Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2455 Who dares to touch my disciple! (3 updates)

"Everyone, I am the young master of the Nine Nether God Clan. I swear that what Headmaster Xuanyuan said is true, and we indeed did not bring back any catalog of the divine wilderness!"

Jun Jiuyou also looked confident, and his acting skills were very realistic.

"Damn it, I don't tell you that you don't even know the situation at that time. In such a dangerous situation, it's lucky to save your life. What else is there to say about the Illustrated Book of the Desolate God?"

Chu Chaonan had an exaggerated expression on his face and cursed: "If I could choose again, I would never even step into that damn hell place again! Whoever wants to go can go!"

Although Blood Demon Shou stood aside without saying a word and with a cold face, his empty sleeves said everything.

The space connected to Xingyue Cliff is indeed full of dangers.

"What, you couldn't bring out the Shenhuang Picture Book in the end?"

"So many people have been sacrificed and such a big battle has been fought. It turns out that all is in vain?"

There was a lot of discussion on the field, and it was obvious that most people already believed Xuanyuan Longteng's words.

After all, Xuanyuan Longteng is also the leader of a faction, so he shouldn't tell such lies, right?

"Hmph, do you think I will believe your lies?"

Xiao Tianji looked up to the sky and laughed. He had already deduced it based on the Xiantian Yizi Gua.

Although the specific process cannot be predicted, the result he calculated is that the Illustrated Book of Divine Desolation will definitely be released!

In other words, these people must have brought out the Shenhuang Picture Book!

"Believe it or not!"

Chu Chaonan snorted, "Anyway, we have told the truth. If you are capable, you can go to that space by yourself and find out what's going on!"


Xiao Tianji was speechless. Now that the void channel has been closed, the next time it will be opened, who knows when.

And seeing that so many of them, the great saints and powerful men, were almost dead if they went down, who would dare to go down and explore easily?

"For me to believe you, unless you take out your spiritual rings and space magic weapons for inspection in public!"

Xiao Tianji stared at Ling Feng and his party and said coldly: "If you don't dare, it means you have something evil in your heart!"

"I'll check your sister's big head!"

Ling Feng glared sideways, stared at the "Golden Dragon Great Sage" and cursed: "You will check it as you say, don't I want to lose face?"

"Hmph, since you don't want to cooperate, then you have to use force!"

Xiao Tianji smiled coldly, "Come here, capture that kid first. I suspect that the Shenhuang Picture Book is on his body!"

For a moment, the seven powerful demon saints behind Xiaotian's aircraft all stared at Ling Feng with murderous intent.

Xuanyuan Longteng frowned, looked at Supreme Prince Xuanyuan, clenched his fists and said, "Ancestor, Ling Feng was once a disciple of my One Moon Heavenly Palace, can't he just be kidnapped by the demon clan?"

The Supreme Master Xuanyuan flicked his sleeves and said calmly: "Since he is an abandoned disciple now, he has nothing to do with me in the One Moon Celestial Palace."

This old guy clearly wants to stand by and watch.

After all, Ling Feng was not a member of the nine major families. It would be unwise to go against the demon clan for a little Ling Feng.

Moreover, he also doubted whether Ling Feng had a catalog of the divine wilderness hidden in his body!


Xuanyuan Longteng gritted his teeth. After so many years, these powerful men of the older generation still stubbornly stick to their sectarian views.

No matter how evil Ling Feng is, in their eyes, he is just an outsider after all.

It was like this with the Shepherd God back then, and it's the same with Ling Feng now.

"Jie, Jie, Jie... Boy, I advise you to hand over the things obediently, otherwise you will inevitably suffer the pain of your skin and flesh!"

A black shadow flashed, and a powerful demon saint with the body of a hawk and a human face spread his wings and flew out. A pair of sharp eagle claws had firmly locked on Ling Feng.

Ling Feng's expression changed slightly, and he activated the dragon-elephant divine power, preparing to strike back.


The next moment, a shocking scene appeared.

The figure of the harpy demon saint suddenly exploded in mid-air, turning directly into a cloud of blood mist, and died instantly on the spot.

"I want to see who dares to touch my disciple!"

An extremely majestic and slightly cold voice resounded from the void, from far to near.

Then, several figures were seen flying from the sky with a "swoosh".

Astonishingly, it is the top ten villains!

The person who took action just now was naturally Lord Mu Shen.


Ling Feng's eyes lit up, Master Mu Shen has finally arrived.


A trace of worry flashed in Ling Feng's eyes. Lord Mu Shen's injury may not have fully healed yet.

"Hahaha! The old man is here!"

Chu Chaonan showed a proud look on his face. With Lord Mu Shen here, let's see who dares to act rashly?

In his eyes, Mu Shenjun is synonymous with invincibility.

"Mr. Mu Shen!"

Seeing this familiar yet unfamiliar figure, Patriarch Xuanyuan's body trembled slightly unconsciously.

Three hundred years ago, this man actually fought to a draw with the nine ancestors of the One Moon Heavenly Palace, one against nine!

The so-called loss of half a move actually means that you can't count.

After all, nine of them, old ghosts who had lived for thousands of years, fought against a young man, and even joined forces to perform a sword formation. This was only half a victory. It was really not a glorious thing.

And today, three hundred years later, this monster has obviously become more powerful!

"Oh my god, it's Mr. Shepherd!"

The ancestor of Tianchuan Jianfu took a deep breath and felt a third of fear in his heart.

The ancestor of Longjian Tianfu also frowned deeply and began to think of various excuses to leave quickly.

You can't wade through this muddy water!

The situation on the field changed instantly with the arrival of Mu Shenjun.

Even though he has disappeared for hundreds of years, this powerful man who once made the powerful in the Western Sword Region fearful, when he comes again, he is still the king!

The king that people can only look up to!

"Hmph, Mu-Shen-Jun!"

Xiao Tianji clenched his fists tightly and stared at Lord Mu Shen coldly with a pair of hateful eyes.

"Even if it comes, it's just showing off!"

Xiao Tianji secretly sneered in his heart. He had a big battle with Mu Shenjun before, and both sides suffered severe internal injuries. He relied on the secret technique of the "Blood Demon Secret Code" to seize the demon body of the Great Sage Golden Dragon, and with the help of the Golden Dragon The great sage's qi and blood power quickly recovered, and his strength became even stronger.

As for Mu Shenjun, it is impossible for him to be thorough in a short period of time.

He forced himself to stand up for Ling Feng. Although he looked very domineering and scornful, in fact, he was just trying to show off his strength.

Seeing through this, Xiao Tianji smiled coldly, "Who do I know? It turns out that the owner of the Valley of Evil is here. However, even so, I will never give up the opportunity of Shenhuang Picture Record! Since you, Mu Gu If you think you can ignore me, the Demon Clan, then let me learn from Master Mu Gu! You guys, keep taking action and capture that kid!"

The remaining demon saints looked at each other and nodded. If the Golden Dragon Great Sage intervened to stop the Shepherd Lord, it would be more than enough for them to deal with a mere Ling Feng with so many great saint-level experts.

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