Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2459 Old coward! (1 update)

"Boy, what did you say?"

The ancestor of the Long family was furious and stared at Ling Feng with his cold gaze, like a wild beast that chose to devour anyone.

"Calling you stupid!"

Ling Feng smiled and said, "Now it seems that you are not only stupid, but also have old eyesight, dizziness, and deafness, and you can't even hear clearly!"

"Boy, you are looking for death!"

The ancestor of the Long family was so angry that the three corpse gods jumped. As the supreme ancestor of the Long family, how many people in the world dare to talk to him like this?

"Hmph, why, you know that you are no match for Xiao Tianji, so you only dare to come to trouble me?"

Ling Feng sneered, "Do you dare to question Xiao Tianji face to face, whether he has detoxified that idiot Long Guihai? Do you dare? You are just an old waste who bullies the weak and fears the strong! Hum, you are cowardly and stupid, If it were me, I would have buried myself in a hole long ago!"

"you you!"

The ancestor of the Long family was so angry that he was shaking all over. Ling Feng's words were not cruel, they were almost heart-breaking!

"What are you? An old coward like you is not worthy of being my opponent. Get out of here. I, Ling Feng, never bully mentally retarded patients!"

Ling Feng squinted and smiled, but glanced at Xiaoxiao'er from the corner of his eye. The great sage of the snake people, Xiaoxiaoer, had almost lost half of his life to the torture. If he continued to delay, he would probably die.

"What the hell, you fart!"

The ancestor of the Long family roared, and the next moment, his body turned into a rainbow, soaring straight into the sky, flying straight in the direction of Xiao Tianji, and at the same time roared loudly: "Xiao Tianji, how dare you lie to me!"

Under Ling Feng's repeated irritation, the old guy finally lost his mind and wanted to confront Xiao Tianji.

"I'm sorry, I just said something wrong. You are not a coward. Come on, don't come back until you have an explanation with Xiao Tianji!"

Ling Feng yelled at the back of the ancestor of the Long family, and silently added in his heart: It's best to fight and lose both sides!

Then, he immediately deployed his body skills and quickly rushed to Xiaoxiao'er's aid.

"Take a hit from me, Xuantian Poyun Sword!"

With a roar, Xuantian's sword power exploded. This set of swordsmanship was worthy of being the supreme swordsmanship in the Immortal Realm. The terrifying power was released everywhere. Dozens of the monsters surrounding Xiaoxiaoer were instantly choked by the sword energy. The sky is filled with blood foam.

The snake-man great sage's eyelids twitched slightly, but he did not dare to take the edge lightly. The rolling demonic energy condensed into a protective aura, blocking Ling Feng's blow, and stared at Ling Feng with his cold eyes.

"Human beings are indeed unreliable!"

The Snake Man Great Sage snorted coldly, obviously referring to the ancestor of the Long family.

Ling Feng lowered himself to help Xiaoxiao'er, only to see that his whole body was stained red with blood. He didn't know how many bones in his chest were broken. There was too much air coming out and little air coming in. He even had no strength to open his eyes.

"Senior, I'm here!"

Ling Feng quickly took out a golden needle to seal Xiaoxiaoer's heart veins to prevent the evil poison from attacking her heart. At the same time, he took out some spiritual liquid that restored Qi and blood and fed it to Xiaoxiaoer.

"Cough cough cough..."

Xiaoxiaoer coughed violently, coughing up all the spiritual liquid mixed with blood.

"Little... little madman..."

Xiaoxiao'er trembled all over and said extremely weakly: "Don't worry about me, I...I can't do it anymore..."

"No, you'll be fine. Don't say such depressing words."

Sweat was pouring from Ling Feng's forehead. Xiaoxiao'er's condition was very bad. The external injuries were secondary, but the poison from the Great Sage of the Snake Tribe had invaded Xiaoxiao'er's limbs and bones. This was the most critical issue.

At this moment, it was impossible for those demon clans to give him time to devote all their efforts to treating Xiaoxiao'er.


The snake-man saint laughed ferociously, "That's all, I'll capture you myself!"


The sound of breaking wind sounded, and the great snake man's tail swept across, like a soft whip, and slammed down on Ling Feng's head.

Ling Feng grabbed Xiaoxiao'er and flew to dodge the blow. Immediately afterwards, strong men from the demon clan came from all directions and attacked him with their teeth and claws.

"Get out of my way!"

Ling Feng held the sword in one hand and grabbed Xiaoxiao'er with the other. With a sweep of the sword, he drove away the demons that were entangled. A vertical pupil suddenly opened between his eyebrows.

"Asura's Demonic Eye!"

Ling Feng knew that Xiaoxiao'er's injury could not be delayed any longer, so he could only open the Asura Demonic Eye and use the power of the Asura Demonic Eye to summon the Bleeding Shadow Guard to carry the enemy for him.

Swish, swish, swish!

In a moment, blood-colored shadows condensed, and each blood shadow guard had almost the same power as Ling Feng.

A total of forty-nine blood shadow guards appeared around Ling Feng in an instant, with protective wings beside him.

"Kill me!"

Ling Feng gave an order, and the Blood Shadow Guards immediately centered on Ling Feng and began to attack all around, leaving a bloody mess wherever they passed.

Integrating the power of Asura, every Blood Shadow Guard is extremely bloodthirsty. The Asura clan is the best at fighting and the most warlike race among the demons.

"What's happening here?"

The snake-man great sage's eyelids twitched wildly. He thought that Ling Feng was already a turtle in the urn, but suddenly, so many powerful subordinates appeared?

Each of those Blood Shadow Guards is modeled after Ling Feng. Except for some special abilities, they are almost identical to Ling Feng himself.

A total of forty-nine peaks appeared, enough to sweep a large area.

With those blood shadow guards guarding Ling Feng, Ling Feng finally found an opening and used Taixuan acupuncture to first suppress Xiao Xiao'er's injuries, and then sent Xiao Xiao'er into the Five Elements Heavenly Palace and handed it over to Xiaodie to be sucked away. The poison in Xiaoxiao'er's body.

In this way, Xiaoxiao'er was finally able to save a small life.


The Snake Man Great Sage saw that Ling Feng was able to heal Xiaoxiao'er under the protection of the Blood Shadow Guards. He became furious and led the snake man clan's elite to attack frantically.

However, the forty-nine Blood Shadow Guards are enough to withstand thousands of troops!

After sending Xiaoxiao'er into the Five Elements Heavenly Palace, the Blood Shadow Guards around Ling Feng instantly dispersed and dispersed around the battlefield to join up with other masters from the Valley of the Wicked.

Suddenly, with the addition of Blood Shadow Guards like Ling Feng who were not afraid of death and could infinitely condense, the entire battle was leveled again by Ling Feng!

Using one person's power to turn the world around, this move almost made everyone in the three major sword houses look stupid!

"What power is this?"

The ancestor of the Xuanyuan lineage narrowed his eyes and summoned so many clones to fight for him in an instant, and their power was almost the same as the original body.

This kind of ability is too outrageous, right?

"This child has grown to such a terrifying level!"

Lu Xuanji of Longjian Tianfu was also horrified. He had heard about Ling Feng's "glorious deeds", but he never thought that this young man could be so powerful.

The Supreme Ancestor of Tianchuan Jianfu also felt a wave of shock in his heart.

Ask yourself, even if it were these old guys joining the battlefield, their effect would probably be just this.

This boy is truly outrageous!

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