Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2473 How interesting! (3 updates)


An extremely clear slap sounded.

The Hades Emperor rushed over angrily, but was slapped by Ling Feng and knocked out.


The Hades Emperor looked up to the sky and spat out a mouthful of blood, staring at Ling Feng with an expression of disbelief.

How could it be, so strong?

In just half a year, what kind of elixir did this kid take? His strength increased so horribly, right?

Naturally, he didn't know what Ling Feng had gone through, but he was destined to regret it today.

The surrounding guards who were beaten up and down by Jianlu and Zifeng were all shocked to the extreme.

Lord Hades, was actually tortured!

There was an extremely bright red slap mark on the face of Hades Emperor, and his whole body was trembling with anger.

At the same time, there is also a deep fear.

He should have been killed directly that day!

"Old dog of the Emperor of Hades, you have done your own evil and will not live! Today, your evil consequences have arrived!"

Ling Feng's figure flashed, and the next moment, he appeared in front of the Hades Emperor.

Before Hades could even react, he only felt a pain in his abdomen and was kicked to the sky by Ling Feng.

"You bitch, I leave it to you!"

Ling Feng roared, and saw a dark shadow flash, and the bitch had already rushed over with a sneer.

"Magical donkey, seventy-two moves! Wahahahahaha!"

Bang bang bang!

Then, there is hellish torture. The seventy-two movements of the Divine Donkey are enough to break every bone in the Hades Emperor's body without causing death!

"Lotus flowers are floating!"

ah! ——

"Lion's Paw!"

ah! ——

"The giant ax chops down the big tree!"

ah! ——

The crazy laughter of the bitch and the hysterical screams of the Hades were in sharp contrast. Everyone's scalp was numb. If they suffered such a set of beatings, it would be better to die happily.

"Brother Ling, please spare my father's life!"

King Yan held the spear tightly in his hand, knowing that he had no chance of winning in a head-on battle.

Just kidding, even the Underworld Emperor was slapped by Ling Feng and couldn't find the north. How could he compete with Ling Feng?

That is simply impossible!


King Yan fell to his knees and kowtowed to Lingfeng, begging him to let his father go.

It is true that he is a sinister villain, but he is his father after all!

"Please! Please!"

King Yan kept kowtowing, his forehead was bruised and bleeding, but he still kept kowtowing. This filial piety moved Ling Feng.


With a flash of figure, Ling Feng fell in front of King Yan and supported him.

"Your Highness King Yan, is it worth it for such a scumbag?"

Ling Feng stared at the Underworld Emperor with strong disdain and contempt in his eyes.

"No matter how wrong he is, he will always be my father!"

Yan Wang looked at Ling Feng, his face was covered with blood, and he didn't care. He just gritted his teeth and said: "Brother Ling, please let your father go. I am willing to use my life in exchange for my father's life."

After saying that, he directly raised his hand and slapped himself hard on the forehead.


Ling Feng grabbed Yan Wang's palm and sighed softly, "Hey, that's it!"

Ling Feng turned around and glanced at Donkey, and said calmly: "Donkey, stop it!"

"Ah, is this the end?"

The bitch still had a look on his face and roared, "Corvus Flying Dragon!"


With a loud noise, the bitch stepped on Hades directly and landed heavily on the ground. Hades landed face first and smashed the bluestone floor tiles into pieces.

At this moment, the Pluto Emperor had all the bones in his body broken. He was breathing too much out but not taking in much air. He was almost dying.

"Ling Feng! You...this..."

Underworld Emperor stared at Ling Feng, his eyes full of resentment.


Before he could finish speaking, Ling Feng had already stepped on his hands.


The Hades Emperor screamed like a slaughtering pig. If the cheap donkey only broke his bones, Ling Feng's kick directly crushed his bones into pieces.


With another kick, Ling Feng stepped directly on the Underworld Emperor's dantian, and his energy exploded, completely shattering his dantian Qi sea.

In this way, the Hades Emperor not only had all his limbs severed, but his Qihai was also wasted. He was completely transformed into a useless person.

Now he no longer poses any threat.

"For the sake of your son, let me spare your life."

Ling Feng grabbed the Underworld Emperor and said coldly: "If you are still alive, I will give an order to pass your throne to the Flame Emperor from this moment on!"


The Hades Emperor stared at Ling Feng, gritted his teeth and said: "Don't even think about it, you... don't even think about it!"

"Won't you pass it on?"

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and smiled, "Then I will kill all your other sons one by one and see who you can pass them on to?"

"You devil!"

The Hades Emperor suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, and finally chose to compromise, "Everyone, listen, from now on, I will abdicate the throne and pass it on to the second prince! Okay, this is enough!"

"What you think is quite beautiful!"

Ling Feng sneered, "I'm just helping your Kongming Divine Clan choose a monarch. You have to thank me! As for your life, for the sake of His Highness King Yan, I don't want it, but you The Kongming Divine Clan has changed a lot of treasures in the Ancient Star Gate over the years, right?"

"You...what do you want to do?

Minghuang's eyelids twitched and he stared at Ling Feng with a bad feeling.

"I'm so magnanimous that I spared your life. You should at least pay some money for it, right?"

Ling Feng squinted and smiled, "I want half of the treasure house of the Kongming God Clan!"

"You! Why don't you go and rob it?"

The Dark Emperor almost vomited blood. This guy actually asked for half right away?

"Sixty percent!"

"You're too greedy!"

"Seventy percent!"

The Dark Emperor was so angry that he trembled all over. This time, he really provoked a devil!


"Seventy percent, seventy percent!"

It was still King Yan who spoke: "Brother Ling, as long as you let my father go, let alone seventy percent, even if you take all of it, I will have no regrets!"

"Otherwise, how can you say that you are a wise king, and your awareness is high."

Ling Feng grinned and threw the Dark Emperor back to King Yan like throwing away garbage, "Your Highness King Yan, after all, you also reminded me at the beginning, and saved Miss Yu, it would be too unkind to take all of it. But since you asked, I will take eighty percent."


King Yan's mouth twitched for a while, looking at Ling Feng, he couldn't help swallowing hard: You are really, very kind!

"Eighty percent is eighty percent."

King Yan took a deep breath, people under the eaves, have to bow their heads.

If Ling Feng deliberately wanted to rob, who could defend it?

This treasure house, being able to leave them two percent is already a great gift.

Ling Feng rubbed his hands excitedly, if he wasn't greedy, it was really that the Demon Blood Refining Map was too expensive.

The previous few times he sacrificed the Demon Blood Refining Diagram, he almost emptied out his family's wealth.

Now, he urgently needs to accumulate a batch of wealth for emergency use.

After all, although the Demon Blood Refining Diagram is very expensive, the effect is also very good. It is also necessary to reserve some treasures for the Demon Blood Refining Diagram.

And the treasure house of the Kongming God Clan may bring him a big surprise!

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