Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2460 The Principles of Evil! (2 updates)

the other side.

The ancestor of the Long family rushed to the sky like crazy, straight towards Xiao Tianji.

At this moment, Xiao Tianji and Lord Mu Shen are locked in a fierce battle. The strength of the two is already about the same as the others. Although Lord Mu Shen is still injured, Xiao Tianji is also unable to deal with the demonic body of the Great Sage Golden Dragon. Not familiar enough to maximize power.

In less than half an hour, the two had already clashed no less than a hundred times.

"Hmph, Lord Mu Shen, you will eventually be defeated by me!"

Xiao Tianji sneered, the blood all over his body flashed, and the blood demon secret code was already activated to the extreme.

After a series of fierce battles, he became more and more proficient in controlling the body of the Golden Dragon Monarch, but the injuries of Lord Mu Shen became more and more serious.

The longer one goes, the more disadvantageous it will be to Mr. Mu Shen.

At this moment, blood was bleeding from the corner of Mu Shenjun's mouth, and his expression was extremely solemn.

Ever since he was promoted to the Saint level and became known as the "Invincible God King", he had never been in such a tough battle.

At this moment, an uninvited guest suddenly arrived.

The person who came was none other than the ancestor of the Long family.

The old man was so enraged by Ling Feng that he went to Xiao Tianji directly to ask for an explanation.

"Xiao Tianji, how dare you lie to me!"

The ancestor of the Long family stared intently at Xiao Tianji, with murderous intent bursting out of his eyes.

"Long Daoxuan, why are you so crazy!"

A cold light flashed in Xiao Tianji's eyes. At this critical moment, a guy actually came out to disrupt the situation.

Although Long Daoxuan's strength is still one level behind him, if Long Daoxuan really fights to the death, he will definitely consume a lot of his energy.

In this way, it may not be possible to win a battle with Mu Shenjun.

"Hmph, you know what you're doing!"

The ancestor of the Long family seemed to have hundreds of dragons roaring around him, and dragon-shaped shadows circled around him, ready to go.

"Let me ask you, do you really think the antidote you gave Guihai is?"

The ancestor of the Long family roared: "From the very beginning, you planned to abandon Guihai, right?"

Lord Mu Shen on the side also paused his attack. Seeing the crazy look of the ancestor of the Long family, he thought to himself: That brat is really powerful. He actually provoked the old man Long to come directly to trouble Xiao Tianji!


Xiao Tianji glanced at the ancestor of the Long family, "Long Daoxuan, have you finally discovered it? That's right, you two idiots who are wishful thinking don't need to think about it. Since you want to get power, you must pay some price, otherwise, How do you think Long Guihai, that loser, suddenly became several times stronger in a short period of time?"


Long Guihai stared at Xiao Tianji angrily, "You actually treat Guihai as an abandoned son!"

"Humph, not only him, but also you, grandson and grandson, are all useless, just two discarded sons!"

Xiao Tianji smiled disdainfully, "Now that you know, get out of here, otherwise, I won't mind killing you with my own hands!"

"You bastard, you look down on me, Long Daoxuan, too much!"

The ancestor of the Long family roared angrily, "I'll let you know that my Long family's "Nine Dragons Supreme Kung Fu" is definitely not in vain!"


At the same time, the dragon-shaped shadow hovering around Long Daoxuan looked up to the sky and roared.

The phantoms suddenly became more condensed, as if they were real dragons, sweeping towards Xiaotianji.

Suddenly, hundreds of dragons took off, and the scene was extremely spectacular.

Master Mu Shen took this opportunity to seize the time to adjust his vitality. He knew that the ancestor of the Long family was no match for Xiao Tianji, but he could at least delay it for a moment.

"The Supreme Kung Fu of Nine Dragons? I think it's the useless Kung Fu of Nine Snakes!"

Xiao Tianji stood with his hands behind his back, flicked his sleeves, and crushed the true dragon energy directly into pieces. He stared at the ancestor of the Long family coldly and said in a cold voice: "I will give you another chance to get out, otherwise, you will die!"

Long Daoxuan clenched his fists tightly. He didn't expect that he would burst out with a killing move, but Xiao Tianji would easily resolve it!

"Hey, I can't stand it anymore!"

Lord Mu Shen sneered, "Long Daoxuan, if you just leave in such a dejected manner, stop being an ancestor of the Long family and just shrink back to your Long family and become the old turtle of the Long family!"

"Nonsense, who said I was leaving!"

Long Daoxuan has lived for a long time, and naturally he cares about face the most. Being so provoked by Mu Shenjun, his original intention to quit suddenly dissipated, and he was ready to fight Xiao Tianji to the end.

"The real dragon goes to sea!"

"Crazy Dragon Dance!"

The ancestor of the Long family exploded wildly, directly burning his original essence and blood. The dragon-shaped shadows around him, nourished by the power of his essence and blood, condensed a bit again, and even exuded billowing dragon power.

However, this old guy still had a guilty conscience and did not dare to rush up to confront Xiao Tianji. He only dared to hide far away and throw out streams of true dragon energy in the distance, constantly harassing Xiao Tianji.

Xiao Tianji was tired of being entangled by the ancestor of the Long family. With a roar, he activated the power of the blood demon and suddenly lunged forward. With a flash of blood, he stepped in front of the ancestor of the Long family and struck out with one claw to crush Long Dao. Xuan's head.


At this moment, a wisp of finger wind came out, Xiao Tianji's expression changed, and he quickly retreated from Baizhang.


The void collapsed, and as the wisp of wind passed by, a huge mountain in the distance was directly penetrated by a huge hole!

The ancestor of the Long family suddenly broke out in a cold sweat after saving his life, trembling all over, and looked at Lord Mu Shen in astonishment.

He never expected that Lord Mu Shen would actually save his life.

"Long Daoxuan, although you are a bit stupid, you finally came to my rescue just now and helped me resolve a crisis. I saved you once. We don't owe each other anything."

Lord Mu Shen stood with his hands behind his back and said slowly: "You should leave quickly. It is best not to be enemies with my people in the Valley of Evil anymore. Otherwise, if I go back, I will be the first to take your life!"

Long Dao

"Lord Mu Shen, do you even want to save him?"

Xiao Tianji stared at Lord Mu Shen coldly, "Are you too sorry for the name of the Master of the Valley of Evil?"

"The evil person I want to be is someone who enjoys grudges and has no restraints, but that doesn't mean he has no principles."

Lord Mu Shen glanced at Xiao Tianji and said word by word: "Come on, keep dragging it on. Although I will definitely lose, at this moment, I still have the capital to fight for victory! Xiao Tianji, with your arrogance, also I want to know who is stronger between you and me, right?"

Lord Mu Shen knew very well that he had to make a quick decision.

"Huh, Mu Shen-kun, you don't have to say anything to provoke me!"

Xiao Tianji snorted coldly, "Come on, use all your strength!"

Xiao Tianji was naturally paying attention to the situation below. Ling Feng suddenly broke up the entire battle. Not only did Lord Mu Shen want to make a quick decision, but he also had to make a quick decision.

Only by taking action himself can Ling Feng be suppressed and this melee resolved!

And the Shenhuang Picture Book must be in his pocket!

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