Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2434: Thousands of miles away! (2 updates)

"Yes, I always think that the second child...Xiao Tianji can still turn around!"

Lord Mu Shen coughed again and coughed out several mouthfuls of blood. He gritted his teeth and said, "No matter what, first...bring the third child back!"

"Don't worry, Master, leave this matter to me."

Ling Feng looked at Lord Shepherd, nodded and said.

"I'd better go."

But Chu Chaonan stood up and said, "Senior Brother Ling, you and Uncle Ghost Doctor are very skilled in medicine. You take care of the old man, and I'll bring Uncle Cook back!"


Ling Feng glanced at Chu Chaonan, with a trace of worry flashing in his eyes.

"Hey, Xiao Nanzi, it seems that the little lunatic thinks that you are not strong enough to protect yourself!"

Xiaoxiaoer on the side squinted and smiled, "That's all, let me accompany you for a while."

"That was not what I meant."

Ling Feng felt depressed for a while, shook his head and smiled, then changed the subject and said, "Okay, then your district will pick up Senior Cooking Saint, and Senior Ghost Doctor and I will be responsible for treating Master's injuries."

Chu Chaonan sighed softly, feeling depressed in his heart. When he first arrived in Yueling City, he and Ling Feng were on the same starting line, but this year, Ling Feng has far surpassed him.

It's a lot of pressure to be a fellow disciple with such a monster!

Having made up their minds, the two groups of people split up.

Ling Feng, the ghost doctor and others took the injured Mu Shenjun back to the previous cave to rest and heal.

As for Chu Chaonan, he, Xiaoxiao'er and Big Iron Hammer went to find Shura Cooking Saint. After rescuing Shura Cooking Saint, they returned to the cave to meet up.

the other side.

That Xiaotianji turned directly into a streak of blood, and in the blink of an eye, he had already escaped hundreds of miles away!


There was a flash of blood, and Xiao Tianji landed on a big tree that hugged each other. He leaned on the trunk of the tree, trembling slightly.


The next moment, Xiao Tianji Yangtian spurted out a mouthful of blood, and collapsed weakly, almost falling from the tree.

"why why!"

Xiao Tianji's eyes were full of anger and unwillingness.

After running out of tricks, he even used the Wheel of Stars to go back three hundred years ago, thinking he could change everything.

However, it failed!

And he gave up everything and worked hard to practice the "Blood Demon Secret Codex", but he was only able to tie with the Shepherd God!


In anger, Xiao Tianji punched the big tree, blasting out a huge tree hole that directly penetrated the tree from front to back, which only a dozen people could barely hug.


The big tree swayed for a while. The life of this dense tree had been cut off. It didn't take many steps before it would turn into a piece of rotten wood.

Xiao Tianji sat on the treetop and took a deep breath.

"Let's start over again. As long as I can get the "Illustrated Book of Divine Desolation", there will be a chance for everything!"

Xiao Tianji clenched his fists tightly. Even at this point, he was still unwilling to give up.

As Sledgehammer said, there was no looking back.

"Guiwu, it turns out that you have been lurking next to me for many years, just for the "Illustrated Records of the Divine Desolation"?"

At this moment, a voice, Leng Muding's, sounded.

Xiao Tianji looked back and suddenly saw a familiar face, and his heart suddenly thumped.

The Great Sage Golden Dragon!

"The Holy Lord misunderstood!"

Xiao Tianji forced himself to calm down and said: "My subordinate's intention is to find the "Illustrated Book of Divine Desolation" for the Holy Lord and help my demon clan to level the human realm!"

"Guiwu, no, I should call you Xiaotianji."

The Great Sage Jin Jiao smiled coldly, "Do you really regard me as a three-year-old child?"

The Great Sage Jin Jiao stared at Xiao Tianji and looked up and down, "I really didn't expect that the leader of the ten demon saints under me, the Ghost Mist Demon Saint, is actually a human being! If I hadn't had a sudden idea, I would have followed him. Come and take a look, I’m afraid you’re still in the dark to this day!”

