Many warriors die here every year.

However, he got the news that a rare treasure of heaven and earth appeared in the Misty Shadow Forest, the Wanling Purple Jade Ginseng King!

With this Ginseng King, not to mention completely curing my mother's injuries, but at least, it can make her life easier. The medicinal effect of the Ginseng King can at least allow her to live like a normal person within five years.

"Little brother, the area ahead is the activity range of the Nine-tailed Black Fox."

A middle-aged man with a bare upper body and a big sword on his back looked around the surrounding environment, his face slightly solemn.

This middle-aged man is the captain of a nearby hunting team and a guide invited by Mu Wangchuan.

"Thank you, friends from the Blood Wing Hunting Team. Okay, let's separate now."

Mu Wangchuan paid off the Yuanshi he promised before, and said lightly: "I will walk the next road by myself."

"Little brother, you have to be careful."

The middle-aged man took the bag of Yuanshi handed over by Mu Wangchuan, clasped his fists and saluted Mu Wangchuan, "I hope you can come out alive."


Mu Wangchuan smiled casually, "When I come out, I will definitely find you to drink again, and I won't come back until I'm drunk!"

"Okay, I'll wait for you to come back!"

The middle-aged man also smiled heartily. For these men who lick blood on the knife edge, drinking wine together and eating meat together is the simplest and most straightforward friendship.

After parting ways with the hunting team, Mu Wangchuan rolled up the animal skin map in his hand and drew out a long sword with a cold light.

The nine-tailed black fox is a rare beast with a bloodline. Although the nine-tailed black fox guarding this fog forest has not yet reached the level of a demon saint, it has a strength that does not belong to ordinary demon saints with its powerful bloodline.

Ordinary warriors dare not set foot here.

And the saint-level strongmen are restricted by the contract between the two clans and cannot easily set foot in the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain Range.

Therefore, this nine-tailed black fox is basically a nightmare for humans who set foot in the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain Range.

Once encountered, it is basically a dead end.

Fortunately, it usually only moves in the fog forest.

In order to get medicine for his mother, Mu Wangchuan did not care about the danger and could only go deep alone.

As for other fellow disciples...

In the Duyue Tiangong, the inner disciples would only suppress him, and the outer disciples, if they did not want to be suppressed, could only respect Mu Wangchuan.

In this way, Mu Wangchuan became a person isolated by the entire sect.

In comparison, Ling Feng three hundred years later at least had Xuanyuan Longteng to protect him, while Mu Wangchuan was truly alone.

The deeper he went, the more miasma he encountered. Mu Wangchuan urged his protective Qi to keep going deeper.

If he was lucky enough to catch up with the nine-tailed black fox out foraging, he might be able to steal the Wanling Purple Jade Ginseng King without anyone noticing.

However, at this moment, a roaring sound came from the front.

Then, the ground shook, and the trees on both sides collapsed in large areas.

Mu Wangchuan looked closely and saw a huge monster running towards him, with nine thick white tails behind it, twisting wildly like a giant python.

"Nine-tailed black fox!"

Mu Wangchuan's eyelids jumped. This nine-tailed black fox was even bigger than he had imagined!

And vaguely, Mu Wangchuan also saw that in front of the nine-tailed black fox, there were two figures, like two lightning bolts, running away madly.

One of them was thin, with a pair of eyes full of firmness and coldness.

The other one was a very fat man with a strange-looking kitchen knife on his waist.

The fat man ran all the way while shouting at Mu Wangchuan, "The nine-tailed black fox is coming, run!"

It's too late to say it, but it's soon!

With a "snap" sound, one of the nine-tailed black fox's huge claws hit the head of the thin man next to him.


There was a loud noise, and the whole earth trembled. The violent force almost shook all the big trees hundreds of feet in radius into flying ash.

"Brother Tian!"

The fat man saw the thin man being pinned to the ground by the nine-tailed black fox. With just a little force, he would probably die on the spot immediately.

But at this critical moment, the fat man actually did not leave. Instead, he pulled out the kitchen knife from his waist and shouted loudly, "Eight Kills of Fallen Leaves!"

Swish, swish, swish!

In an instant, the sword flashed, and the nine-tailed black fox was in pain. The beast's claws loosened, and the thin man under the claws, although covered in blood, still did not give up the hope of living.

In his eyes, there seemed to be hatred for the entire world, cold, cruel, and even a kind of twisted resentment.

He crawled out from under the beast's claws and shouted loudly: "Fat man, run!"

The fat man finished drawing the knife with a wry smile on his face, "Brother Tian, ​​I... I'm afraid I can't survive!"

Before he finished speaking, one of the nine-tailed black fox's tails had already hit the fat man's fat body hard.


Like a cannonball, the fat man's body slammed into the earth, blood splattered all over the sky!

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