Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2435 Your grandpa is very powerful! (3 updates)

Inside the cave, the bonfire swayed, the figures swayed, and the dry firewood made "cracking" sounds from time to time.

Ling Feng slowly pulled out the golden needles and retracted them one by one, while saying calmly: "Fortunately, Master has a deep cultivation level and did not damage the roots. However, it is best not to use Yuan Power within half a month."

Lord Mu Shen nodded slightly and exhaled slowly, "Boy Feng, thank you."

If it weren't for Ling Feng's extremely mysterious "Tai Xuan Acupuncture Technique", a conservative estimate would have been that he would have been unable to use force for three months.

Now, in just half a month, it is already great news.

"Xiao Feng, your acupuncture skills are really amazing. I don't know who created them. It's so amazing!"

The ghost doctor on the side also expressed admiration.

Although they are both doctors, the ghost doctor is more proficient in the way of poison, but poison doctors are not separated. The higher the poison skill, the higher the medical skill will naturally be.

"It's me...Grandpa!"

Ling Feng shook his head. Taixuan acupuncture was created by Ling Hanyang. Unfortunately, due to some reasons, the grandfather and grandson had some problems.

Ling Feng couldn't face Ling Hanyang, and Ling Hanyang couldn't face Ling Feng either.

Seeing the change in Ling Feng's expression, neither the ghost doctor nor the Shepherd Master continued to inquire further.

"Lao Liu, I have something to say to Feng Xiaozi alone."

Master Mu Shen glanced at the ghost doctor. The ghost doctor understood, nodded, stood up and walked out of the cave.

"Crack! Crack!"

After the ghost doctor left, the cave fell into a long silence, with only the sound of firewood crackling continuously.

It seemed that no one knew how to speak.

"Boss Feng..."

Finally, there was still no time to start the conversation first.

"Now that I think about some things carefully, I suddenly feel that many things may not be coincidences."

Lord Mu Shen stared at Ling Feng and said slowly: "I suddenly remembered something that happened when I was young more than three hundred years ago."


Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose and glanced at Mu Shenjun with a guilty look, "Master, what did you think of?"

"I remembered that three hundred years ago, it was also in this Mountain of Ten Thousand Beasts, when I first met Xiao Tianji and Bao Niu and rescued them..."

"Master, everything has passed, what else do you want from him!"

Ling Feng smiled and said, "Have a good rest and don't think too much."


Lord Shepherd shook his head, "This matter may have something to do with you! At that time, a mysterious man in black suddenly appeared and wanted to kill me, and at this critical moment, another mysterious man appeared! It was precisely because With his appearance, I escaped and survived to this day. Without that senior, there would be no Shepherd God today!"

"There are so many mysterious people! Haha..."

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose and looked around.

"When I saw Xiao Tianji's clothes today, I suddenly thought of a possibility! The man in black who attacked me back then might be Xiao Tianji today! He has returned to three hundred years ago!"


Ling Feng smiled and said, "This is a bit of a fantasy, but the power of time is also a rule in the world. Maybe it is really possible."

"Not possible!"

Lord Mu Shen said in a deep voice: "Today, Xiao Tianji has personally admitted it! He is indeed the man in black who attacked me! The senior who rescued me has actually revealed this to me."


Ling Feng felt a little faint in his heart. When he saw Mu Shenjun's eyes, he felt that he was very close to the truth.

"Yes, that mysterious man! I suspect..."

Lord Mu Shen stared at Ling Feng and said word by word: "I suspect that there is a great possibility that he is your grandfather!"


Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, then he breathed a sigh of relief and followed Mu Shenjun's words: " grandfather?"

"That's right!"

Mu Shenjun nodded, "From his figure and back, he is somewhat similar to you, and both have the same surname: Ling! However, he looks much older than you. If he is not your father, he is probably your grandfather! And His medical skills are also very good. You just said that your grandfather was the one who invented it, so I am sure that that person must be your grandfather!"


Ling Feng coughed a few times, "Listening to Master's analysis, it seems that this is really the case."

"Your grandpa is very powerful!"

The Shepherd gave a thumbs up, "I think he must have the power to predict the future. Let me tell you one thing, he even knows that I will accept you as my disciple in the future, and he also asked me to treat my disciple well. A little!”

"Haha... Then my grandpa is really awesome!"

Ling Feng smiled unnaturally. It seemed that he was overthinking. Lord Mu Shen did not guess that the mysterious man was actually himself in front of him!

But that's fine, let this harmless misunderstanding continue.

"It turns out that the fate between you and me, master and disciple, was already destined more than three hundred years ago."

Lord Mu Shen shook his head and smiled, "This fate is really wonderful sometimes. It's a pity that Yun Xi can no longer see the descendants of her benefactor..."


Ling Feng felt embarrassed. He had become his descendant. This feeling was really...

A little bit fucked up!

" she the master's wife?"

Ling Feng blinked and asked tentatively.

When he left, both Mu Wangchuan and Yun Xi were fine, but now Yun Xi is gone.

Could it be that something unexpected happened later?


Lord Mu Shen sighed softly. Judging from the vicissitudes and sorrow in his eyes, from the past Mu Wangchuan to the growth of today's Lord Mu Shen, there may be a lot of pain that he cannot imagine.

And it is precisely because of these pains that we have the undefeated divine king we are today!

It was precisely because of those experiences that he cherished that initial friendship even more.

"Master, I believe Xiao Tianji will come back."

Ling Feng looked at Lord Mu Shen and said solemnly: "He will definitely give up his obsession!"

"I hope so!"

Mu Shenjun took a deep look at Ling Feng and said, "You are the one who understands my thoughts best."

At this moment, there was a loud noise outside the cave, and Chu Chaonan's loud voice could be heard in the distance.

"came back!"

Chu Chaonan laughed loudly and said: "Smelly old man, I brought Uncle Cooking Saint back! Haha, finally Xiao Tianji didn't lie. Uncle Cooking Saint was just blocked in his cultivation and was not injured!"

Hearing Chu Chaonan's voice, Ling Feng and Mu Shenjun both breathed a sigh of relief.

The master and disciple looked at each other and showed a faint smile.

"I think he will come back."

Lord Mu Shen smiled lightly, "After all, he has not completely given up on the initial friendship! He will look back!"

(PS: The plot of the West Sword Domain is about to end, and the subsequent progress in the Xuanling Continent will be slightly accelerated. It will not be written one domain after another, so you can rest assured.

The frequent hints from ancestral dragons, gods, and gods are just to remind everyone: the fairyland is not far away! )

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