Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2461 The Battle of the Holy Lord! (3 updates)

As Xiao Tianji's words fell, both of them seemed to fall into silence, but their momentum was rising steadily.

They all know that this is the final blow!

The outcome of this attack will determine the outcome of the entire battle.

The battlefield below.

Ling Feng used forty-nine Blood Shadow Guards, plus the masters from the Evil Valley, to forcefully hold back the demon clan's thousands of troops.

After all, Ling Feng's Blood Shadow Guards are almost immortal. As long as Ling Feng continues to supplement them with the power of Asura's Demonic Eyes and the power of Qi and Blood, those Blood Shadow Guards can be re-coagulated even if they are directly crushed into pieces. forming.

A chaotic war broke out, and the entire Western Great Swamp was almost turned into a sea of ​​blood.

The three powerful swordsmen who were watching with cold eyes had already retreated thousands of feet away.

Ling Feng was covered in blood and maintaining forty-nine Blood Shadow Guards was undoubtedly a huge drain on him.

The Asura Demonic Eye on his forehead was almost dim due to excessive overdraft, and seemed to be about to close at any time.

But he knew very well that once those Blood Shadow Guards disappeared, their side would definitely be defeated.

Whether it was Chu Chaonan, Blood Demon Shou, or even the strongest Shura Cooking Saint, they were already out of breath and weak.

If it weren't for the help of the Blood Shadow Guards, they might not be able to hold on any longer.

After all, what they have to face is an enemy a hundred times their size, and there are also ten demon saints whose strength is comparable to theirs.

It is already very difficult to persist to this point.

There were shocking wounds on their bodies. After fighting until this moment, not only them, but also the demon clan began to feel a little exhausted.

"This is!"

Suddenly, everyone's eyes turned to the sky.

Two extremely terrifying auras converged into two pillars of light, one gold and one red, which seemed to penetrate the Nine Netherworlds, connect the heaven and earth, and divide the entire world into two distinct spaces, one gold and one red.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and trembled under the terrifying aura.

Even strong men like Shura Kitchen Saint or the Demon Saint of the Golden Lion Clan felt a tremor coming from their souls.

"Are they going to have a showdown?"

The face of the snake-human demon saint changed slightly. Originally, they thought it would not be an easy task to deal with the less than ten people in the Valley of the Evil with the demon clan's thousands of troops.

But unexpectedly, this bone was much harder to chew than imagined.

"I'm afraid so!"

The Golden Lion Demon Saint took a deep breath, raised his arms and shouted loudly: "Everyone, retreat!"

The momentum alone is already so terrifying that if there is a real confrontation, the aftermath of the impact of power will probably spread to a space hundreds of miles around.

If they continue to fight below, they may all become cannon fodder.

They, the powerful saint-level warriors, may still have some means to save their lives, but other demon clans may suffer countless casualties.


Ling Feng also accepted the Blood Shadow Guards and gathered together with the other villains. He looked up at the sky, took a deep breath, and chose a direction to retreat.

As for the three major sword houses and those casual cultivators who wanted to take advantage of the troubled waters, they had already retreated far away. Feeling the two terrifying auras, they all retreated again and again, almost to the outside of the Western Great Lakes.

Ling Feng and the other masters from the Valley of the Evils retreated a hundred miles away before stopping. However, the terrifying aura high in the sky almost completely enveloped this place.

"It's scary. What level are Xiao Tianji and Boss Mu already at?"

The blood demon hand was stunned for a while. Even though he fought hard with the masters of the demon clan and almost narrowly escaped death, he was not frightened like this.

However, the auras emitted by Mu Shenjun and Xiao Tianji made his calves still tremble slightly.

"I'm afraid I've reached the pinnacle of the Great Saint level!"

Shura Kitchen Sage took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "In the Nine Transformations Realm, the first three levels are the primary level, and after the fourth level, you can be called a great saint. And if you break through the seventh level, you can achieve the honorable status and be called a saint. Powerful man! The Great Sage of the Golden Dragon, who has dominated the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Realm for thousands of years, is probably very close to the critical point of being a saint. Now that Xiao Tianji has taken away his body, he may have taken the final step to become a saint!"

"As for Boss Mu..."

Shura Cooking Saint said slowly: "After the last battle with Xiao Tianji, although Boss Mu was seriously injured, he was a blessing in disguise. It seems that he has already taken that step once he became enlightened."

"No wonder there was thunder and lightning in the past few days. Now that I think about it, I'm afraid it's Boss Mu and Xiao Tianji who suffered seven-fold and nine-turn disasters! Both of them have actually reached the realm of the Holy Lord!"

Xiaoxiao'er said with a shocked expression.

This guy thought that he would definitely die, but he didn't expect that he could still save a small life. Although he was weak at the moment, the toxins in his body had been completely resolved by Xiaodie, and there was no longer any fear for his life. (PS: Among the top ten villains, Ghost Doctor has limited combat power, so he did not participate in this battle.)

"A battle between two great saints..."

Ling Feng took a deep breath. With his current strength, even if he exploded with all his strength, he would at best be able to compete with the great saints at the sixth level of the Nine Transformations Realm.

But it is still difficult to defeat such strong men head-on.

As for the Holy Lord at the seventh level of the Nine Transformations Realm...

Alas, I am still a little far away from this level after all.

Not to mention, above the Holy Lord, there is also the Ancestral Realm!


Just as Ling Feng was sighing with emotion, a burst of rolling thunder finally erupted from the sky.



Boom boom boom!

Bang bang bang!

An extremely terrifying wave of air swept across the West Lake like crazy.

In an instant, just below the space where Mu Shenjun and Xiao Tianji were fighting, the entire swamp was rolled up by huge waves, and the entire area of ​​a hundred miles in radius sank directly!

The blazing blood-evil aura, as if it had the terrifying temperature of the red fire of purgatory, actually burned the Western Great Lakes into a piece of scorched earth!

And the power of Mu Shenjun carries a terrifying crushing power.

Wherever it passes, space is annihilated and everything collapses!

"Oh my God, back up! Back up!"

Some warriors who miscalculated and retreated not far enough away were affected by the terrifying power, and in an instant, they were twisted into a bloody mist!

Everyone retreated like crazy, but unfortunately, the speed of their retreat could not match the speed of the terrifying power sweeping forward.

Bang bang bang!

One after another, the warriors were blown into bloody foam. No matter whether they were monsters or humans, they all had no choice but to die under that terrifying power.

Almost in the blink of an eye, there were already hundreds of casualties.

At this moment, everyone finally knew that they could not escape the speed of the sweeping power, so they all took out the treasures packed at the bottom of the box and resisted desperately.

Boom boom boom!

The terrifying force collision lasted for about a quarter of an hour. The landform below had completely changed, turning into a deep pit thousands of feet deep into the ground, with a radius of thousands of miles, turning into scorched earth!

This is the power of the Holy Lord!

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