Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2467 Redemption! (3 updates)

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

A series of crisp slaps sounded one after another.

"This palm belongs to Senior Xiaoxiao'er!"

"This palm belongs to Senior Blood Demon Shou!"

"This palm belongs to Senior Hammer!"

"And this palm belongs to Senior Crazy Wulang!"

Ling Feng beat Xiao Tianji until he vomited blood and all his teeth fell out. While he was vomiting blood, he started laughing crazily.

"The winner is the king, the loser is the bandit! I laugh at Tianji's defeat. If you want to kill me, just kill him!"

Xiao Tianji had become blind and disabled, and even after Ling Feng's violent beating, all his bones and tendons were broken.

Either he could or Ling Feng deliberately wanted to save him, otherwise, he would have died long ago.

"Your life and death must be left to the Master!"

Ling Feng threw Xiao Tianji's body in front of Lord Mu Shen like trash.

"Master, it's you who must put an end to this scum!"

Ling Feng clenched his fists tightly and looked at the corpses beside him.

Xiaoxiao'er, Blood Demon Hand, Big Hammer...

They all died tragically at the hands of Xiao Tianji!

When he thought of this, Ling Feng wished he could cut him into pieces with a thousand knives.

"This Xiaotianji has killed countless disciples and elders under my sect. Even if he wants to be killed, it should be done by us at the Single Moon Palace!"

Patriarch Xuanyuan snorted coldly and brought his few disciples with him in order to come up.

"My Dragon Sword Tianfu, so why not!"

"And I have to stab him seventy or eighty times before he is discouraged!"

"Hmph, this person actually killed the Holy Lord. If he wants to be punished, we, the demon clan, should be punished!"

A great sage from the demon tribe also stared at Xiao Tianji fiercely, seeming to be thinking about how to torture him to execute him.

The crowd was excited, Xiao Tianji was so murderous, everyone wanted to cut him into pieces.


The demon saint of the golden lion clan's eyes fell on Ling Feng.

"The Atlas of Divine Desolation is in your hands, right?"

The golden lion demon saint snorted coldly, "Hand over Xiao Tianji and Shenhuang Picture Book, and I can keep you safe from here! Otherwise, hum!"

The golden lion demon saint smiled coldly, and the threat was self-evident.

At this moment, Lord Mu Shen was seriously injured, and the other people in the Valley of Evil were dead and injured. Even Ling Feng was only at the end of his strength.

"Little friend Lingfeng, no matter what, you were once a disciple of my Du Yue Tiangong. I will keep you safe, as long as you hand over the Shenhuang Picture Book!"

The Xuanyuan Patriarch also took a step forward, and his whole body was filled with aura. The aura belonging to the Great Saint level was completely released, and he was not inferior to the Golden Lion Demon Saint at all.

"Old Xuanyuan, what you said is wrong!"

Lu Xuanji was not to be outdone, and his whole body wavered with aura, and he said loudly: "Who knows that this little friend Lingfeng is no longer a disciple of your One Moon Heavenly Palace? Little friend, if you hand over the Shenhuang Picture Book to me, I will Guaranteeing it with your life, you will have peace of mind, and we, the Dragon Sword Heavenly Mansion, will accept all of you in the Valley of Evil..."

Lu Xuanji smiled and continued: "I am different from this old man Xuanyuan. Their One Moon Heavenly Palace cannot tolerate outsiders, but our Dragon Sword Heavenly Palace does not reject anyone who comes. With a genius like you, there will be no chance in the future." Become the leader of my Dragon Sword Heavenly Mansion!”

"Lu Xuanji, you are so shameless!"

Ancestor Xuanyuan cursed loudly, the Valley of Evil and their Dragon Sword Heavenly Mansion were feuding, and Lord Mu Shen once dug the ancestral graves of the nine major families, how could he tolerate Lord Mu Shen.

And Lu Xuanji grasped this very well and really poked at his weakness.

Seeing these people arguing endlessly, Ling Feng sneered in his heart.

This is human nature!

After the serious problem of Xiao Tianji was solved, the cooperation between them immediately ended, and they began to plot the Shenhuang Tulu.

However, he does not intend to give this thing to anyone!

He has never been afraid of powerful saints like Xiao Tianji. These people...

What else is it?

"If you want to fight, then fight!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and raised the sword high in his hand, "You want the Shenhuang Picture Book? Then grab it yourself!"


The ancestors of the three major sword houses and those powerful demon saints all stared at Ling Feng coldly.

Although they were wary of Ling Feng, in the final analysis, Ling Feng was just a junior who was not even at the Saint level.

Shura Cook Sage, Elizabeth, Jun Jiuyou and Chu Chaonan silently walked to Ling Feng's side.


A burst of wild laughter came from behind, but it was the laughing Tianji, coughing up blood and laughing loudly, "Did you see it? This is the law of this world, the weak eat the strong! This is the case for everyone! Lord Mu Shen? Boss Mu?" Hahahaha, have you seen it? I am not wrong! You are so naive, you are just wishful thinking!"

"On your own, what can you change?"

