Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2469 Divine soldiers descend from the sky! (2 updates)

The situation is critical and has reached a critical moment.

But Ling Feng and others were entangled by other strong men.

After a series of hard battles, no matter how evil Ling Feng was, he still had no spare power to help the Shepherd Lord.

In other words, with his strength, even if he takes action, how can he resist several powerful saints at the same time!

"At this critical moment..."

As the ghost doctor spoke, he suddenly made a mistake, suddenly changed the subject, and said with a smile: "Guess what happened?"


Xiaoxiao'er and Blood Demon Shou almost jumped up in anger, "You should speak clearly! What happened?"

The ghost doctor narrowed his eyes and smiled, and just as he was about to speak, two figures slowly walked out of the ghost doctor's medicine hut.

An old man and a young man are none other than Mu Shenjun and Ling Feng!

"Boss Mu!"

"Little madman!"

The eyes of Xiaoxiao'er and Blood Demon Shou both felt hot. After so many days, they finally saw these two people come out of seclusion!

"The subsequent development was really a turn of events and completely unexpected!"

Ling Feng chuckled, "It's a pity that you two seniors didn't see it!"

"You should make it clear!"

Blood Demon Shou and Xiaoxiaoer remembered scratching their heads.

When they met, they saw Elizabeth and Sledgehammer walking over. Apparently they sensed the aura of Lord Mu Shen and rushed over immediately.

"At this critical moment, it's really a magic weapon descending from the sky!"

Then, two more figures flew over from the west side of the Valley of the Wicked.

These two people were none other than Jun Jiuyou and Chu Chaonan!

The person who just spoke was none other than Jun Jiuyou.

I saw Jun Jiuyou's eyebrows dancing with excitement, and he said with a smile: "That battle was really suspenseful!"

"It's so hanging!"

Chu Chaonan also nodded and sang along with Jun Jiuyou, making the two Blood Demon Hands furious.

"What kind of magic weapon descends from the sky? That's what you said!"

"Eat first! Eat!"

Jun Jiuyou chuckled, "Although I have been to many places across the country, when it comes to this delicious food, no one in the world can compete with Shura Cooking Sage!"

"It's not too late to finish telling the story before eating!"

Xiaoxiao'er and the two were so anxious that they wanted to hang up these guys who were teasing them and beat them.

"Haha, I'm not kidding you!"

In the end, Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, and said slowly: "In the end, Brother Jun's tribe arrived in time!"

"That's not true. After all, I am also the young master of Jiuyou! Oh no, I almost forgot. I am now the new leader of the Jiuyou Divine Clan."

Jun Jiuyou said and couldn't help but sigh.

There are not many free and easy days left for you.

"Is it someone from the Jiuyou Divine Clan who can relieve us?"

Xiaoxiao'er and Blood Demon Shou looked at each other, never expecting that there would be reinforcements in the end.


Jun Jiuyou nodded slightly, "I feel ashamed to say that the third elder and the fourth elder personally came to me to take charge of the overall situation, but they happened to catch up..."

It should be said that on that day, two strong men, Jun Busan and Jun Busi, arrived together, bringing with them many elites from the Jiuyou Divine Clan. Whether it was the three major sword houses or the demon clan, they had all suffered losses in the previous battle. heavy.

And Jun Bu San and Jun Bu Si arrived at this moment and naturally swept a large area.

What happens next is very clear.

Those remnants of the army didn't dare to challenge the others, so they could only leave in despair.

As the leader of the Jiuyou Divine Clan, Jun Jiuyou ordered his tribe to escort Mu Shenjun and his party back to the Valley of the Wicked.

After returning to the valley, Mu Shenjun and Ling Feng, who were seriously injured, stayed in seclusion in the ghost doctor's medicine hut.

As for the others, they were all injured and returned to their respective places to recuperate in peace.

As for Jun Jiuyou, he was also injured, so he stayed in the Valley of the Wicked for the time being to recuperate. After he recovered from his injury, he had to return to Jiuyou City and become the leader of his Jiuyou clan.

Therefore, this period of time in the Valley of the Wicked was his last free time.

"I see!"

Xiaoxiao'er couldn't help but cursed, "It's so mysterious, it's only a matter of time! It turns out that's what it is!"

Blood Demon Shou also lost interest for a while. He originally thought it was Lord Mu Shen or one of Ling Feng, but suddenly burst out with unprecedented power, sweeping away all the three major sword houses and the great sage of the demon clan.

"Boss Mu, how is your injury?"

The person who spoke was Sledgehammer. After experiencing such a life and death crisis, the members of the Valley of the Wicked cherished such a precious brotherhood even more.

"It's basically fine."

Lord Mu Shen smiled lightly, "It's just that if you want to regain the power of the Holy Lord, you still need to practice for a while."

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, everything is over now. Everyone can stay in the Valley of the Evil and live a peaceful and secluded time as before."

Chu Chaonan grinned and couldn't help but sigh again, "It's a pity that the fifth uncle is missing..."

Crazy Wulang, but he will never come back after all.

Everyone felt sad again, feeling sad for the deceased.

After lunch, Shura Cooking Saint led everyone to a small hill.

Among the hills, there are two tombstones.

"The tomb of my second brother Xiao Tianji."

"The Tomb of the Fifth Brother Crazy Wulang."

Xiao Tianji’s tombstone still stands here.

Lord Mu Shen stood in front of the tomb and couldn't help but look back at everyone.

After he returned to the Valley of the Wicked, he had been recuperating in seclusion. This tombstone was obviously erected here by someone else.


Lord Mu Shen looked at everyone and didn't know what to say for a moment.

"I forgive him."

Xiaoxiaoer chuckled, "Although he has done many things to betray his brothers, brothers are meant to be a trap! Haha!"

"I forgive him too."

Blood Demon Shou smiled with relief, "I originally hated him to the core, but I don't hate him anymore. Boss, you are right, he is still our second brother! The second brother of the Valley of Evil!"

Although Big Iron Hammer didn't say anything, he picked a chrysanthemum and gently placed it in front of Xiao Tianji's tombstone.

He no longer had any hatred towards Xiao Tianji.

Elizabeth smiled softly, "Those of you who have died once don't resent him anymore. If I still hold grudges, wouldn't I be too stingy!"

As for Shura Cooking Saint, he originally had the deepest relationship with Xiao Tianji. Although Xiao Tianji could not make up for his past mistakes with his own life, his heart finally came back.

A group of villains looked at each other and smiled, feeling a force that tightly connected them all.

It is a bond, a bond between companions that cannot be broken.

"The Valley of the Wicked, haha, in comparison, the outside is full of wicked people!"

Ling Feng, Chu Chaonan and Jun Jiuyou, the three younger generations, stood in the distance, looking at the so-called evil people in front of them, and couldn't help but shake their heads and smile.

What is good?

What is evil?

Perhaps, it is only in one's own heart and has nothing to do with the whole world.

I just do myself, and I will be free for the rest of my life!

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