Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2462 Victory or defeat! (1 update)


In the ruins, a force of energy burst out, scattering the rubble, and several figures crawled out from inside. They all looked gray and dusty, spitting out several mouthfuls of smoke.

These people were none other than Ling Feng and his party.

Although at the last moment, all of them used their magical powers to form layers of barriers to resist the aftermath of the collision between Xiao Tianji and Mu Shenjun. Although they saved their lives in the end, they were still buried alive in the terrible explosion.

Most of the other warriors who did not retreat far enough were strangled in an instant, and those warriors who were strong enough and responded promptly were mostly buried alive. They reappeared one by one when they heard there was no movement outside.

"This is too scary!"

"Oh my god, I never imagined that there could be such a terrifying power in the world!"

Those warriors who survived by chance were all in shock. Three souls were lost and seven souls were lost. Even now, their calves are still trembling.

Being able to save a life is already a huge blessing.

"I wonder what the final outcome will be?"

Ling Feng raised his eyes and looked at the sky. He could feel that in the final collision, both Mu Shenjun and Xiao Tianji used their strongest strength. No matter who won the final victory, it would probably be a tragic victory.

The strength of these two people is indeed indistinguishable.

"I hope Boss Mu wins!"

Blood Shura Cooking Saint clenched his fists, shook his head immediately, gritted his teeth and said: "No, Boss Mu must have won!"

"of course?"

Blood Demon Hand stared at the sky and said decisively: "Boss Mu is invincible!"

On the opposite side, the demon clan's great saints had very complicated moods.

No matter whether it is the victory of Lord Mu Shen or the victory of Xiao Tianji, they, the demon clan, cannot get any advantage.

Lord Mu Shen won, and they had no chance to compete with Shenhuang Tulu.

But even if Xiao Tianji wins, it has nothing to do with them, and they have to continue to be controlled by Xiao Tianji, which is really frustrating.

The best outcome would be for both sides to lose. They could not only capture Xiao Tianji and force him to remove the blood demon's poison for them, but they would also have the opportunity to compete for the Divine Desolate Picture Book.

"Be on full alert and prepare for the final battle!"

The ancestors of the three major sword houses of the human race also gathered their disciples again. Although they all suffered heavy casualties, there were still many survivors after all.

The atmosphere on the field suddenly became a little subtle.

Mu Shenjun and Xiao Tianji are undoubtedly strong men who can influence the entire battle situation. Their battle has proved that their strength is indeed far superior to others.

But in the collision just now, they have reason to believe that both of them will suffer losses!

As a result, it is still unclear who will win in the end in Shenhuang Picture Book.

Everyone looked towards the sky.

They all eagerly want to know what will be the outcome of this battle?

High in the sky.

The billowing smoke and dust gradually dissipated, and the two figures were still facing each other in the sky.

However, the aura has obviously become much more decadent than before. If you observe carefully, you will find that the bodies of both of them are trembling slightly.

"Is it a tie?"

Shura Cooking Saint took a deep breath. This result may not be the best result, but at least neither of them died.

"A tie?"

The great sage of the monster race looked at each other. After the shocking battle just now, these two people were still tied?

The Supreme Patriarch of the Three Great Sword Houses also frowned.

It seemed that neither of them was seriously injured.

And their strength is too strong. As long as these two people are around, they don't dare to act rashly.

However, the next moment!


A blood mark suddenly burst open on Lord Mu Shen's chest, and blood spurted out from the wound. Then Lord Mu Shen lost control and fell directly from the air.

"Boss Mu!"


Everyone in the Valley of the Evil flew out together. This sudden change made them all dumbfounded.

Lord Mu Shen, was defeated?

On the other side, a stream of blood overflowed from the corner of Xiao Tianji's mouth, but he did not lose control and fall like Mu Shenjun. Instead, he looked up to the sky and laughed, "Hahaha, Mu Shenjun, you were finally defeated in my hands! I am the real one." The myth of invincibility!”

The aura of being arrogant and arrogant, looking down on the world, suddenly swept across, and everyone felt a chill in their hearts.

In the end, this guy actually won!

"Congratulations to the Holy One! Long live the Holy One! Long live the Holy One!"

The great saints of the monster clan all bowed their heads in worship. Xiaotianji controlled their life and death. As long as one of them didn't like it, he could easily kill them.

In front of a small life, dignity is something that should be thrown away.

"A bunch of weaklings!"

The ancestors of the three major sword houses all frowned, but none of them dared to fart.

Judging from Xiao Tianji's appearance, although he suffered some injuries, he seemed to be in good condition.

Recalling the power that destroyed the world just now, even these old guys did not dare to challenge Xiao Tianji.

Not far away, the ancestor of the Long family clenched his fists and cursed in his heart: "Damn it, why did this guy win!"

In comparison, he would rather see Lord Mu Shen win than see the ending like this.

At least, although Mu Shenjun and him also had hatred, at least Mu Shenjun was not as sinister and ruthless as Xiao Tianji.

"Master! (Boss Mu!)"

Ling Feng and others caught Mu Shenjun from the air and flew back to the ground. They saw the wound on Mu Shenjun's chest, and the blood was still flowing, almost as if all the blood in his body was drained.

His complexion was extremely pale, as if it were a piece of white paper.

His injuries this time were several times more serious than the last time!

All the villains gathered around him with concern, their eyes filled with disbelief.

Even at this moment, they still couldn't believe that Lord Mu Shen was defeated!

He is an undefeated god!

Ling Feng quickly took out the golden needle and used Taixuan acupuncture to acupuncture Lord Mu Shen. At the same time, he took out a glazed fire essence and fed it to Lord Mu Shen. His expression softened a little.

But the breath is still extremely weak.

"Hmph, no need to waste your energy!"

Above the sky, there was a flash of blood, and the next moment, Xiao Tianji appeared in front of Ling Feng and his party.

He was like a lofty emperor, looking down at all living beings, his eyes filled with disdain and arrogance.

And his eyes were always fixed on Lord Mu Shen, condescendingly.

"I said, between you and me, only one person can survive today."

Xiao Tianji stood with his hands behind his back and said with a cold smile: "Do you think I will allow you to continue living if you lose?"

"Laughing Tianji!"

Blood Demon Hand became furious and jumped up suddenly, "You ungrateful bitch, I will chop you with my palm!"


It's too late to say it, but it's soon!

Xiao Tianji used 100% of his strength, and with a move of the blood-coagulating divine claw, he tore it down in front of the top of Xiao Tianji's head.

"don't want!"

Ling Feng exclaimed, but the next moment, a scene of bloodshed appeared.

I saw a cold light flash in Xiao Tianji's eyes, and with a backhand palm, it was already printed on the chest of the blood demon's hand.


The chest of the Blood Demon's hand exploded directly, blood splattered on Xiao Tianji's face.

In just a moment, the blood demon's hand had lost its breath and was destroyed on the spot!

And Xiao Tianji's blood-soaked and terrifying appearance was like a devil crawling out of hell.

Everyone felt a chill running down their spines. This Xiao Tianji was truly inhumane!

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