Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2453 Visitors from outside? (1 update)

The Immortal Altar constantly shuttled through the void, while Ling Feng took out the catalog of the gods and wilderness, allowing everyone to refer to it as they pleased.

After all, this is something that everyone brought together, so it is not inappropriate for everyone to review it together.

Although, he didn't think that such a simple observation for a while would be able to discover any secrets.

Gathering his mind, Ling Feng walked directly to a corner, sat down cross-legged, and began to practice the "Immortal Golden Body" left by the Immortal King.

The Ten Thousand Beasts Mountains and the swamp area.

This is also the southwest area of ​​Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain Range. Ten days have passed since the first group of vanguards entered the void passage at the bottom of Xingyue Cliff.

The void passages under the underground rivers have been closed. Even though everyone is eager to know who can finally bring out the Divine Desolation Catalog, as time passes, everyone begins to lose patience.

Except for a group of elites who were still standing guard near Xingyue Cliff, the powerful men from other major forces also returned to wait for the news.

And as long as someone comes out of Xingyue Cliff, with their speed, they will definitely be able to arrive as soon as possible.

Except for the group of disciples who stayed behind, most of the other warriors were relatively free. Occasionally, they could have their own time and look for some opportunities in the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain Range.

And this swamp area is a place that many disciples of the three major sword houses are very optimistic about.

Firstly, there are many spiritual flowers and grasses here, and secondly, it is not far from Xingyue Cliff. Once there is any news from Xingyue Cliff, they can return immediately.

"Look, there's a shooting star!"

Suddenly, a woman pointed to the sky and shouted.

"What kind of stars are shooting in broad daylight? Damn it, it must be a meteorite!"

The man's eyelids twitched wildly, and he quickly rushed to the woman beside him and sank into the swamp.


Then, a huge object descended from the sky, and the terrifying impact affected a hundred miles in radius.

After an unknown amount of time, everything calmed down.

Immediately some good people came forward to watch, but the lowered altar was surprising.

"Holy crap, is this a flying puppet from someone from outside?"

"What flying puppet? It's obviously an altar. Oh my god, is it an extraterrestrial demon?"

The warriors around were alert.

The extraterrestrial demons are not just imaginary. There are extremely detailed records in all the major regions of Xuanling Continent.

It can be said that in the ancient times, if the seniors of the human race had not worked together to defeat the extraterrestrial demons, the current Xuanling Continent would have become a slaughterhouse for the demons.

Human beings can only survive under the enslavement of the demons.

Is it possible that, after tens of thousands of years, those extraterrestrial demons have come again?

The smoke and dust gradually dissipated, and the warriors guarding outside finally saw the true faces of those "visitors from outside the world".

However, looking at their tense and cautious appearance, they all seemed to be facing a formidable enemy.

When they saw clearly that those "extraterrestrial visitors" did not seem to be extraterrestrial demons, they were obviously relieved.

The warriors carefully looked at Ling Feng and his party, and when they saw Zifeng, they all looked surprised.

A white horse with a single horn and a pair of huge wings. This is really weird!

"Hey, that person..."

Suddenly, the pair of senior brothers and sisters from Tianchuan Jianfu stared at Xuanyuan Longteng at the same time.

Although due to their status, they did not have much chance to get to know Xuanyuan Longteng, but after all, Xuanyuan Longteng was the leader of the three major sword alliances, so they naturally recognized this leader.

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