Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2457 There is only one battle! (2 updates)


Those powerful demon saints raised their arms one after another, and sure enough they saw a faint red mark.

"What, you don't believe it?"

Xiao Tianji smiled coldly and muttered words for a while, and then all the powerful demon saints hugged their heads and screamed.

It was as if there were countless ants gnawing deep inside their heads, causing their whole bodies to twitch in pain.


"My head!"

Those demon saints were shouting at each other, scratching their heads furiously, until their heads were bleeding.

Even a powerful demon saint could not resist such pain at all.

"Spare me! Spare...spare me!"

"I'm willing to encourage you!"

After a while, these powerful demon saints began to cry and beg Xiao Tianji to let them go.

Xiao Tianji snorted, then stopped chanting the curse, and sneered: "Humph, whoever dares to disobey my order will die!"

"No...don't dare!"

All the demon saints were trembling. Even though the Golden Dragon Great Sage was violent and cruel, he never used such methods to control them.

This Xiaotianji is simply more ruthless than the Great Sage Golden Dragon!

It’s also a hundred times more sinister!

The scene in front of them made everyone feel anxious again.

Ling Feng frowned, thinking that he could expose Xiao Tianji's identity and let those powerful demon saints point their fingers at Xiao Tianji.

In this way, without Xiao Tianji's minions and accomplices, one person would naturally not be able to achieve much.

But he never expected that Xiao Tianji would actually have such a back-up plan!

For a time, those powerful demon saints had to obey his orders.

I'm afraid it will be a tough battle next!

"Do it! Even if you die in battle, you must capture that kid!"

Xiao Tianji waved his sleeves, and the next moment, all the great sages of the demon clan swooped out, leading their elites to surround Ling Feng and the ten evil men with a numerical advantage of dozens or hundreds of times. live.

High above the sky, Xiaotianji also locked firmly on Lord Mu Shen.

"Master Mu Shen, it's time to completely settle the grievances between you and me!"

Xiao Tianji stood with his hands behind his back, staring at Xiao Tianji, and said word by word: "Today, between you and me, only one person can continue to live. And that person will definitely be me!"

"Boy, do you and I have to come to this point?"

Lord Mu Shen sighed softly. He always held on to a glimmer of hope, hoping that the Xiao Tianji of the past could come back, but now it seemed that Xiao Tianji was only getting deeper and deeper into trouble.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Xiao Tianji laughed like crazy and said, "Master Mu Shen, if you are still as merciless as last time, then wouldn't it be better to just stick out your head and chop it off with a knife, so that you can help me directly?"

"This time, it won't happen."

Lord Mu Shen shook his head and slowly drew out the sword from his waist.

"Very good, I have been waiting for this battle for a long time!"

Xiao Tianji laughed ferociously, and the next moment, the blood all over his body flashed, and the "Blood Demon Secret Code" was activated, and he ducked and suddenly rushed towards Lord Mu Shen.

"It looks like there's only one fight left!"

Ling Feng held the Ten Directions Destruction in his hand and looked at the high sky. Two figures, one gold and one red, collided rapidly, feeling a little worried in his heart.

Lord Mu Shen is injured after all, and this battle will be very unfavorable to him!

"Believe me, Boss Mu!"

Shura Cooking Saint gently patted Ling Feng's shoulder, took out a kitchen knife from his waist, looked at the demon saints who were eyeing him, and said solemnly: "We also have our own battle!"

"Boss Mu will definitely win!"

The sword flashed and he rushed directly into the demon army.

Xiaoxiao'er also grinned, touched his chubby bald head, a bloodthirsty light flashed in his eyes, "Today, I can finally kill to my heart's content!"

Since being subdued by Lord Mu Shen, Xiao Xiaoer has been following the principle of no more than three kills per day, and can only kill three people per day.

Today, in this battle of life and death, there is no need to abide by this rule.

With a low roar, Xiaoxiao'er transformed into Shura and rushed into the monster army, causing a bloody storm wherever he passed.

"Instead of worrying about Boss Mu, let's think about how to deal with the battle in front of us!"

Elizabeth's figure flashed, and she took out a long light pink silk ribbon. The long silk ribbon danced like thousands of arms waving out, and she also swooped down and killed.


Although Big Iron Hammer was silent, he still glanced at Ling Feng and said something to him before swinging the big hammer in his hand. The heavy hammer whipped up a strong wind, and the scene was even more spectacular than the other villains.

"It's his grandma's, kill enough first and then talk about it!"

Chu Chaonan roared, waved his long sword, and rushed out to kill them.


A cold light flashed in Ling Feng's eyes, and his killing sword intent exploded instantly.

Wherever the sword edge passed, the Demon Saint was like chopping up melons and vegetables, causing death and injury.

"Is this the strength of the Valley of Evil?"

The surrounding human warriors who were watching from the wall were all shocked.

This is completely, with the strength of less than ten people, it can hold back the monster clan's thousands of troops!

"He's actually so strong!"

Naturally, many disciples in the Duyue Palace knew Ling Feng.

After all, Ling Feng was a genius who once stirred up troubles and caused uproar in the One Moon Heavenly Palace.

Dongfang Chun and several hall leaders of the Eastern Alliance were also present at this time. Recalling the tit-for-tat confrontation with Ling Feng, it seemed like yesterday.

However, their strength is almost standing still, but Ling Feng is already able to stand in the midst of the monster army, with thousands of troops, as if they are in a deserted land!

His strength has far surpassed those of the so-called "Top Ten" by far.

"Alliance leader!"

The members of Lingyun Alliance also looked at that powerful figure with a hint of pride in their hearts.

Although the current alliance leader has become Xiao Juanyun, Ling Feng will always be the alliance leader in their hearts!

It’s a pity that he is now an “ancestor” after all. Anyway, the Valley of the Evil Ones can still be considered a human race. Our three major sword houses have been fighting against the demon clan and blocking them within the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountains. But now, the human domain in the Valley of the Evil Ones has The monster clan is fighting fiercely, but we are watching with cold eyes, which is a bit..."

Xuanyuan Longteng clenched his fists tightly, although for the time being, the Evil Man Valley side and the Monster Clan were fighting hard to separate each other, and the battle was almost a draw.

However, the number of monsters is hundreds of times greater than theirs. As time goes by, once the people here in the Valley of the Evil begin to tire, the consequences will be self-evident.


Ancestor Xuanyuan glanced at Xuanyuan Longteng and said in a deep voice: "Longteng, your talent is certainly the most outstanding among my Xuanyuan lineage. Given time, you will definitely be able to surpass me. However, you are too soft-hearted after all!"

"If you want to become a superior, the benevolence of women will only hinder your progress! Since there is a battle between the Valley of Evil and the Monster Clan, both of us will suffer losses. You and I can just sit back and watch. Look at the old foxes in Longjian Tianfu and Tianchuan Jianfu. , also with the same thoughts, why should we waste our combat power at this time. "

"But Ancestor..." Xuanyuan Longteng wanted to say something more, but Ancestor Bi Xuanyuan interrupted him coldly.

"No buts!"

Ancestor Xuanyuan's voice was a bit colder, "As long as the old man is still here, I will be the one who makes decisions in Xuanyuan's lineage. You can just obey my orders!"

Xuanyuan Longteng clenched his fists, looked at Ling Feng, and couldn't help but sigh: I'm sorry, Ling Feng, I can't help you anymore!

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