Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2468 Half a month later! (1 update)

Half a month later, Valley of the Wicked.

The sun was just right, and there was no scorching heat. It brought a warm atmosphere, shrouding the Valley of the Wicked in warmth.

In a farmland at the outermost edge of the Valley of the Wicked, a one-armed man was waving a hoe vigorously and cultivating the land.

In fact, they are just some weeds planted here and there.

There was a burst of laughter in the distance, a bit harsh and unpleasant, but a bald man came over.

"Hey, that one-armed one, it's almost time. Third brother calls you home for dinner!"

"You bald guy, no matter how you call me the ninth oldest, you have to call me Ninth Brother!"

That one-armed man is naturally the Blood Demon Hand.

As for the bald man, he was naturally smiling.

They were originally killed by Xiao Tianji that day, but in the end Xiao Tianji used his own life to resurrect the three companions he killed.

According to Mu Shenjun, this is also a secret technique in the "Blood Demon Secret Book".

As long as they are killed by those who practice the "Blood Demon Secret Book", they can actually imprison a ray of the deceased's soul, thereby enslaving their corpses and refining the corpse puppets.

It was this remnant soul that allowed him to use up his blood demon power to extend the lives of Xiaoxiao'er and the others.

Who would have thought that what was originally an extremely evil technique could also be used to resurrect the dead.

As for Xiaoxiao'er and the other three, although they survived the disaster and managed to save a small life, their strength was greatly reduced because most of their soul origins were missing.

I am afraid that it will take at least a hundred and eighty years of hard training in the Valley of the Wicked before I can return to my original state.

"Tch, you were just lucky enough to meet Boss Mu a few days earlier than me!"

Xiaoxiao'er made a sound, "If I really want to take action, you will definitely not be my opponent."

"You damn baldhead! Then come and try it!"

The Blood Demon threw the hoe in his hand and rushed towards Xiaoxiao'er, as if he would never give up.

"I won't fight you, lest others laugh at me for bullying a cripple like you, haha!"

Xiaoxiao'er looked like he didn't deserve a beating, so he patted his butt and ran away. The blood demon chased him all the way behind him, and the two of them soon returned to the Valley of the Evil Ones.

"You damn bald man!"

"You stinking cripple!"

The two exposed each other's shortcomings unceremoniously, chasing each other, and bumped into the ghost doctor head-on.

When the ghost doctor saw these two people, he couldn't help but shook his head, "You two are really boring!"


Blood Demon Shou and Xiaoxiao'er looked at each other, glared at each other, and then stopped.

Xiaoxiao'er stepped forward to the ghost doctor and asked in a deep voice: "How is Boss Mu's condition? It's been half a month, haven't you recovered yet?"

"Boss Mu's injury this time is indeed too serious!"

The ghost doctor sighed and said slowly.

"Speaking of which, what happened after we passed out that day?"

Blood Demon Shou frowned and said, "You just said Xiao Tianji saved us, but what happened next? What happened next?"

"Yes, I was in a coma at the time. I have been wanting to ask for so many days!"

Xiaoxiaoer also asked anxiously.

"That day..."

The ghost doctor recalled the scene of that day in his mind and said slowly: "That day... the situation that day was like this..."

That day in the Xizhi Ze, Xiao Tianji willingly gave up his life in exchange for Xiao Xiao'er and the three of them, and also received the final redemption.

At least at the last moment, his heart had returned.

And the reality is indeed cruel.

Even though a stubborn guy like Xiao Tianji has been able to let go of everything, the world will not change anything.

Wherever there are people, there will be competition.

Xiao Tianji died and Mu Shenjun was seriously injured.

As for the other people in the Valley of Evil, Ling Feng was seriously injured, Jun Jiuyou was seriously injured, Shura Cooking Saint was seriously injured...

It can be said that there is almost no room for resistance on the Valley of the Evil side.

The three major sword houses and the demon clan obviously did not want to give up this last chance.

When Lord Mu Shen is weak, take advantage of his illness and kill him!

The ownership of the Shenhuang Picture Book is not yet known.

"Everyone, let's join forces!"

The first person to speak was Patriarch Xuanyuan. He hated Lord Mu Shen with all his heart.

After all, Xuanyuan Longteng once dug up the ancestral graves of nine major families. Although Xuanyuan's lineage was not included in this, it was still a big shame for the One Moon Palace.

Although the nine of them joined forces, they defeated the Shepherd Lord by half a move and made him swear never to set foot in the Single Moon Heavenly Palace.

But in fact, this is also a kind of helplessness.

If they could kill Lord Shepherd, how could they allow him to leave?

And today may be the last chance!

The supreme ancestors of Longjian Tianfu and Tianchuan Jianfu hesitated for a moment and then agreed.

It is much easier to compete with other powerful saints for the Atlas of Divine Desolation than with powerful saints like Mu Shenjun to compete for the Atlas of Divine Desolation.

The Great Sage of the Monster Clan also nodded in agreement.

There are no eternal friends and no eternal enemies in the world.

Yes, it's just common interests.

They could join forces to deal with Xiao Tianji before, and now they can naturally join forces to deal with Mu Shenjun.

Not to mention, Mu Shenjun's current state is much weaker than Xiao Tianji.

"Ancestor, you must not do this!"

Xuanyuan Longteng was anxious for a while, and said in a deep voice: "It is really unwise to be an enemy of the Valley of Evil!"

Naturally, he did not want to be enemies with Ling Feng and the others, but it was a pity that he alone could not change the overall situation.

"Humph, you are kind-hearted and soft-hearted, looking forward and backward!"

Ancestor Xuanyuan frowned and glared at Xuanyuan Longteng, "Longteng, you disappoint me so much!"

"Hehe, Mr. Xuanyuan, you should go back and teach your descendants a lesson first. As for the Shenhuang Picture Book, we can fight for it!"

The great sage of the golden lion clan laughed ferociously and was the first to pounce on Lord Shepherd.

Then, the Great Sage of the Snake Man, the Great Sage of the Bear Man, Lu Xuanji, Ancestor Xuanyuan...

One by one, the powerful saint-level men surrounded the Shepherd God.

The rest of the warriors surrounded Ling Feng, Chu Chaonan and his party.

"Ling Feng, I advise you to hand over the Shenhuang Picture Book obediently, otherwise, you will definitely die today!"

"The Illustrated Book of Divine Desolation is not something you can guard!"

A strong man from the celebrity race and the demon race was aggressive. He was obviously a little afraid of Ling Feng and did not dare to take action easily.

"I said, if you want the Shenhuang Picture Book, you can get it yourself!"

Ling Feng's eyes turned cold. Although he was extremely weak at the moment, his cold and terrifying aura was not weak at all.

Boom boom boom!

At this time, the ancestors of the three major sword houses and the great sages of the demon clan had already taken action brazenly and fought against the Shepherd Lord.


Lord Mu Shen was paying homage to the dead soul of Xiao Tianji, and those powerful saints came forward to disturb him, which immediately angered him completely.

Even though he was seriously injured, the Shepherd God almost ignored the consequences. In a few confrontations, he actually killed two demon clan saints, and the Xuanyuan ancestor was also killed by a slap on the head from the Shepherd God.

As for Mu Shenjun himself, he was also bleeding profusely, with new wounds and old wounds almost draining him of energy. His figure standing tall in the sky was shaky and almost unsteady.

"He can't hold on much longer!"

"Continue the attack!"

Driven by greed, those great saints and powerful men did not hesitate to pay any price.

Treasures such as the Shenhuang Illustration were enough for them to gamble with their lives.

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