Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2423 Good and Evil! (3 more)

"Fat man!"

The thin man shouted loudly, his whole body shaking violently.

He has lost everything!

Now, there is only one friend left, Fatty. Why does God still want to deprive him cruelly!

"Heaven is unfair! Heaven and earth are unkind! I hate it! I hate it!"

The thin man looked like he was crazy, and he rushed towards the nine-tailed black fox like crazy.

There is no hope for living anymore.

Then, it is better to die like a man!

However, at this moment, a strong hand pressed his shoulder.

The thin man looked back and saw a very young man.

"Don't lose your cool at any time."

Mu Wangchuan smiled faintly at the thin man and said, "Your friend is still breathing. He is seriously injured, but if he is rescued in time, he can still survive!"

"who are you?"

In the eyes of the thin man, there was wariness of outsiders and indifference to the world.

"Just think of me as a nosy passerby."

Mu Wangchuan grinned, "To deal with the nine-tailed black fox, you and I need to work together. But if you just rush forward like this, it will be like letting your friends sacrifice themselves in vain!"

"How about it, in order to save your friend, are you willing to trust me once?"

The thin man glanced at Mu Wangchuan. Although it was only his first meeting, he had a vague feeling that the young man in front of him was very reliable.

"I believe you!"

The thin man clenched his fists and nodded heavily.

"I just saw that you have good movement skills. If possible, I hope you can be used as bait to attract the attention of the nine-tailed black fox."

Mu Wangchuan said calmly: "Don't run away in a straight line. The nine-tailed black fox is huge and must be a bit bulky. Pay careful attention to its tail and dodge its attacks. You only need to hold on for a quarter of an hour. I have a way to kill it." It kills!"


The thin man rushed forward without thinking.

He knew very well that the more he hesitated, the more dangerous the fat man would be.

"For the sake of my brothers, I will sacrifice my life with all sincerity! It seems that I have met an interesting guy this time."

Mu Wangchuan grinned, took out a few talismans from the Naling Ring, and began to lay them out.

At this time, on the crown of a big tree in the distance, there was a dark shadow hidden. The whole person was covered in a loose black robe, and the specific appearance could not be seen clearly.

"For brothers, treat each other with sincerity..."

The black-robed man murmured to himself, but laughed at himself from time to time, "Unfortunately, Boss Mu, you have misjudged the wrong person."

But it turns out that this man in black robe is none other than Xiao Tianji!

He just hid in the dark and watched all this with cold eyes.

More than three hundred years ago, it was such a scene when he and Shura Cooking Saint met Lord Mu Shen for the first time.

At that time, he was surrounded by people, and his hatred was as deep as the sea. He only wanted revenge. Unfortunately, his enemy was too powerful, and he could only live outside. He had to worry every day to prevent being killed by the killer sent by his enemy. turn up.

And that fat man who cooks cattle is a somewhat crazy cook, a cannibalistic cook!

It is precisely the hateful people who must be pitiable.

The cook Niu also had a similar experience to Xiao Tianji, which led him to become a murderer and even started cannibalism!

They were both fallen from the world, and they later traveled together. In order to avoid their enemies, they had to hide in the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountains.

After that, he was unfortunately targeted by the nine-tailed black fox, and after that, he met Lord Mu Shen.

As scenes from the past appeared in his mind, Xiao Tianji took a deep breath, and the trace of hesitation and hesitation in his eyes disappeared in the next moment.

"Heaven and earth are unkind, I laugh at the secrets of heaven, and I am also ruthless and righteous! Lord Shepherd, after today, everything will change!"

Xiao Tianji's eyes flashed with murderous intent.

Today, as long as Mu Wangchuan falls here, from now on, there will no longer be any Mu Shenjun, nor will there be any Valley of Evil.

The future will eventually belong to him!

(PS: Yes, the reason why Xiao Tianji killed Mu Shenjun in advance but did not disappear is because Xiao Tianji did it after Mu Shenjun saved himself three hundred years ago!)

Ten breaths!

Twenty breaths!

Thirty breaths!

The thin man (young Xiao Tianji) circled around the nine-tailed black fox crazily, constantly avoiding the tail of the nine-tailed black fox. The nine-tailed black fox became more and more angry, and stared at it with a pair of blood-red eyes. Slender man.

The next moment, the nine-tailed black fox seemed to have completely lost its patience. All nine fox tails swept towards the thin man, sweeping away like an overwhelming force.

"It's now!"

At the critical moment, Mu Wangchuan roared, and the rune array he arranged was finally successful.


Above the sky, muffled thunder rolled, and thunder fell from the sky one after another, striking hard on the nine-tailed black fox.


The nine-tailed black fox roared wildly, but unfortunately, it could not withstand the power of the thunder.


Finally, the huge body of the nine-tailed black fox fell heavily, and the ground trembled again.

"Fat man!"

The thin man flew towards the big hole where the fat man had been smashed into, and pulled him out of the hole.

At this moment, the fat man was already dying, but he still managed to save his life.

Mu Wangchuan also flew over, glanced at the fat man, and said calmly: "Don't worry, although the injury is serious, he won't die yet."

The thin man glanced at Mu Wangchuan, took a deep breath, and said solemnly: "Thank you!"

"My name is Mu Wangchuan, what's yours?"

Mu Wangchuan looked at the thin man and smiled lightly, "I don't mean anything else, I just admire the brotherhood between the two of you."

The thin man raised his eyes to look at Mu Wangchuan, and noticed the sincerity in his eyes, and said slowly: "My name is Xiao Tianji, and he is a butcher. As for brotherhood... I just don't want to owe him a life."

"It turns out to be Brother Tianji."

Mu Wangchuan looked at Xiao Tianji, and then his eyes fell on the Cooking Ox, "The Cooking Ox, could it be that Shura Demon Chef who enjoys cannibalism?"

"What? Do you regret saving the two of us?"

Xiao Tianji sneered, "Sure enough, everyone in the world is the same. Me and Bao Niu are both evil people on the bounty list. You are stronger than me and I am not your opponent. You can capture me to collect the bounty. I don’t blame you.”

"Hmph, I, Mu Wangchuan, will never regret anything I do throughout my life!"

Mu Wangchuan smiled casually, "What is evil? What is good? I only believe that what I see is two righteous men who have the same heart and heart! If you are evil people, I, Mu Wangchuan, will be willing to fight with you. Call me brothers and be a great villain for once!"

Xiao Tianji had a strange look on his face, but he was still wary of Mu Wangchuan.

Mu Wangchuan shook his head and smiled, "Brother Tianji, I have other things to do, so let's just say goodbye and see you later!"

After saying that, he flew away without looking back.

Xiao Tianji looked at Mu Wangchuan's back and murmured to himself, "Are there really different people in this world?"

He looked down at the fat man and lost his mind for a while, "Maybe..."

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