"Xiao Tianji, you are so scheming! What a deep method!"

Xiao Tianji clenched his fists, knowing that he could not hide it, gritted his teeth and said: "Since the Holy Lord already knows everything, I will not hide it from the Holy Lord. At least for now, our purpose is the same. Now the three major sword houses of the human race Qi Zhi, there is also the Shepherd God who is blocking it secretly. I’m afraid it won’t be easy for the Holy Lord to get the "Illustrated Book of Divine Desolation"? "

The Great Sage Jin Jiao stared at Xiao Tianji, took a deep breath, and said slowly: "Go on!"

"We can join forces, you deal with the three major sword houses, and I'll deal with Lord Mu Shen! If you and I join forces, the "Illustrated Book of Divine Desolation" will definitely be in our pocket!"

Xiao Tianji grinned, "What do you think, the Holy Lord?"

The Great Sage Jin Jiao pondered for a moment, and the look in his eyes changed again and again.

Finally, the Great Sage Jin Jiao made a decision, his eyes were fixed on Xiao Tianji, and his murderous intent was blazing, "If you are not of my race, your heart must be different! Xiao Tianji, since you have been able to deceive me for hundreds of years, the depth of your scheming is terrifying. ! Even I don’t dare to take the risk of controlling this ambitious chess piece of yours! So, you’d better die!”

After all, the Great Sage Jin Jiao was a hero of his generation.

He knew that Xiao Tianji's strength was no longer inferior to his.

If you don't take his life now, I'm afraid that when he recovers, you may end up falling into his hands.

"The Holy Lord underestimates himself too much. With the Holy Lord's talent, Xiao Tianji and his sensibility bow down!"

Xiao Tianji's expression changed drastically, and when he saw the murderous intent in the eyes of the Great Sage Golden Dragon, he knew something was wrong.

"Hmph, what you say is better than what you sing! You can even betray Mr. Shepherd, how can you be willing to serve under me?"

The Golden Dragon Great Sage raised his palm, which turned into an extremely sharp dragon claw, and grabbed Xiao Tianji's forehead.


There was a crisp sound, and Xiao Tianji's head exploded like a watermelon, his brains bursting out, and the scene was bloody.

"Hmph, what kind of destiny is it? Human beings can only make these false names, and there is no real material!"

The Great Sage Golden Dragon laughed loudly, "Since it was a divine prediction, did you predict that you would die in the hands of my Great Sage Golden Dragon today?"

Suddenly, the laughter stopped.

Then Xiao Tianji's body suddenly shot out a blood arrow!

The blood arrow pierced the forehead of the Great Sage Jin Jiao, and then, an extremely condensed spiritual thought directly invaded the sea of ​​consciousness of the Great Sage Jin Jiao.

"Great Sage Golden Dragon, do you know what the last level of the "Blood Demon Secret Code" is?"

That ray of spiritual thought was none other than Xiao Tianji!

"Bloodlight is void, formless and formless! Do you think you can really kill me? You are so naive! It just so happens that that body has exhausted its energy and blood, so I can only abandon it, and your demon body is just right for it. Me! Since you are willing to sacrifice your life, I won’t be polite!”

"You want to take my demon body?"

The face of the Golden Dragon Great Sage changed drastically, "It's just you who dreams? Even you want to take over my demon body!"

The Great Sage of the Golden Dragon looked like he was crazy, and he kept swaying the demonic energy in his body, and bombarded the surroundings indiscriminately.

It's a pity that although the strong men of the demon race are extremely powerful physically and far surpass the human race of the same level, it is a pity that they are far behind in the cultivation of the soul.

In his defenseless state, Xiaotianji invaded his sea of ​​consciousness, and he was destined to have a tragic ending.

After a while, the "Great Sage Golden Dragon" calmed down again, with a sneer on his lips, "Mr. Shepherd, the next time we meet, it will be your death!"

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