Xiao Tianji stared angrily, and his eyes, which had long since lost their luster, exuded a creepy evil aura.

Even though he has lost all his power and turned into a complete waste, just seeing his ferocious face still gives people a feeling of lingering fear.

"I am the one who practices my own way! If I want to do evil, I will do the greatest evil in the world! I just want everyone to fear me, surrender to me, and tremble under my feet!"

Xiao Tianji laughed ferociously, but because he was too weak, he almost fainted from laughter.

"What about the world? What does it have to do with me?"

Lord Mu Shen stood up slowly and swept his eyes across the whole place. For a moment, everyone retreated.

"Mu...Mu Shenjun..."

Only then did everyone realize that besides Xiao Tianji, there was another powerful Saint on the field.

But now, he seems to have recovered!

It's just that under the momentum of Lord Mu Shen, those so-called great saints, whether they are monsters or humans, no longer have the arrogant attitude they had just now, but retreated again and again in timidity.

"The only thing I, the Shepherd God, have to do is myself."

The figure of Mu Shenjun staggered slightly, gritted his teeth and walked to Xiao Tianji, squatted down, and said calmly: "Second brother, to this day, I still think of you as the second child of the Valley of Evil!"

Xiao Tianji's body trembled slightly, and then he burst into laughter, "Mr. Mu Shen, please put away your sympathy. I, Xiao Tianji, don't need anyone's sympathy!"

"It's not sympathy, but back then, you and I were brothers in life and death!"

Lord Mu Shen gently wiped away the blood on Xiao Tianji's face. Although this face was no longer the same as before, he was still him.

Xiao Tianji's body was shaking violently, "No! No! No! It's not the case anymore, not anymore!"

"From the first time you called me boss, this bond will always exist."

Mu Shenjun smiled faintly and stretched out his palm towards Xiao Tianji, "Come back, brother!"

Tears rolled down Xiao Tianji's eyes, "Why, why! Obviously I... I always hurt everyone again and again!"

"Because, I am your eldest brother!"

Lord Mu Shen let out a long sigh and looked at Xiaoxiao'er, Blood Demon's hands and their corpses. His eyes were red, and he sighed sadly: "I am the one who failed to do a good job..."

"Lord Mu Shen, now that things have come to this, you won't continue to protect this person, right?"

The expressions of the ancestors of the three major sword houses and the great demon clan saints all changed, and they all stared at Lord Mu Shen.

"Why, isn't it possible?"

The Shepherd God suddenly turned around and stared at the powerful saints. The power of the saints suddenly swept across them.

When the time came, everyone felt awe in their hearts.

"Mr. Mu Shen, you are so arrogant! In your current state, you still want to challenge us?"

Patriarch Xuanyuan sneered, "Even if it's the other people in the Valley of Evil, don't you consider their feelings? This Xiao Tianji just killed several of your brothers? They may not be willing to do it for Xiao Tianji And fight?"

"This is my business."

Lord Mu Shen's face turned cold, and he just said word by word: "Whoever wants to kill Xiao Tianji must get through me first."


Chu Chaonan clenched his fists tightly, "Although I hate that Xiao Tianji to death, stinky old man, I will always stand by your side! Because you are my master!"

Ling Feng also held Shi Fang Destruction in his hand and silently walked to the side of Mu Shenjun, "I can't fight for Xiao Tianji, but I can fight for Master! I, Ling Feng, am willing to shed my blood!"

"Boss Mu! We in the Valley of Evil will advance together and retreat together!"

Shura Kitchen Saint and Elizabeth did not hesitate and walked up to Lord Shepherd. They could not forgive Xiao Tianji, but they respected Lord Shepherd from the bottom of their hearts.

Because, even at the last moment, Shepherd never gave up on his brother!

This is a redemption!

His empty pupils looked at this former companion, once again protecting him in front of him.

Even if I have done things that hurt them...

Xiao Tianji's eyes were completely blurred by tears.

He can't see anything, but he can hear everything, feel everything...

Perhaps it was precisely because he lost all his power that he felt the world with his heart again, and he discovered that he had already obtained the most precious thing in the world.

But these precious things were torn to pieces by his own hands!

"Boss Mu, I... was wrong! I was wrong!"

Xiao Tianji burst into tears, and his body suddenly erupted with streaks of dazzling blood, becoming extremely transparent.



In an instant, Xiao Tianji's body turned into a cloud of blood and exploded. The blood flew away and merged into the bodies of Xiao Xiao'er, Blood Demon Hand and Big Iron Hammer respectively.

Immediately afterwards, their vitality miraculously revived bit by bit!

Xiao Tianji's figure, however, was like a piece of burning white paper, turning into ashes and dissipating little by little.

"Boss Mu, this is the only compensation I can make..."

"Thank you for never giving up on me!"

"I feel it, warmth..."


Mu Shenjun suddenly turned around and grabbed Xiao Tianji's palm. Unfortunately, when he touched it, it turned into a line of blue smoke and completely dissipated.

Tears rolled down from the eyes of the Shepherd God. He looked up at the sky and murmured to himself: "You are finally back..."

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