Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2439 An opportunity! (1 update)

"There is no longer any obstacle under the Xingyue Cliff. All forces are eager to try. Now, it is time to go to the bottom of the cliff to find out."

At this moment, a figure walked out from deeper inside the cave.

Astonishingly, it was Lord Mu Shen.

After a few days of recuperation, Mu Shenjun's condition has recovered to almost 10%. Although he is still far from his peak state, ordinary veteran saints cannot threaten him at all.

"Master! (Boss Mu!)"

Everyone's eyes turned to Lord Mu Shen. For so many days, they had been waiting for these words from Lord Mu Shen.

But at the same time, everyone was somewhat worried.

"Old man, your injury?"

Chu Chaonan glanced at Lord Mu Shen with a worried expression.

"It's okay."

Lord Mu Shen said calmly: "Besides, it's not me who is going, it's you guys who are going."

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, and in the next moment, he already understood the intention of Lord Mu Shen.

This matter is related to the ownership of "Illustrated Records of the Divine Desolation". The three major sword houses and the demon clan will inevitably send out a large number of masters.

Those old monsters who have been hiding from the world have probably quietly arrived at the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountains long ago. They only waited for the Divine Desolate Picture Record to be realized before they started fighting for it.

This will eventually become a battlefield for these veteran saints.

Instead of rushing to the bottom of the cliff to fight for it in the early stage, it is better to take this opportunity and wait for work outside Xingyue Cliff.

Of course, this is only for experts of his level.

I believe that the top experts among the three major sword houses and the demon clan will not take action immediately.

The one who rushes in front is only responsible for taking out the "Pictures of the Wilderness". The real decision on the ownership of the "Pictures of the Wilderness" depends on the victory or defeat between these veteran saints.

However, these leaders are not meaningless.

At least whoever grabs it first will have an advantage to a certain extent.

None of the people present were stupid, so they quickly understood the intentions of Lord Mu Shen. Chu Chaonan blinked and looked up at Lord Mu Shen, "Then when will we set off?"

"The sooner the better."

Mu Shenjun looked at Chu Chaonan, then at Ling Feng, and said slowly: "After you go down, it will be best if you can get it. If you can't get the Shenhuang Picture Book, there is no need to force it."

Being first is important, but whoever laughs last will laugh best.

Half an hour later, four figures appeared thousands of feet away from Xingyue Cliff.

These four figures were clearly Ling Feng, Chu Chaonan, Jun Jiuyou and Blood Demon Shou.

As for the others, they did not directly participate in the battle for the first batch, but worked with Lord Mu Shen to support them in the dark.

At this time, the surroundings of Xingyue Cliff, three floors inside and three floors outside, are already crowded with countless strong men from the human race and the demon race.

To the south of Xingyue Cliff are all human races, while to the north of Xingyue Cliff are all demon races.

Of course, there is a group of people in the demon clan camp who seem to be particularly blinking.

The person in charge is none other than the ancestor of the Long family.

After the Long family rebelled, they naturally got involved with the demon clan.

In addition, there was a deal between them and the Demon Saint of Ghost Mist, and they still had a cooperative relationship before the "Illustrated Book of Divine Desolation" was obtained.

However, a few days ago, the ancestor of the Long family suddenly lost contact with the Ghost Mist Demon Saint.

It seems that, inexplicably, the Ghost Mist Demon Saint has evaporated from the world.

However, what surprised him was that although the Ghost Mist Demon Saint disappeared, the demon clan did not seem to terminate the cooperative relationship with the Long family.

"Ancestor, why did the Ghost Mist Demon Saint suddenly disappear?"

Long Guihai, the head of the Long family, had a solemn look on his face and said in a deep voice: "That old ghost suddenly disappeared. Could it be that he is brewing another conspiracy?"

"It is possible, but now our Long family can only have a chance to return to Longjian Tianfu and take sole control of power by relying on this person!"

The ancestors of the Long family took a deep breath. Although they had betrayed the human race, history is often written by the victors.

As long as they take control of Longjian Tianfu, who would dare to mention today's betrayal?

"Gui Hai, you take people to the bottom of the cliff first to find out what's going on. Remember, if you can take it, take it. It doesn't matter if you can't take it. I think the Ghost Mist Demon Saint is already hiding in the dark, waiting for an opportunity. ”

The ancestor of the Long family took a deep look at Long Guihai and said slowly.


Long Guihai nodded. The goal of their Long family was not to control the Divine Desolate Picture Book, but to gain control of the Dragon Sword Heavenly Mansion.

Therefore, for them, it is not a big deal even if the demon clan gets the Shenhuang Picture Book.

In the face of selfish desires, they have completely abandoned their position as a human race!

At the same time, in the demon camp, a majestic man wearing golden armor sat upright on a bone throne, staring ahead without saying a word.

This person is none other than the Great Sage Golden Dragon!

Oh no, it should be said that it was the Great Sage Golden Dragon whose body was taken over by Xiao Tianji.

Relying on the majestic and pure power of the Golden Dragon Great Sage, Xiao Tianji not only quickly recovered from his injuries, but even improved to a higher level, truly cultivating the "Blood Demon Secret Code" to the point of perfect harmony. .

His eyes were a little hot.

The final battle is coming soon!

"Lord Mu Shen, you missed your last chance to kill me. This time, I will definitely make you doomed!"

Xiao Tianji clenched his fists tightly, but his face remained as calm as ever.

"Holy Lord!"

At this time, the Sky Demon Saint walked forward quickly, bowed to Xiao Tianji, and said solemnly: "The ten demon saints are all in place, but the Ghost Mist Demon Saint is the only one missing!"

"Okay, I understand."

Xiao Tianji nodded, sneering in his heart.

Ghost Mist Demon Saint, isn’t he himself?

However, now, he is already the "Golden Dragon Great Sage" and no longer the "Ghost Mist Demon Sage".

The Demon Sage of the Sky glanced at the "Great Sage" in front of him and felt a little strange in his heart. The Great Sage of the Golden Dragon was moody. If it had been normal, he would have been furious.

And now, he just said "I know" in such an understatement?

"Sky Demon Saint, you and Bai Ze Demon Saint will lead the elites of the clan and lead the battle for me!"

Xiao Tianji looked at the demon saint in the sky and another demon saint with a lion head and dragon horns, and said in a deep voice.

Demon Saint Bai Ze, with the blood of Bai Ze, has such strength that he ranks in the top five among the top ten Demon Saints!


The Sky Demon Saint nodded, flapped his wings, and went down to count the elite members of his clan.


Demon Saint Bai Ze also bowed, his eyes sparkling, "Bai Ze will definitely live up to the mission of the Saint!"

Similarly, in the One Moon Palace, Longjian Tianfu and Tianchuan Jianfu, the supreme masters of each sect also sent a group of elites to take the lead, but did not choose to go out directly in person in the first wave.

The three major sword palaces are basically led by the three sect leaders. Of course, the leader of Longjian Tianfu has died, so the acting leader Yu Wenyong is responsible for leading the team.

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