Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2440 begins! (2 updates)

Soon, all the forces, with about one or two hundred elites, climbed to the top of Xingyue Cliff. When all the forces met, they were all tense and full of smoke.

When Ling Feng and his party climbed to the top of the cliff, almost all the forces from all sides had arrived, and they were densely packed with people.

However, no one has taken the initiative to stir up trouble yet.

If you want to fight or kill, there will be plenty of opportunities later.

This battle is destined to be accompanied by a lot of bloodshed and sacrifice.

"It's Headmaster Xuanyuan!"

Ling Feng was behind the crowd and saw Xuanyuan Longteng and his disciples heading down the cliff from a distance. He remembered Xuanyuan Longteng more than three hundred years ago and couldn't help but shake his head and smile.

Soon, the first group of vanguards had basically arrived at the bottom of Xingyue Cliff.

Without the interference of the Star Wheel, with the strength of these emperor and saint realm experts, it is naturally a simple matter to explore a cliff.

However, the bottom of the Xingyue Cliff is countless times wider than imagined.

There were over a thousand people from all forces in total, but they didn't seem crowded at all when they gathered under the Xingyue Cliff.

Before that, some people had come down to investigate. There were countless interlaced caves at the bottom of the cliff, which were very complicated. Even for so many martial arts experts, it would be very difficult to explore them thoroughly. .

"Are you from the Long family?"

Among the thousands of people, Ling Feng and the others were almost negligible. In addition, they had always acted very low-key, so they did not attract the attention of others.

It was because of the appearance of people from the Long family that many powerful men from the three major sword houses despised them.

"Do they still have the nerve to come?"


Especially the strong men of Longjian Tianfu stared coldly at the people of the Long family one by one, wanting to peel their skin and cramp them.

Long Guihai snorted softly and ignored the ridicule and abuse from his former classmates. He walked up to Sky Demon Saint and Bai Ze Demon Saint with saliva on his face, and said with a smile: "Two Demon Saints, we are now considered Companion, I hope you two will take care of me."

"Easy to say, easy to say!"

Sky Demon Saint narrowed his eyes and smiled. Although he sincerely despised people like Long Guihai, the more spineless humans there were, the more beneficial it would be to the demon clan.

"Haha, thank you so much, sir."

Long Guihai chuckled, then turned back to look at the Dragon Sword Tianfu warriors who were insulting him, and sneered: "Did you hear that? If you have the guts, do it, come on! I want to see, there are two demon saints here Who dares to touch a hair on my face here!"


"Absolutely scum!"

A group of powerful human beings were scorned again.

Even the disciples of the Long family could not help but lower their heads, and some could not raise their heads.

It’s really…

Shame on you!

When Chu Chaonan saw this scene, he couldn't help but said: "That old guy's face is really thicker than the city wall!"

Ling Feng also shook his head. After all, Long Guihai was also the head of the family, and he didn't even have the slightest sense of shame.

However, this idiot still thought he had the antidote, but he didn't know that the toxins in his body were already accumulating deeper and deeper.

It won't be long before he dies, and his death will definitely be ten times, a hundred times worse than that of Dragon Sword Master!

"Okay, don't pay attention to this scum!"

Xuanyuan Longteng shook his head, turned around and left with the disciples of Du Yue Tian Palace.

Under the Xingyue Cliff, the terrain is complex and the area is vast. It is not easy to find the "Pictures of the Divine Desolation".

Instead of wasting time scolding a shameless scum like Long Guihai, it would be better to search for the location of the "Pictures of the Wilderness of the Gods".


Yu Wenyong also turned around and left with the disciples of Longjian Tianfu. The so-called scum was extremely shameless. No matter how much he scolded him, it was meaningless.

Time passed bit by bit.

Ling Feng and others were also searching for the person everywhere.

Soon, Ling Feng and his party arrived outside a valley that seemed quite quiet.

Under the Xingyue Cliff, the various terrains are extremely complicated. There are not ten, but eight valleys similar to this one.

The sun sets.

Ling Feng looked at the river valley in front of him. Under the sunlight, the golden setting sun was reflected, shining brightly, and he couldn't help being slightly stunned.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing Ling Feng stop, Jun Jiuyou and Chu Chaonan who were walking in front both looked back at him and found Ling Feng staring at the underground river in front of him, a little strange.

"The fluctuation of the power of time and space!"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes, pointed at the setting sun reflected in the valley ahead, and whispered: "There seems to be something weird in the reflection of the setting sun!"


Jun Jiuyou, Chu Chaonan, Blood Demon's hands and eyelids all twitched.

Although they could not feel the fluctuations of the power of time and space as easily as Ling Feng, they also faintly noticed that the image of the setting sun was indeed somewhat different.

This place is clearly under an abyss, and you can barely see the sky when you look up.

But why is the reflection of the sunset so clear?

"Wait and see!"

Ling Feng stared at the image of the setting sun and said slowly: "I suspect that this is the entrance to a certain space!"

Jun Jiuyou and others nodded. Ling Feng's guess was not unreasonable.

Time passed little by little.

The ice and snow melted, and in the river valley, the ice and snow melted, and the sound of gurgling water could be heard.

As the ice in the river valley breaks open, the shadow of the setting sun reflects on the water, reflecting sparkling waves.

What Ling Feng saw was that a golden light gate appeared under the river valley.

This is not a reflection of the sunset at all, but a mysterious portal!

At the same time, at the bottom of Xingyue Cliff, similar light gates were opened one after another in the underground rivers everywhere.

"This is the door to the secret realm!"

Those with sharp eyes immediately exclaimed when they saw this mysterious light door.

Soon, everyone noticed the light gate under the river valley, and everyone showed great excitement.

"Appeared, appeared!"

"The Illustrated Book of Divine Desolation is indeed about to be released!"

The demon saint in the sky raised his arms and shouted, "Let's go!"

The next moment, hundreds of sky monsters flapped their wings and jumped directly into the bottom of the river, rushing directly towards the light gate under the river valley.

"Let's go too!"

Not to be outdone, Demon Saint Bai Ze also charged forward with the elites of his clan.

Then, the three major sword houses, as well as some casual cultivators who were fishing in troubled waters, also took advantage of the chaos and rushed down.

In the river valley, countless passages were opened at the same time. Although there were thousands of people here, it did not seem crowded.

The battle for the Divine Desolate Illustration has thus begun.

"Let's go too."

Ling Feng and others turned around and glanced at Jun Jiuyou, then immediately jumped up and flew towards the mysterious light door.

Jun Jiuyou and others looked at each other, then spread their body skills and followed closely...

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