Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2474 Treasure house surprise! (1 update)

Ling Feng made a strong move and tortured the Emperor of Hades into a dead dog. He also helped the Flame King to ascend to the throne of God. The Kongming Divine Clan no longer dared to be an enemy of Ling Feng.

Even though there are some masters in the Kongming Divine Clan, their strength is at best similar to that of the Hades Emperor, and at most they are just a little stronger.

And since Ling Feng could easily beat the Underworld Emperor, other masters would probably only get beaten if they came out.

Instead of coming out to be beaten, Ling Feng only killed a seventh prince anyway. For the Kongming Divine Clan, it did not cause any harm.

As for the treasure trove…

Think of it as a waste of money to eliminate disaster.

Under the leadership of King Yan, Ling Feng quickly arrived outside the treasure house of the Kongming Divine Clan.

The Kongming Divine Clan has been the emperor and hegemon in this small world of Miluo Continent for tens of thousands of years, and the wealth they have accumulated is naturally immeasurable.

In particular, the Kongming Divine Clan sits on the Ancient Star Gate. For tens of thousands of years, relying on the Ancient Star Gate, they have exchanged too many rare treasures, including ancient rare treasures.

Therefore, although the overall strength of the Kongming God Clan may not be comparable to the Jiuyou God Clan, its accumulated wealth is far above that of the Jiuyou God Clan.

For Ling Feng, exchanging a small life of the Hades Emperor for 80% of the inventory of the Hades God Clan's treasure house was definitely a profit-free deal.

"Ling...Brother Ling, the key to this treasure house is in the hands of my father. Only he can open the treasure house."

King Yan glanced at Ling Feng, with a deep fear in his eyes.

Half a year ago, although Ling Feng was strong, his strength was limited. But half a year later, King Ling Feng returned and was actually able to defeat his father.

How powerful is he now?

Ling Feng curled his lips, looked at the dying Hades Emperor, and slapped him in the face without any explanation, "Why don't you open the door yet?"

The Hades Emperor was extremely aggrieved, but in front of the devil Ling Feng, he didn't even dare to fart.

He trembled and looked at his lapel, which meant that the key was in his arms. King Yan carefully supported him, took out the key, and handed it to Ling Feng respectfully.

Ling Feng took the key, which was a white jade disc. Ling Feng gently slipped it into the groove in front of the treasure house. He heard a "rumbling" sound, and the giant door in front of him slowly rose. A dazzling treasure light bloomed.

The so-called jewels and dazzling array of treasures are the perfect way to describe this treasure house.

"Be good!"

Ling Feng's eyes widened. He had seen the world, but the treasures in this treasure house were basically fake fairy weapons to begin with!

Whatever treasure of heaven and earth, if you grab a handful, most of them are half-finished treasures of the holy way.

There is even a finished product of the holy treasure!

Ling Feng unceremoniously stuffed his brains into the Naling Ring. As for the cheap donkey, he was even more excited. His fighting power was no lower than Ling Feng's. He frantically threw the inventory in the treasure house into his own space treasure.

This guy is so rude!

However, Zifeng is not very interested in these treasures. It will probably take him a long, long time just to refine the light and dark power of the light and dark unicorn.

Seeing Ling Feng and Jianlu frantically plundering the treasure house, the strong men of the Kongming Divine Clan felt their hearts bleed.

This is a treasure that the Kongming Divine Clan spent tens of thousands of years accumulating.


Now they are all making wedding dresses for others!

The Hades Emperor was so angry that he lost his breath, rolled his eyes, and passed out.

If he continues reading, he might be pissed to death.

"Tch, it's the Pluto Emperor, so stingy!"

While the bitch was scanning the treasures wildly, he showed a disdainful expression, frantically spreading hatred.

About half an hour later, under the speed of Ling Feng and Jianlu, they still hadn't emptied the treasure house.

At most, only a small part of it has been moved!

It can be seen from this that the family background of the Kongming God Clan is truly extremely rich!

At the beginning, Ling Feng would carefully check the attributes and characteristics of these treasures. Later, he even became a little numb.

He grabbed one and threw it into the Naling Ring. Now his Naling Ring was almost piled up with treasures.

What a living treasure mountain!

The bitch was so excited that his face flushed. This extremely greedy guy had quite the fun this time.

Suddenly, Ling Feng stopped in front of a row of shelves.

"This breath..."

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, "The breath of Huangquan crystal!"

Huangquan crystals are gems that contain the spiritual energy of Huangquan. They are also available in the outside world. Ling Feng once exchanged many of them at the Single Moon Palace.

A yellow spring crystal as big as a thumb is already quite expensive, almost equivalent to a top-grade king-level technique.

And on this shelf, every Huangquan crystal is the size of a human head, and the spiritual energy contained in it is so rich that it is almost unbelievable.

"The effect of this Huangquan crystal is definitely a thousand times higher than those in the outside world!"

Ling Feng was overjoyed. The reason why he collected the underworld crystals was to stimulate the growth of the underworld flower and make the underworld fruit mature faster.

However, the growth of Huangquan Flower is too difficult. Even if Ling Feng cultivated it in the Wood Yuan Realm of the Five Elements Heavenly Palace and cultivated it with the extremely pure spiritual energy of wood, the speed was only a little faster than in the outside world.

The only way to make the underworld flower grow quickly is to nourish it with the aura of underworld.

And Huangquan crystal is the best treasure.

It's a pity that Huangquan crystals are not only expensive, but also very rare treasures. Although Ling Feng has been collecting them, he can't collect much.

But these human-head-sized Huangquan crystals in front of him gave Ling Feng hope.

"One, two, three... twelve!"

Ling Feng's eyes were full of ecstasy, and there were twelve aphrodisiac crystals the size of a human head. Now, why worry about the aphrodisiac flowers not being able to mature!

"It's really an unexpected surprise."

Ling Feng took all the Huang Quan crystals into his bag.

Now, Tuoba Yan can finally be resurrected!

After wandering around the treasure house for a long time, Ling Feng did not find any other Huangquan crystals, so he stopped searching carefully. After taking away about 80% of all the treasures, he grabbed the donkey's ears and walked out of the treasure house together.

"Ahhhh, you brat, why are you pulling the ears of this beast!"

The bitch was still unfinished for a while, looking at the remaining treasures in the treasure house, his eyes glowed green.

"We agreed to take 80%, so we will take 80%. If you continue to move, you will empty out the treasure house!"

Ling Feng glared at Bitch angrily, but he was a principled person.


The corners of Yan Wang's mouth twitched slightly and he smiled bitterly, "Thank you, Brother Ling, for showing mercy."

"Easy to say."

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows and said calmly: "I may need to bother you for a few more days. Could you please ask His Highness Prince Yan to arrange a quiet place for me where no one can disturb me?"

"Of course, of course!"

How could King Yan dare to refuse Ling Feng's request, so he immediately found a villa for Ling Feng as a place for him to stay.

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