Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2483 Infinite charm! (1 update)

"Big brother is still a big brother after all!"

Jiang Xiaofan was panting from exhaustion, "Even with my most confident strength, I was completely crushed by my eldest brother!"

Li Bufan silently uttered two words: "Pervert!"

How could he not see that Ling Feng was still merciful and left room for leeway, and had always been on the defensive instead of taking the initiative to attack.

But no matter how hard the two of them joined forces and used many methods, they couldn't hurt Ling Feng at all.

They were not fools, and naturally knew that Ling Feng gave them guidance through his performance.

The battle with Ling Feng seemed to be a discussion, but in fact, it was more of a pointer from Ling Feng to them.

As for how much they can benefit, it depends on their own understanding.

In comparison, Ling Feng is a fellow cultivator of three realms and an eternal evildoer who knocks open the gates of three realms at the same time.

No matter which path they are in, they are definitely qualified to guide them.

After the competition, the group rushed directly to the Young Emperor's Mansion in Lingfeng.

A group of brothers, meeting again after a long separation, naturally need to have a good reunion.

When Ling Feng and his party returned to the Young Emperor's Mansion, they were surprised to find that there was still someone staying at the Young Emperor's Mansion.

I thought that after I left, the Young Emperor's Mansion would be abandoned, but to my surprise, there were still people guarding this mansion for me.

"Senior Brother Ling, you are finally back!"

What came towards him was Fang Wen, the female disciple who Ling Feng had chosen to attach himself to when he was at the outer gate of Donglingxian Pond that day. (PS: For details, see "Chapter 1329: Depend on the Strong!")

Later, Ling Feng was promoted from the outer sect to the inner sect, and was promoted step by step to young emperor. Fang Wen also followed him all the way, playing a role like a maid.

After Ling Feng left, this huge Young Emperor's Mansion became a residence where she lived alone.

After Ling Feng left, she did not forget her responsibilities, but stayed here because she believed that Ling Feng would come back one day.

"Junior sister Fang, long time no see!"

Ling Feng was quite surprised when he saw Fang Wen.

When she left, Fang Wen, a conscientious "maid", was not stingy and left her a lot of training resources.

Her talent is not bad, coupled with some guidance and resources from Ling Feng, it is no less than a great blessing.

Nowadays, her strength is not to mention outstanding among the inner sects, but she can definitely be regarded as the elite among the elite.

However, she still stayed in the Young Emperor's Mansion and was willing to be a little maid, so she did not forget her true heart.

Everything in the Young Emperor's Mansion was kept in order by Fang Wen, and basically not much changed when Ling Feng left.

"Actually, Junior Sister Fang has been accepted as a true disciple by my elder sister. She should have her own mansion, but she still stays here. Haha, Brother Ling, you are really charming!"

Lin Mu cast an extremely ambiguous look at Ling Feng.

Fang Wen blushed and ran away, leaving only one sentence, "I'll prepare lunch for the senior brothers!"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes, "You guy, if you don't speak, no one will think you are mute!"

Lin Mu, however, had no intention of shutting up. He kept talking more and more vigorously and said with a smile: "Not only Junior Sister Fang, let me count, Senior Sister Li Fei and Li, every time I come back from training, I will go to the Young Emperor's Mansion like you." , Hehe, do you think she is here to see Junior Sister Fang? "

"By the way, there is also Fairy Qingping Yu Qingping. Speaking of which, she was the fiancée of Young Emperor Wushuang. She only broke off the engagement with the help of someone!"

A black line shot up on Ling Feng's forehead, "It's better not to mention these old debts!"

"Hey, let's talk about an old score."

Lin Mu rolled his eyes and smiled slyly: "There is also that little witch Jiang Biyi, she is always talking about you!"


Ling Feng was sweating slightly on his forehead. It was not a good thing to be worried about that little witch!

Soon, news about Ling Feng's return to Donglingxian Pond spread.

And Ling Feng's old friends from the past also visited the Young Emperor's Mansion one by one.

Masters such as Chu Tiange, Zhuo Yang, and Bai Qi who were "on the list of good fortune stars" all benefited from Ling Feng's care when they rushed to the war palace to fight against the barbarians.

Therefore, as soon as they heard that Ling Feng was back, everyone immediately came to visit Ling Feng.

Naturally, they all wanted to see what progress Ling Feng had made in more than a year.

After actually meeting Ling Feng, there are only four words that can describe it, that is: unfathomable.

With their current cultivation strength, it is completely impossible to see the depth of Ling Feng.

After all, Ling Feng is now at the semi-saint level, which is already at the same level as the three semi-saints in Donglingxianchi.

And as the masters on the Creation Star List arrived one after another to visit, several familiar faces were welcomed into the Young Emperor's Mansion.

Li Fei, Fengling!

The pair of junior sisters are still inseparable as before.

Soon after, even Fairy Qingping appeared.

After a year's absence, Fairy Qingping looks as cool as ever, like an iceberg.

This persistent woman also left a very deep impression on Ling Feng.

"Ling Feng..."

Fairy Qingping looked at Ling Feng with eyes filled with too many complicated emotions.

As time goes by, this feeling seems to be increasing instead of decreasing.

"Senior Sister Yu."

Ling Feng nodded at her and smiled, then said no more.

Since you know there will be no results, why give her too many fantasies.

At a luncheon, Ling Feng finally met all his old friends from Dong Ling Xian Pond. On this day, everyone talked about everything and told over and over again the legends that Ling Feng had left in Dong Ling Xian Pond. , one glorious deed after another.

Ling Feng, like a meteor streaking across the horizon, is destined to leave a mark in the history of Donglingxian Pond.

Unfortunately, his pace of progress was too fast.

In just over a year, Ling Feng walked out of the Dongling Fairy Pond and embarked on a new journey.

For most people present, this is something that is simply unimaginable.

But at this moment, everyone is not talking about cultivation, but only reminiscing about old friendships.

At this moment, everyone is drinking and chatting happily, and they will not return until they are drunk!

The next day, Ling Feng didn't wake up until noon.

During this year in the West Sword Region, he basically lived under various threats all the time, and rarely had such peace and freedom.

In fact, it has been more than a year since I slept as comfortably as I did yesterday.

Pushing open the door, the warm afternoon sun made people feel lazy and tired, and Ling Feng stretched beautifully.

Today, it's time to talk about business.

"Senior Brother Ling!"

At this moment, Fang Wen's voice floated over, and the next moment, she walked quickly in front of him and said softly: "Senior Brother Ling, Mr. Gui asks you to go to the Holy Land of the Spirit Turtle to see him after you wake up."

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