Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2458: Chess Piece? Abandoned Piece? (3 more)

A fierce battle ensued between the Valley of the Wicked and the demon clan.

And this war was almost reckless.

If it were the Golden Dragon Great Sage, he would naturally not make such a decision. He would have such a fierce and fierce battle with the Evil Man Valley side. Even if he barely won in the end, the demon clan would definitely be severely damaged.

But Xiao Tianji was not the Great Sage Golden Dragon after all.

Naturally, he won't think anything about the Monster Clan. To him, the Monster Clan is just a tool to use. As long as he defeats the Mu Shen Lord, he can easily obtain the Shenhuang Picture Book.

As for the life and death of the demon clan, he doesn't care.

The top ten villains are all powerful enough to fight one against a hundred. Even the top ten demon saint level powerhouses cannot get any advantage against them. They can only use the human sea tactic to consume their physical strength first.

After fighting hard for a long time, as expected, the ten evil men began to feel a little overwhelmed, especially the blood demon hand who had lost an arm.

Even so, under the brutal fighting of the demon clan regardless of consequences and casualties, the balance of victory gradually began to tilt towards the demon clan.

"Damn it!"

Ling Feng frowned. None of the three major sword houses actually had the slightest intention of taking action!

These old foxes!

Ling Feng cursed in his heart, but he couldn't change anything.

Although he has killed countless powerful monsters, compared to the overall number of monsters, they are still only a drop in the bucket.


At this moment, Xiaoxiaoer slapped several demon clansmen in front of him into meat pies with one palm, and then, a demon clan great sage ripped open five bloody wounds on his back with one claw.

Blood flowed out gurglingly, and the poison on the sharp claws instantly flowed with the blood and merged into Xiaoxiao'er's body.

In an instant, Xiaoxiao'er's face turned black, and he suddenly spat out a few mouthfuls of poisonous blood, his eyes slightly blurry.

In such a fierce and fierce battle, the speed of energy and blood flow was extremely fast.

The demonic poison flowed all over his body instantly. Even if he was a powerful saint, he could not be eliminated in a short time if he was corroded by the demonic poison.

"Jie Jie Jie!"

The person who sneaked up on Xiaoxiao'er was a snake-man demon saint. His whole body was covered with green poisonous scales. At first glance, he was a demon saint who was good at using poison. Xiaoxiao'er's whole body was shaking violently, and he was already starting to feel a little weak.


Ling Feng clenched his fists tightly and slashed several monsters in front of him with his sword. He jumped up and wanted to break out of the encirclement and go to help Xiaoxiao'er.

"where are you going?"

Suddenly, a cold voice sounded in his ears. Ling Feng froze, and his figure quickly retreated.

The next moment, he saw a gray-haired old man appearing in front of him.

This person is clearly the ancestor of the Long family!

This old bastard has indeed completely fallen in love with the demon clan!

"Old bastard, don't block the road!"

Ling Feng was in a hurry to rescue Xiaoxiao'er and had no intention of getting entangled with this old guy.

"Humph, it's useless. Can't you see the situation clearly? What's more, you are already in trouble, and you still want to save others?"

The ancestor of the Long family, Jie Jie, laughed strangely, "Boy, answer me a few questions, and I can give you a good time!"


Ling Feng glared angrily, and the killing sword domain instantly opened, "Anyone who stands in my way will die!"

In a rage, Ling Feng struck out with his sword. When he drew out his sword, his whole body was instantly covered with golden hair!


The two swords clashed, and there was a loud noise, like thunder on the ground, directly exploding a huge pit in the surrounding area.

With the divine power of two hundred dragon elephants, coupled with the power erupted from Chaos's real body, he was able to force the ancestor of the Long family back with just one sword blow.

"Deng Deng Deng!"

The ancestor of the Long family stepped back more than ten steps before regaining his balance and staring at Ling Feng with a look of horror.

This boy's power is actually so terrifying?

"However, it's still too tender!"

The ancestor of the Long family snorted coldly, "It's still too early to rely on brute force alone!"

The ancestor of the Long family roared, pushing the power of the saint to the extreme, "Boy, let me let you know the true strength of the powerful saint!"

For a moment, there seemed to be hundreds of divine dragons circling around the ancestor of the Long family, each roaring and roaring, erupting with rolling dragon power.

The next moment, dragon-shaped phantoms flew out from around the ancestor of the Long family and attacked Ling Feng with their teeth and claws.

Boom boom boom!

Wherever it passed, the earth was cracked, and the entire space seemed to be shattered under the terrible pressure.

Although the veteran great sage like the ancestor of the Long family is still far away from the level of the golden dragon great sage, Ling Feng still cannot ignore him when he explodes with all his strength.

"Eight Swords in One!"

Under the strong threat, Ling Feng could only resort to the Heaven-Destroying Sword Technique, bite the bullet and fight head-on.

At the same time, Xiaoxiao'er was already paralyzed to the ground by the evil poison.

Although the Shura Cooking Saint and others around him wanted to help, they were all blocked by the powerful Demon Saint and were unable to arrive in time.

"Jie Jie Jie!"

The snake-human demon saint stretched out his long scarlet snake, licked the remaining blood on his nails, and said with a ferocious smile: "The Smiling Killer Xiaoxiaoer, that's all!"


With a loud noise, the snake-human demon saint swung his extremely thick tail and slapped Xiaoxiao'er's chest heavily.


Xiaoxiaoer spurted out a mouthful of blood. The tail of your snake-human demon saint almost broke all the bones in his chest, and his internal organs shrank in pain.

"Isn't this okay?"

The Snake Demon Saint laughed wildly, twitching the snake's tail repeatedly, and slapped Xiaoxiao'er like a violent storm. Xiaoxiaoer was almost knocked unconscious by the whipping. He knew that his life was probably at stake.

However, in this life, being able to meet Boss Mu and the brothers from the Valley of the Evil Ones has already made this life worthwhile!

"Old Ten!"

"hold onto!"

The other villains roared hysterically one by one, trying to drive away the opponents in front of them. However, the more anxious they became, the more powerful demon saints they were able to seize the opportunity.

The reason why the snake-human demon saint did not directly kill Xiaoxiaoer, but tortured Xiaoxiaoer in such a cruel way, was to anger other people.

Once they lose their composure, it won't be long before they are all wiped out!

The Valley of the Wicked will be completely eliminated today!

"Hey hey hey!"

The ancestor of the Long family sneered, "How about it, boy, now do you understand the gap between you and me! You are still too young!"

The ancestor of the Long family stared at Ling Feng, and the blow just now directly caused Ling Feng to spurt out blood.

I saw that Ling Feng's clothes were in pieces, blood was flowing from the corner of his mouth, and his tiger's mouth was directly split open. He held the palm of Shifang Destruction and trembled slightly.


Ling Feng wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth, but he looked up to the sky and laughed.

"Huh, why are you laughing?"

The ancestor of the Long family was surrounded by the power of the saint, "Today, you are bound to die, so please obediently hand over the Shenhuang Picture Book!"

"Hmph! I'm laughing at you and Long Guihai, these two idiots, idiots! From the beginning to the end, you have been fooled by Xiao Tianji, but you don't even know it!"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and smiled: "You are the best among idiots. Do you think Xiao Tianji really gave Long Guihai the antidote? Let me tell you, Long Guihai died of Xiao Tianji's poison Yes! Do you really think you can gain anything by cooperating with him? In fact, you are just his pawn! No, you are not even a pawn, at best, you are regarded as an abandoned piece, because from the beginning, he didn’t care at all. Fuck you two, you losers!”

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