Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2482 The power of Xuanwu! (3 updates)

After greeting Biluo Shengji, Tuoba Yan separated from Ling Feng.

Naturally, this girl also wants to meet her master, Holy Princess Huiyue.

Ling Feng didn't have much favorable impression of Huiyue Saint Princess. In the final analysis, this woman was still a bit unhuman.

However, I have to say that she treats Tuoba Yan, her direct disciple, quite well.

After the "Blood Shadow Alliance Incident" that day, almost half of the eight hall masters of Donglingxianchi died, and their disciples suffered countless casualties.

Although more than a year has passed, it can be seen that the overall Donglingxian Pond is slightly depressed and no longer as prosperous as in the past.

However, as long as the foundation of Xianyao Pond still exists, Dongling Immortal Pond will be able to grow even stronger before long.


As soon as he walked out of the Earth Spirit Hall, a familiar voice came from afar.

Ling Feng looked intently and saw a tall and burly figure rushing towards him quickly.

He has dark skin, strong muscles, and carries a black epee as tall as a person behind him.

If this guy isn’t Jiang Xiaofan, who is he?

Almost in the blink of an eye, Jiang Xiaofan rushed in front of Ling Feng, staring at Ling Feng with his eyes red, "Brother, you are finally back!"


Ling Feng raised his hand and patted Jiang Xiaofan on the shoulder. After not seeing each other for more than a year, Jiang Xiaofan became taller and burlier.

His stature has reached two meters away, and now he looks more like a ferocious humanoid beast.

Ling Feng's height is not low, but in front of Jiang Xiaofan, he still looks a bit "pocket-sized".

"You kid, you don't know what you ate, how did you grow so tall!"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, this guy has completely turned into a big guy.

"Haha... No matter how tall you grow, your eldest brother will always be my eldest brother!"

Jiang Xiaofan scratched the back of his head innocently. Only from this action, it could be vaguely seen that he was still the honest young man he was when he first joined Tianwei Academy.

This guy has Xuanwu precious blood in his body, which is the blood of a serious holy beast.

With continuous practice, the power of Xuanwu Precious Blood is gradually revealed.

Especially since Ling Feng had given him a "Holy Dragon Tyrant Blood Pill" at the beginning. In addition, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in Donglingxian Pond was extremely rich. After practicing here for more than a year, this guy could easily open it. The emperor's gate with strength has achieved the emperor's realm.

Now he is also a powerful emperor.

Of course, it was only a breakthrough not long ago.

"Brother Ling."

At this time, a wave of wind and thunder surged. The next moment, the thunder gradually dissipated, and a figure appeared in front of Ling Feng.


Ling Feng glanced at Li Bufan. This guy's cultivation was already at the early stage of the Emperor Realm, exactly the same as Jiang Xiaofan.

It seems that these two guys have always been advancing hand in hand, and neither one is willing to lag behind.


Li Bufan was still as taciturn as before, but his eyes said everything.


Then, another breathless voice came, and Lin Mu also rushed over quickly, but compared to Jiang Xiaofan and the others, his speed was obviously far behind.

I could barely keep up with their speed and almost lost my breath.

Although his level is much higher than that of Jiang Xiaofan and the others, unfortunately, in terms of physical fitness, he has been left behind by these two "monsters".

Needless to say, Jiang Xiaofan is a ferocious beast in human form.

Li Bufan also often uses wind and thunder to temper his body. His physique is much stronger than that of ordinary monks.

This is also the reason why this guy has been practicing so hard during this period. It was completely stimulated by Jiang Xiaofan and the others.

"You two, can't wait for me!"

Lin Mu was panting for a while and cursed in his heart: He really deserves to come from the same place as Ling Feng, that damn freak. They are all freaks!

"You are too slow."

Jiang Xiaofan is still as upright and outspoken as ever.

Lin Mu was heartbroken. He watched Jiang Xiaofan and the others surpass him little by little. Who can understand this feeling!

"Ling Feng."

Li Bufan took a deep look at Ling Feng, with a hint of fighting spirit in his eyes, "I want to see how big the gap between us is!"

For more than a year, Li Bufan and Jiang Xiaofan competed with each other, and their strength improved rapidly, and they even came from behind and surpassed Lin Mu.

However, the biggest target in his heart is still Ling Feng.


Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose, "Well, I just want to see how much your strength has improved. Xiaofan, you and Bufan join forces!"

"Hey, brother, you will be surprised!"

Jiang Xiaofan grinned, slowly pulled out the heavy sword from behind, and then gently placed it on the ground.


There was a loud noise, and the ground shook violently. The corners of Ling Feng's mouth twitched slightly. Good guy, how heavy is this sword?

Li Bufan also nodded slightly, and blue arcs flashed around him.

Physically, Li Bufan is somewhat similar to Jun Jiuyou.

However, he is not a god and cannot draw on the power of the original divine pattern.

If that wasn't enough, he also swallowed the "Holy Dragon Tyrant Blood Pill". What's even more coincidental is that the Holy Dragon Tyrant Blood Pill he swallowed happened to have the blood of the Thunder Dragon!

In a sense, his physique is no worse than that of the gods.

Jiang Xiaofan and Li Bufan join forces, one is extremely fast, and the other is extremely powerful.

"Brother, I'm here!"

Jiang Xiaofan exerted his strength fiercely, and all the muscles in his body suddenly stiffened. With extremely powerful brute force, he punched Ling Feng.

"The power of Xuanwu?"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly, and he activated the Dragon Elephant Overlord Body Technique, and the power of a hundred dragons exploded instantly.


With a loud noise, both of them reached the level of "breaking the void". Under the collision of power, the entire space seemed to be directly shattered.

Kick, kick, kick!

Under the collision of forces, both of them took a few steps back at the same time.

Of course, this was also caused by Ling Feng's deliberate release. Otherwise, it would have greatly affected Xiaofan's self-confidence.

However, Jiang Xiaofan's power is actually comparable to the power of a hundred dragons. This Xuanwu power is really exaggerated!

Before Ling Feng could take a breath, Li Bufan's attack had already reached him.

His Wind and Thunder Transformation is a very powerful secret technique. The moment Ling Feng was slightly distracted, dozens of wind and thunder incarnations surrounded Ling Feng.

"Swallowing flames!"

Under the power of Li Bufan's wind and thunder, Ling Feng frowned and activated Yan Yan to burn the incarnations of wind and thunder. Then he pulled out and targeted Li Bufan.


With a surge of sword sound, all directions were destroyed and appeared in the palm of the hand.

"Breaking the Mystery from All Directions!"

The sword light surged, and the sword energy burst out. Li Bufan's movement skills were indeed reaching the extreme, and even Ling Feng's sword energy could not be completely locked on.

The next moment, Jiang Xiaofan also swung his heavy sword and struck Ling Feng hard.

One of the two was extremely powerful, and the other was extremely fast. Even Ling Feng had to show some real skills to defeat them.

Boom boom boom!

The confrontation lasted for about half an hour. Jiang Xiaofan and Li Bufan were both panting from exhaustion before they finally stopped.

Ling Feng smiled lightly and said: "Yes, your strength has improved very quickly!"

Although their strength is still far behind the level of the top ten in the One Moon Palace, if the two of them join forces, they will be able to get along in a place like the One Moon Palace.

The progress in strength of these two brothers indeed completely exceeded Ling Feng's expectations!

(PS: These chapters will explain the situation of the brothers, and a new plot will start tomorrow!)

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