Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2456 Revealing identity! (1 update)

On the other hand, on the human side, the three major sword houses were all watching from the sidelines and had no intention of intervening.

If the Valley of the Wicked and the Monster Clan fight first and both sides suffer, they may have a chance to benefit.

Although Xuanyuan Longteng wanted to help Ling Feng, he had to bow his head in front of the ancestor of Xuanyuan's lineage.

In any case, Ling Feng is now a member of the Wicked Valley lineage. If he helps Ling Feng, it will be difficult for him to explain to the disciples and elders of Du Yue Tiangong.


With a sigh, Xuanyuan Longteng could only cast an apologetic look at Ling Feng, and immediately flew back to the camp of the One Moon Palace.

To the south of Chu, Jun Jiuyou and Ling Feng stood with their backs to each other, forming an angle, their eyes facing those powerful demon saints who were eyeing them eagerly.

Shura Cooking Saint, Xiaoxiaoer, Big Iron Hammer, Elizabeth and other villains also flew down and stood with Ling Feng and others.

"Lao Jiu, your arm..."

Shura Cooking Saint glanced at the empty sleeves of the Blood Demon's hand and couldn't help but frown.

"Not dead yet."

The Blood Demon raised his left hand, grasped it with five fingers, and sneered: "It's more than enough to kill a few demon clan's chickens and dogs!"

"Ha ha!"

Xiaoxiao'er laughed loudly, "Yes, if we have to fight, we in the Valley of Evil have never been afraid of anyone!"

"Hmph, let's give it a try!"

In the demon camp, a lion-headed man covered with golden hair roared, his eyes filled with blazing anger.

This demon saint is from the golden lion clan, has golden blood, and is the second-ranked existence among the ten demon saints.

The ten evil men faced off against the ten demon saints of the demon clan. Both sides were at war with each other, and the war was about to break out.

High in the sky, the Shepherd Lord walked in the air, staring at the "Golden Dragon Great Sage" opposite him from a distance.

The Xiaotianji also slowly rose into the sky, its momentum rising to the extreme.

After merging the bloodline of the Great Sage Jin Jiao, Xiao Tianji's "Secret Book of Blood Demons" has obviously reached the pinnacle of cultivation.

On the other hand, Lord Mu Shen, on his side, was seriously injured and had not yet recovered. If he forced a fight, he would probably suffer a big loss.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

At this moment, an extremely wild laughter pierced through the clouds and sky, resounding throughout the entire West Coast.

Everyone frowned and looked at the source of the laughter.

The man who was laughing wildly was none other than Ling Feng!

"Boy, why are you laughing!"

The demon saint of the golden lion clan stared at Ling Feng coldly, "You are about to die, and you can still laugh?"

"Huh huh, I'm laughing at you idiots from the demon race, you are so blind!" Ling Feng sneered and said calmly.


As soon as these words came out, the great sages of the demon clan were all furious. They incited the demon elements one by one, bared their teeth and claws, and rushed towards Ling Feng, tearing the arrogant boy into pieces.

"Damn it, Senior Brother Ling, how long has it been since this happened, and you are still causing hatred like this!"

Chu Chaonan rolled his eyes, "You can't wait to be reincarnated!"

Ling Feng glared at Chu Chaonan angrily, then raised his finger to point at the "Golden Dragon Great Sage" in the sky, and said coldly: "You brainless fools, you claim to be the top ten demon sages, but you just obey orders. A ghost who is neither human nor demon, isn’t he blind and blind?”

Although the Xiaotianji was well hidden, completely occupying the body of the Great Sage Golden Dragon and hiding all his aura, he could not hide it from Ling Feng's eyes!

The eyes of the emperor can see through illusions. No matter how well Xiao Tianji hides himself, the origin of his soul will not change.

Although I don’t know what’s going on, the golden dragon saint in front of me is simply a divine prediction of destiny and a secret of laughter!


All the demon saints looked at the "Golden Dragon Great Sage" in the sky with a hint of doubt.

After all, the various actions of this "Golden Dragon Great Sage" during this period of time are indeed somewhat uncharacteristic.

However, no one dares to doubt him, because he is the supreme Golden Dragon Sage of the demon clan!

However, after hearing what Ling Feng said, they suddenly realized that there might indeed be something wrong with the Great Sage.

Xiao Tianji frowned, snorted coldly, and glanced at the demon saints coldly, "Asshole, I am the Great Sage Golden Dragon. If it's fake, what are you idiots still doing in a daze? Why don't you take action! "


Ling Feng looked up to the sky and laughed, "Xiao Tianji, it's already this time, are you still pretending? If my guess is right, the real Golden Dragon Great Sage has been killed by you long ago. You took over his body, How about using the power of the demon clan to defeat both sides in the Valley of Evil? "Am I right?"

Ling Feng stared at Xiao Tianji and said coldly: "You can deceive others, but you can't deceive me!"


Those great sages of the demon race were not fools, they all had their own judgment, and all of them immediately stared at Xiao Tianji.

"Who are you!"

The demon saint of the golden lion clan stared coldly at the "Golden Dragon Great Sage" and had already become suspicious of his identity.


Xiao Tianji snorted coldly and ignored the demon saint of the golden lion clan. Instead, his eyes were fixed on Ling Feng and sneered: "Boy, I underestimated you a little. I didn't expect you to be able to see through my true identity!"


The expressions of all the demon saints changed, "You are indeed not a saint!"

Even Lord Mu Shen showed a hint of surprise. Even he didn't see through that the "Golden Dragon Great Sage" in front of him was actually Xiao Tianji.

If Ling Feng hadn't pointed it out, even he would have been kept in the dark.

Although the Great Sage Jin Jiao is strong, he still has some confidence, but Xiao Tianji is different. His "Secret Book of Blood Demons" is evil and weird. If you are not careful, you may fall into his trap. .

"Laughing Tianji!"

Mu Shenjun stared at Xiao Tianji coldly, secretly glad that Ling Feng had figured out his true identity.

"Your plan failed after all!"

Lord Mu Shen stood with his hands behind his back and said coldly: "Now, how are you going to deal with these angry monsters?"

"What did you do to the Holy Lord?"

"Damn it, how dare you pretend to be the Holy Lord and treat us like monkeys!"

A group of angry demon saints all flew into the sky, with anger surging in their eyes, and they all stared at Xiao Tianji.

Suddenly, the situation reversed.

No matter it is the Valley of Evil or the Monster Clan, they will never let Xiao Tianji go.


However, Xiao Tianji burst out laughing, "How could my plan be destroyed so easily!"

The next moment, Xiao Tianji stared at Ling Feng and snorted coldly: "Boy, I admit that you are indeed somewhat capable and can actually see through my true identity, but so what?"

He glanced at the powerful demon saints around him and said coldly: "Yes, I am not the Golden Dragon Great Sage, but you idiots, do you think you can rebel against me like this? Raise your right hands and take a closer look. Come on! I have planted the blood demon poison on you a long time ago. Whoever dares not to listen to my instructions will die!"

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