Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2454 Strong people gather! (2 updates)

"Isn't that Headmaster Xuanyuan?"

That day, the disciple of Sichuan Jianfu took a step forward and rushed forward to Xuanyuan Longteng, bowing to him, "Disciple Lu Yechang, please see Headmaster Xuanyuan!"

The casual cultivators and the disciples of the three major sword houses also gathered around one after another. After recognizing Xuanyuan Longteng, they also bowed to him.

Some strong demon clan men hiding in the dark quickly returned to report.

Xuanyuan Long has come out!

This also means that those who went to the bottom of Xingyue Cliff to find the Illustrated Book of Divine Desolation are finally back!

This group of people probably carry the Illustrated Records of the Desolate World on their bodies!

"No need to be polite!"

Although Xuanyuan Longteng looked embarrassed, he still maintained the demeanor of a headmaster. Seeing his ragged appearance, everyone just guessed that this headmaster Xuanyuan had gone through a lot of trouble while fighting for the Shenhuang Picture Book. An extremely brutal battle.

"Headmaster Xuanyuan, why don't you see the headmaster of Tianchuan Sword Mansion?"

Na Lu Yechang looked around the crowd, and except for Xuanyuan Longteng, it seemed that he didn't even see any warriors from the other three major sword houses.

When thousands of people entered, could it be possible that only a few survived in the end?


Xuanyuan Longteng hesitated for a moment, and then sighed softly: "Brother Yuchuan encountered an unexpected situation when he was looking for the catalog of Shenhuang..."

The bodies of Lu Yechang and the female disciple beside him were obviously stiff.

I never expected that even a strong man at the headmaster level would fall!

Suddenly, Longjian Tianfu and some casual cultivators asked about the whereabouts of others. Xuanyuan Longteng only sighed: "No more. Except for a few of us, all the people who entered the bottom of Xingyue Cliff to explore the catalog of Shenhuang before. It’s no longer possible to die!”


For a moment, everyone looked in disbelief. In the space under the Xingyue Cliff, what kind of Jedi could have such a huge casualty after a narrow escape?

At this time, figures were flying from all directions.

The supreme masters of the three major sword houses and the Golden Dragon Great Sage of the demon clan (now Xiao Tianji) also arrived at the scene with the other seven demon sages and the ancestor of the Long family, following closely behind.

When Ling Feng saw this formation, he couldn't help but shake his head and smile bitterly.

He had long thought that they would face such a situation once they returned to the outside world, but he did not expect that these people would arrive so quickly, so fast that he would not even have a chance to sneak away.

Xiao Tianji's eyes swept across the crowd, but he didn't see Long Guihai, and his brows suddenly furrowed.

"You useless thing, I passed the "Blood Demon Secret Book" to you, but it failed to accomplish anything and failed more than it did!"

Xiao Tianji originally thought that Long Guihai's chess piece would definitely play a huge role in retrieving the Shenhuang Picture Book for him.

But now it seems that Long Guihai is simply unable to hold up the wall with mud.

Waste is waste!

"Long Teng, what's going on?"

The Supreme Elder of the Xuanyuan lineage glanced at Ling Feng and his group, but when he saw that among the crowd, only Xuanyuan Longteng, a member of the Three Great Sword Houses, survived, his brows suddenly furrowed.

Although Xuanyuan Longteng survived, Xuanyuan Longteng was not the only elder who entered the Xingyue Cliff.

"The encounters in those void passages at Xingyue Cliff are really difficult to explain in a few words."

Xuanyuan Longteng sighed softly and said slowly: "But it turns out that the space connected to Xingyue Cliff is the legendary Shenyu Desert!"

"Godfall Desert?"

Everyone's expressions changed slightly, and they had obviously heard of this place.

According to legend, even gods can be buried here!

"Under the Shenyun Desert, there is a huge ancient city buried. Our crisis begins with this ancient city..."

Xuanyuan Longteng told a long story short, describing the immortal monsters in the Ancient City of Yuanyue, the underground world connected to the Immortal Altar, and all the encounters.

Of course, some details have been appropriately omitted.

Everyone was frightened when they heard this. They didn't expect that there was such a huge crisis under the Xingyue Cliff.

Fortunately, they were not the first group of vanguards. Otherwise, if it had been them, they would probably have narrowly escaped death.

Oh no, I'm afraid it will be a death without rebirth!

"So, you finally entered that underground alien holy land?"

The person who spoke was actually the Great Sage Golden Dragon (Xiao Tianji).

Xiao Tianji's eyes were fixed on Xuanyuan Longteng, and he said word by word: "I just want to know, have you people obtained the Shenhuang Picture Book?"

"Hmph, Great Sage Golden Dragon, who are you qualified to ask?"

The Supreme Master Xuanyuan snorted coldly and said with a disdainful smile: "All the elites sent by your demon clan have fallen. Even if the Shenhuang Picture Recordings are brought out, they were brought back by my human clan, and they should naturally belong to my human clan!"


Xiao Tianji sneered: "Old Xuanyuan, what you said makes no sense. Based on the words of Master Xuanyuan, who knows whether what he said is true or not. Maybe all the elites of our demon clan died in You humans are plotting against me!"

"After all, how have you demon clan ever been reasonable?"

Xuanyuan Longteng sneered, "What I said is true or false. In fact, it doesn't make much sense. But you may be disappointed, we did not bring out the Shenhuang Picture Book."


Xiao Tianji's expression changed, and all the powerful men present, including Zun Tai, also frowned.

After working on it for a long time, the Illustrated Book of Divine Desolation has not been born yet?

Of course, this was all the rhetoric that Ling Feng and the others had colluded with.

For the sake of fairness, Ling Feng made three rubbings of the pattern on the Shenhuang Catalog, and gave one to Xuanyuan Longteng, one to Jun Jiuyou, and the last to the Blood Demon.

In this way, everyone can be regarded as getting the secret of Shenhuang Picture Record.

As for which party can comprehend it, it depends on their own destiny.

As for their external rhetoric, they insisted that they did not bring out the Shenhuang Picture Book.

In this way, it may be possible to reduce the fight and avoid more bloodshed and sacrifices.

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