Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2463 Shura Devil! (2 updates)


That Xiao Tianji flicked his backhand, throwing the body of the Blood Demon's hand aside, and at the same time wiped away the blood on his palms. There was no emotion at all on his cold and ruthless face.

His lips moved slightly, and he spoke four cold sentences.

"Anyone who stands in my way will die!"

"You... how dare you!"

Seeing the body in the hands of the Blood Demon, which Xiao Tianji regarded as rubbish and was thrown into a pile of fat casually, anger surged in Chu Chaonan's eyes, and his whole body trembled violently with anger.

"I am going to kill you!"

Chu Chaonan lost control directly. They drew their swords and rushed towards Xiao Tianji.

"Calm down!"

Ling Feng held his shoulders tightly. If he rushed out now, his end would be exactly the same as that of the Blood Demon.

Looking at the body of the Blood Demon Shou, I recalled that when I was in the Valley of the Evil, the Blood Demon Shou taught me how to use the changes in power attributes, and studied the "Farmer's Three Fists" with me...

The past events are vivid in my mind, but now, the Blood Demon Hand has turned into a broken and cold corpse!

As for Shura Cooking Saint, Xiaoxiao'er, Big Iron Hammer, and Elizabeth, they were also extremely angry.

A former companion, a comrade-in-arms in life and death, this Xiao Tianji actually killed him at any time!

Does he still have any humanity?

"I misjudged you, but I was so naive that I thought you could come back!"

The Shura Chef Saint's eyes flashed with lightning. He was sad because of the death of the Blood Demon Hand, and also felt the pain of his hope being completely shattered.

That former companion will never come back after all.

"Don't think you know me well!"

Xiao Tianji sneered, "The moment I left the Valley of the Wicked, I was destined to forever draw a clear line with you idiots!"

"Laughing Tianji!"

Lord Mu Shen was so angry that he spat out a mouthful of blood, wanting to strangle this devil to death.

"I have long said that last time was your last chance to kill me! If you don't kill me, you will regret it!"

Xiao Tianji smiled coldly, his eyes immediately fell on Ling Feng, and he said word by word: "Hand over the Illustrated Book of the Desolate God!"

"Don't even think about it!"

Ling Feng clenched his fist tightly and silently activated the power of Shura.

Even if we fight to the death with this guy, we will never give up the Shenhuang Picture Book!

"Is it?"

Xiao Tianji's eyes turned cold and he grabbed her casually. Before anyone could react, Xiao Xiao'er was already in his hand and strangled her neck.

"Hand it over or not?"

Xiao Tianji stared at Ling Feng and issued a cold threat.


Ling Feng clenched his fists tightly and looked at Xiao Xiao'er, feeling extremely conflicted.

"Don't...leave me alone!"

Xiaoxiao'er was pinched by the neck, but he still let out a hoarse laugh, "Haha, I am Xiaoxiao'er. I was born with a smile and will die with a smile! Old dog Tianji, I am not afraid of death!"


The next moment, the laughter stopped suddenly, and Xiaoxiao'er's neck had been broken by Xiaotianji!


Ling Feng roared hysterically.


Following the blood demon's attack, Xiaoxiao'er also suffered at the hands of Xiaotianji!

When they met outside Yueling City, Ling Feng only thought that Xiao Xiao'er was a murderous villain. However, during the time they spent together in the Valley of the Wicked, Ling Feng gradually discovered the cuteness of Xiao Xiao'er.

He may not be a good person, but he always sticks to his principles. Compared with too many sanctimonious hypocrites, he is many times better!

"I never said I would give you time to hesitate."

Xiao Tianji sneered, like a Shura devil, stretched out his hand to grab it, and then, the big hammer also fell into Xiao Tianji's hand.

His speed is too fast and his strength is too strong.

Even masters at the level of the top ten villains were as if they were toddlers in his hands, with no room for resistance.

"Xiao Tianji, come at me! Come at me if you have the guts!"

Mu Shenjun's eyes were blood red and he was staring at Xiao Tianji. He was almost going crazy as he watched the brothers around him fall down one after another.

"Don't worry, I will keep you until the last one, so you can see that your good brothers die in front of your eyes one by one! Jie Jie Jie!"

Xiao Tianji laughed ferociously, "To this day, I really want to know if you really don't regret it! Hahahaha!"

"Xiao Tianji, you bastard!"

Ling Feng clenched his fists tightly and cursed loudly.


Xiao Tianji sneered and ignored Ling Feng's abuse. He just pinched the neck of the big hammer and said coldly: "Shenhuang Illustrated Book, do you want to hand it over?"


The big iron hammer spat hard at Xiao Tianji, who ducked sideways, a chill flashing in his eyes.


The neck of the big hammer was also directly broken by Xiao Tianji!



The warriors around, whether they were monsters or humans, all felt a chill in their hearts.

I'm afraid that after he has dealt with the Valley of the Wicked, it will be their turn to do the rest, right?


Ling Feng almost went crazy. Although Big Iron Hammer was taciturn and even withdrawn, he taught him the most because they had some similar experiences, which made them sympathize with each other.

This seemingly cold man actually has a fiery heart!

He is the one who values ​​his companions the most!

But now, it has also become a cold corpse.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Xiao Tianji looked up to the sky and laughed, "Be angry! Be painful! The more painful you are, the more excited I am! The weak can only stay under my feet, unable to rage!"

The next moment, Xiao Tianji grabbed hold of Elizabeth's neck with his big hand!

The charming Elizabeth has an irresistible allure to any man.

However, Xiao Tianji regarded it as nothing, showing no pity or pity for her.

"I ask again, do you want to hand over the Shenhuang Picture Book?"

"You're dreaming!"

Ling Feng shouted loudly, and the third vertical pupil on his forehead suddenly opened. The power of Shura circulated throughout his body, and his entire aura suddenly increased a lot.

"Come and die!"

Chu Chaonan also shouted loudly, drew out his long sword, and stabbed Xiao Tianji crazily.

"You madman, go to hell!"

On the other side, Jun Jiuyou also violently launched an attack. On his forehead, the Jiuyou Divine Mark flashed, and he activated the most powerful attack.

After the bloody killings by Na Xiaotianji, they finally put aside all their so-called reason.

Anyway, this Xiao Tianji has no intention of letting anyone go!


Xiao Tianji sneered, "Do you still dare to resist? Then, let's take a step ahead and send you all to reunite!"

The bloody light flashed, and Xiao Tianji's "Blood Demon Secret Code" was already completed. With a raise of his hand, the terrifying power of the blood demon was almost suffocating.

"Xuan Tian Po Yun Sword!"

Ling Feng roared angrily, slashed at Xiao Tianji with a sword and grabbed Elizabeth's arm. Xiao Tianji's expression changed slightly, and he did not dare to take the sword with his flesh and blood, so he could only throw away Elizabeth and duck to avoid the blow.

At the same time, the attacks of Chu Chaonan and Jun Jiuyou had also arrived. The two of them, one on the left and the other on the right, both unleashed their strongest killing moves, vowing to fight Xiao Tianji to the death.

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