Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2471 Killing everyone! (1 update)

In a dense forest, Ling Feng flew forward and the purple mist and poisonous forest behind him became farther and farther away. This also meant that he had completely walked out of the Valley of the Evil.

"I finally left..."

Ling Feng sighed softly, feeling emotional in his heart.

But soon, he regained his energy and full of fighting spirit.

The Valley of the Wicked is just a stop on his journey, and he will remember those elders and peers in the Valley of the Wicked for the rest of his life.

When parting, Mu Shenjun only left himself one sentence: Young man, your ambitions are everywhere!

"Master, I will eventually travel through the five realms and reach the top!"

Ling Feng tightened his fists and hid his sorrow of separation in his heart.

Young people, ambitions are everywhere!

What he should see is the journey ahead, the sea of ​​stars in the distance!

About half an hour later, Ling Feng stopped in a relatively remote valley.

With a thought, Ling Feng directly summoned the cheap donkey Zifeng, and then summoned the "Yellow Emperor" Huang Shaotian.

"Boy, what's the matter?"

The bitch looked around, thinking there was another treasure. However, after sensing it for a long time, he didn't even find a hair, and his brows suddenly furrowed.

"Tell you to come out and kill everyone!"

A cold light flashed in Ling Feng's eyes.

When he was sealed by the Golden Dragon Young Master with the "Corpse Soul Sealing" method, he fell into the small plane of Miluo Continent. He originally used the time and space channel of the Kongming God Clan to leave, but in the end, the Emperor of the Underworld secretly tricked him and almost killed him. He and Yu Junyao both died in the turbulence of the void.

Ling Feng has always remembered this account!

However, Ling Feng was not strong enough to take revenge before, but now!

Today is different from the past. Now he has a strength comparable to that of a great saint, plus Zifeng and Jianlu!

The entire Kongming Divine Clan and royal family can be wiped out!

Of course, seeing that King Yan finally reminded himself and even saved Yu Junyao, he would be a little merciful.

"Kill everyone?"

The bitch's eyelids twitched, feeling the cold murderous aura on Ling Feng's body, and said in a deep voice: "Who are you going to kill this time?"

"Kong Ming Divine Clan, Ming Emperor!"

Ling Feng snorted coldly, looked at Huang Shaotian, and said slowly: "Brother Huangdi, send us to Miluo Continent!"

"When will the so-called injustice be repaid?"

Huang Shaotian shook his head slightly and said: "Actually, with your current strength, there is really no need for the little Kongming Divine Clan to care about you."

"Don't worry, Brother Huangdi, I have a sense of discretion."

Ling Feng nodded and said calmly: "I am only looking for the culprit and will not implicate other people."

After experiencing so many things, the hostility in Ling Feng's chest had already dissipated a lot.

He is not a cruel and murderous person, but it is his principle to seek revenge when there is hatred and resentment when there is hatred.

A cunning and insidious person like the Pluto Emperor will definitely make him suffer the consequences!

"Since you are sensible, I won't be verbose."

Huang Shaotian smiled faintly, then took out the Starry Instrument and said with a slight smile: "Currently, there are only two places recorded on the Starry Instrument. One is the Underworld City in Miluo Continent, and the second is Tagor Desert."

"That's just right."

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows and said, "After dealing with that old bastard in the Underworld, it just so happens that I have to return to the Dongling Immortal Pond."

The first piece of the Shenhuang Picture Book is still stored in the Dongling Fairy Pond.

Although this object is a valuable treasure, it is also a huge trouble.

If there are strong men from other major regions who go to the Eastern Spirit Realm and learn about the Shenhuang Picture Record, it will undoubtedly be a disaster for the Dongling Immortal Pond.

After all, the strongest combat power in Donglingxianchi is just a half-saint.

The gap with other major domains is too far.

Whether it is out of selfishness or out of consideration for the safety of Donglingxian Pond, it is better to keep this Shenhuang Picture Book with you.

"Okay, get ready!"

Huang Shaotian muttered words for a while, and held out the East Emperor Bell. He saw a golden light rising into the sky. Then, a door to the void opened. Ling Feng did not hesitate and strode into the door to the void.

Pluto Emperor, old dog, your good days are over!

Underworld City.

It has been half a year since the Star Festival ended.

In the last Star Festival, Ling Feng passed through the Ancient Star Gate and exchanged two Star Yun Stones.

With these two Starry Stones, it is enough to stabilize the star core of Miluo Continent for tens of thousands of years.

And this also means that the Kongming Divine Clan can continue to be their earth emperor in Miluo Continent and live a nourishing and unrestrained life.

However, this Emperor of the Underworld was too greedy and narrow-minded. Even though Ling Feng gave him the Star Yun Stone, he only proposed to use the void passage of the Kongming God Clan to return to the West Sword Territory. This old fox actually still Secretly playing tricks, trying to kill him in the tide of time and space.

If it weren't for Ling Feng's great fortune and luck, he happened to get a Starry Instrument and the most precious Donghuang Bell, so he could jump out of the void tide and save a small life.

And today, it’s time for Hades to reap the consequences.

Of course, Pluto Emperor naturally didn't know that Ling Feng still had the life to come back to seek revenge on him.

At this moment, Pluto Emperor was looking at the song and dance troupe composed of a group of young women with great pleasure, performing a moving dance very hard.

It is the singing and dancing that brings peace and joy every night.

Without the threat of star core collapse, Lord Pluto was completely relieved and could naturally enjoy life without any worries.

"Okay, if you dance well, you will be rewarded!"

Pluto half leaned on his imperial throne and laughed.

At this moment, a tall and burly man wearing armor pushed aside the guards guarding the palace gate and strode into the hall.

"Back off!"

The burly man shouted, and directly drove away the dancing palace ladies. He frowned and looked at the Hades Emperor on the throne. He bowed first and then said: "Father, the Yanbing God Clan has been there since last time. After the Star Festival, I have been feeling dissatisfied, and now I have repeatedly sent troops to harass the border of the dynasty, but my father, you still have the heart to watch the song and dance performance here! "

"Hmph, what does the Flame Ice God Clan count for?"

The person who spoke was the seventh prince who originally invited the Three Treasures to participate in the Star Festival.

The seventh prince had a look of disdain on his face and said with a sneer: "If the Yanbing God Clan is really capable, they are the ones sitting in this hall today! Now in this Miluo Continent, if we want to learn martial arts, my father The emperor is unparalleled and the best in the world, so what's wrong with just relaxing a little and having fun?"

"Seventh brother, you!"

That burly man was naturally the second prince Yan Wang.

These seven princes were good at flattering others, so they naturally pleased the Pluto Emperor. Although Yan Wang was extremely talented and the strongest among the many princes, his personality was too straightforward and outspoken, but he never liked the Pluto Emperor.

"Seventh brother, since ancient times, kings have indulged in leisure and pleasure more than anyone else! By saying this, you want my father to be the licentious and foolish king!"

King Yan frowned deeply and gritted his teeth.

"Second brother, how dare you say that my father is a foolish king!"

A cold light flashed in the seventh prince's eyes, and a sneer hung on the corner of his mouth. This time, King Yan's misfortune came from his mouth.

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