Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2481 The First Young Emperor! (2 updates)

After leaving Qingtian Fortress, Ling Feng took Tuoba Yan and Xingyue on their way to the Dongling Fairy Pond.

Although I somewhat want to go back to the Tianbai Empire and revisit the old place, I never have enough time.

Mu Qianxue's three-year engagement was now less than two years away.

Although his strength was improving rapidly, after meeting the ancestral realm strongman "Red Beard" that day, Ling Feng knew that his current strength was far from enough.

About ten days later, Ling Feng and the others finally arrived at Iron Ice City under the Dongling Fairy Pond.

After a year's absence, Tiebing City is still the same as before, and not much has changed.

However, when I think back to the first time I arrived here, my mood is completely different.

At that time, I was just starting out, but now, I am already a half-saint strong man.

Just looking at the realm, he is already on an equal footing with the Three Saints of Donglingxian Pond, Turtle Lao and the others.

And with various means, Ling Feng is now comparable to the powerful Great Sage!

Shaking his head and smiling, Ling Feng jumped directly across the city at his feet.

Ahead, eight floating fairy islands are already in sight.

Not long after, Ling Feng arrived outside the Donglingxian Pond and flew directly to the eight islands in the sky.

"Who dares to break into Donglingxian Pond!"

Before Ling Feng could get closer, several Emperor Realm experts had already intercepted him.

Donglingxian Pond is divided into two realms: heaven and earth. According to normal circumstances, those who visit the mountain gate need to go to the outer gate first for communication.

"Haha, Senior Brother Yan, long time no see!"

Ling Feng smiled casually and already saw clearly who was coming.

The person on the left is surprisingly the same person who Ling Feng had just worshiped in Donglingxian Pond. Among the top ten disciples among the outer sect, the third Tianjian, Yan Guying! (PS: For details, see "Chapter 1345 Yan Guying!")

As for the person on the right, Ling Feng didn't know him, but it seemed that he should be a newly promoted inner disciple of Donglingxianchi.

" are..."

Yan Guying stared at Ling Feng, sizing him up for a long time, and then exclaimed, "Ling... Junior Brother Ling?"

The next moment, Yan Guying immediately bowed to Ling Feng and said, "Disciple Yan Guying of Earth Spirit Hall, please see the Young Emperor!"

Another disciple saw Yan Guying saluting Ling Feng and quickly bowed down.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. When he left the Dongling Fairy Pond, he did indeed bear the name of this top ten young emperor.

Things have changed, and I almost forgot about it. I didn't expect that the disciples of Donglingxianchi would still remember this.

Speaking of which, I also have a very luxurious Young Emperor's Mansion in the Diling Palace.

Ling Feng stepped forward to support Yan Guying and said with a faint smile: "I have been away for so long. Have the ten young emperors not been replaced yet?"

"Most of the other young emperors have been promoted or replaced, but this first young emperor, the sect has always been reserved for you, Young Emperor Ling."

Yan Guying looked at Ling Feng with a feeling of fear.

Although they were acquaintances in the old days, Ling Feng was already a legendary figure now.

The gap in status is already too great.

Ling Feng shook his head slightly, knowing that there were unattainable mountains rising between him and Yan Guying. It would be impossible to get along with each other as before.

"Take me to see Biluo Shengji first."

"Yes, Young Emperor!"

Yan Guying nodded heavily, "The palace master happens to be in the Earth Spirit Palace right now!"

After a while, Ling Feng arrived at the Earth Spirit Hall.

Looking at this familiar palace, I thought about how hard it was for me to enter this palace when I was promoted from the outer sect!

"Brother Ling!"

Before she could see Biluo Shengji, it was Lin Mu who rushed towards her.

This guy rushed forward with a single stride, stretched out his big hands, and gave Ling Feng a bear hug. Then he laughed loudly, "You guy, you are willing to come back!"

"You always have to go home!"

Ling Feng smiled lightly.

I don't know when, Ling Feng has regarded Donglingxian Pond as his home.

"And Junior Sister Tuoba, you are back too!"

Lin Mu glanced at Tuoba Yan, because Tuoba Yan's aura had completely changed, so much so that he almost didn't recognize him at first.

"Senior Brother Lin."

Tuoba Yan nodded slightly at Lin Mu and returned to the Dongling Immortal Pond. She also wanted to meet her master, Huiyue Shengji.

"In the blink of an eye, it's been more than a year!"

Lin Mu wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, "I'll go find Xiaofan and the others. If they know you're back, they will be very happy!"

With that said, without waiting for Ling Feng to speak, he rushed out like a puff of smoke and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Over the past year or so, it seems that this guy has been practicing pretty hard, and he has actually reached the third level of the Destiny Realm.

Looking at the Dongling Immortal Pond, those at the third level of the Destiny Realm can be regarded as elite disciples, not much worse than some elders.

Shaking his head and smiling, Ling Feng and Tuoba Yan walked into the hall together.

"Disciple, I have met the palace master!"

Biluo Shengji is talking to the little girl Yu Linglong at this moment. This Yu Linglong has the physique of "Guardian of Earth Spirits". Although she looks soft and weak, she is the best successor in Biluo Shengji's mind. .

Today, Yu Linglong, together with Lin Mu, have become the top ten young emperors, and can be regarded as the two major faces of the Earth Spirit Palace.

Of course, the biggest drawcard was Ling Feng, the first young emperor who had already traveled far away.

"Eh? Senior Sister Yu is here too!"

Ling Feng chuckled. Speaking of which, the first disciple of the Dongling Fairy Pond he knew was Lin Mu, and the second was this strange girl Yu Linglong.

"Junior Brother Ling!"

Yu Linglong blinked her big bright eyes. In more than a year, Yu Linglong didn't change much.

Although Biluo Shengji earnestly wanted to teach this disciple, it was a pity that although Yu Linglong was extremely talented, she lacked interest in cultivation.

"Ling Feng!"

When Biluo Shengji saw Ling Feng, she was obviously very shocked. She obviously didn't expect that Ling Feng would come back.

However, more than a year has passed since the attack by the holy master from Longjian Tianfu, and there has been no follow-up. The senior officials of Donglingxianchi knew that this must be Ling Feng's handiwork. .

Although they didn't know what happened specifically, they knew that it must be because of Ling Feng that the people from Longjian Tianfu did not send anyone to the Donglingxian Pond to take revenge.

Soon, the news about Ling Feng's return spread throughout the Donglingxian Pond.

Most of the disciples only knew that Ling Feng was a legendary figure who had experienced the "Blood Shadow Alliance Change". It was precisely because of Ling Feng's existence that the Dongling Immortal Pond, which was in turmoil at that time, was saved.

Only the top leaders of the sect know better how much Ling Feng paid for the Dongling Immortal Pond.

In fact, the reason why Donglingxian Pond is still peaceful today is all thanks to Ling Feng.

Otherwise, Longjian Tianfu's iron hooves would have completely flattened the Dongling Immortal Pond.

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