Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2470 A new journey! (3 updates)

Another three days passed in a flash.

Ling Feng's injuries were finally completely healed.

The immortal golden body can indeed quickly recover all his external injuries. However, his previous energy, physical strength, and spiritual consciousness were almost all wasted. After repeated hard battles, it is inevitable that there are many hidden diseases.

If these hidden diseases are not dealt with in time, they may lead to huge hidden dangers over time.

After this battle, Ling Feng was a blessing in disguise. At least, the level of "Immortal Golden Body" had improved a lot.

As for his cultivation, he has reached the peak of Semi-Saint.

There is only one last chance to break through to the Saint level in one fell swoop.

But this opportunity is something that can only be met but cannot be sought.

"Senior Blood Demon Hand, your arm can still be saved."

In the Medicine House, Ling Feng carefully looked at the broken arm of the Blood Demon's hand and said calmly: "I have regrown a friend's arm before, so this is not a difficult task."

"Hey, it would be great if, like you, I could cut off my limbs and regenerate them casually."

Blood Demon Hand sighed softly.

It's not that Ling Feng was reluctant to teach him the "Immortal Golden Body". However, although Ling Feng made extremely fast progress in practicing the "Immortal Golden Body", after Ling Feng passed the formula to the blood demon, he practiced hard for several days. Don't be reborn after a severed limb, you can't even enter the first level.

In desperation, Blood Demon Shou had no choice but to give up.

The so-called magic power to choose the master is really something that cannot be forced.

Fortunately, Ling Feng's medical skills are superb, and the ghost doctor's medicinal materials are all available, so it is not difficult to regrow an arm for the blood demon's hand.

"But as long as it grows, that's fine."

The blood demon snorted softly, "That damn bald guy will make trouble with my arm all day long!"

"Senior Xiaoxiao'er is like this, he talks without hesitation, but in fact he doesn't mean anything malicious."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. These villains were used to being bored. Fighting with each other was a break from their lives.

However, the reason why he was in a hurry to help the Blood Demon Hand heal his arm was actually because he was preparing to leave the Valley of the Wicked.

Before leaving, do what you can.

This trip has already resulted in the Shenhuang Picture Book, and there are no other geniuses of his generation in the Western Sword Region who can put too much pressure on him.

Then, it's time for him to embark on a new journey.

Only a more powerful warrior and a more evil genius can make him move forward and reach a higher peak.

After all, the road ahead is full of thorns. If you want to overcome thorns along the way, you must not relax for a moment.

Be strong!

Only when you become strong can you be qualified to control your own destiny.

"Brother Ling, it turns out you are here!"

At this moment, Jun Jiuyou hurriedly walked in, nodded to the blood demon's hand, and then sighed: "Brother Ling, I'm here to say goodbye to you."


Ling Feng glanced at Jun Jiuyou, "Are you leaving?"

"Yes, Jiuyou City is pressing hard. I can't escape this time."

Jun Jiuyou smiled bitterly, "Although I don't aspire to be a clan leader, I have no choice. Who asked dad to entrust this burden to me? Men should shoulder their own responsibilities!"


Ling Feng nodded, "Send hello to Xiao Qi and Miss Alan for me."

"Hey, it's about time I changed my name to sister-in-law. After I go back, I will get married to Alan first."

Jun Jiuyou narrowed his eyes and smiled, "How about it, brother, do you want to come to my wedding?"

"forget it."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, "Large-scale dog abuse scenes are not suitable for me!"

After thinking about it, Ling Feng took out a long sword from the Naling Ring. The word "Fei Lian" was engraved on the blade. It was Ling Feng who got it by chance on the bloody ancient road. The Feilian Fairy Sword.

Feilian is also known as the God of Wind.

Ling Feng has no shortage of swords of his own, so these swords have always been left in the Naling Ring, never to see the light of day.

Jun Jiuyou has Jiuyou bloodline and the power of wind and thunder. This Feilian Sword is even more powerful in his hand.

"This sword should be your wedding gift."

Ling Feng handed the Feilian Sword into Jun Jiuyou's hands and laughed loudly.

"What a sword!"

Jun Jiuyou took the sword and his eyes suddenly lit up, "I didn't expect that Brother Ling, you actually have such a top-notch wind-type fairy sword in your hand! This sword is just right for me!"

"Just accept it if it suits you!"

Ling Feng smiled lightly, "I wish you happiness!"

"Then I won't be polite."

Jun Jiuyou put the sword away without any pretense, suddenly showed an ambiguous smile, raised his eyebrows and said: "Hey, Brother Ling, when will you and Miss Yu become good friends?"

"You can't say this nonsense. Miss Yu and I are just ordinary friends."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, "When you talk about your affairs, don't involve me."

"I have finally met a guy who is more honest and naive than me!"

Jun Jiuyou rolled his eyes and said, "As someone who has experienced it, I will give you a piece of advice. As the saying goes, if there are flowers, you must break them off, but don't wait until there are no flowers to break branches!"

"You're such a rude person, and you still imitate other people's refined manners!"

Ling Feng shook his head, "Okay, okay, if you want to leave, just leave quickly!"

"You guy!"

Jun Jiuyou snorted softly, "That's all, your path is different from mine! Brother, we say goodbye today, I really don't know when we will see you again!"

Ling Feng smiled casually, stretched out a palm, and said loudly: "We will meet again if we are destined!"

"What a good one, I'll see you again when we are destined! Hahaha!"


Jun Jiuyou raised his hand and high-fived Ling Feng. The two powerful palms were clasped together. The two looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

After sending Jun Jiuyou away and curing the blood demon's hand, it was finally time to say goodbye.

"You want to leave?"

The first one to know the news was naturally Chu Chaonan.

"Senior Brother Ling, where are you going to practice? Hey, take me with you!"

When Chu Chaonan heard this, he immediately smiled. After spending so many days in the Valley of the Wicked, he had long been bored out of his mind.

"No, I'm leaving the West Sword Territory."

Ling Feng shook his head and said slowly.


Chu Chaonan's eyelids twitched, "Leave the West Sword Region? Darling, you...are you going to find Miss Yu? Go to the Zhongyuan Region?"

"Zhongyuan Domain is indeed my goal."

Ling Feng nodded and smiled, but he did not say that in fact, he wanted to travel through the five major areas of Xuanling Continent.

Because the Shenhuang Treasure Box is in his hand, and to unlock the secrets in the Shenhuang Treasure Box, he must travel across the five realms and collect all the Shenhuang Picture Records.


Chu Chaonan looked at Ling Feng, a little shocked.

Unexpectedly, Ling Feng's vision has actually gone further than his own.

"With my ability, I'm afraid I won't be able to keep up with you. Hey..."

Chu Chaonan shook his head and smiled bitterly. Perhaps before, he was still full of confidence. Even if he traveled across the Five Realms, he would not dare to accompany Ling Feng.

But after meeting Baili Lanxi of the Witch God Sect, he realized that his strength was still too weak after all.

"There is no point in following the footsteps of others. Senior Brother Chu, what you have to do is to surpass yourself."

Ling Feng patted Chu Chaonan's shoulder gently and said sincerely.

Chu Chaonan took a deep look at Ling Feng, and after a long while, he finally nodded slowly, "Senior Brother Ling, one day we will meet in the Zhongyuan Domain! Because that will also be my journey!"

"Ha ha!"

Ling Feng smiled casually, "I look forward to the day when I meet you in Zhongyuan Domain!"

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