Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2484 Great benefactor! (2 updates)

"Gui Lao is looking for me?"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, "When did it happen?"

"It's been a while."

Fang Wen said softly: "But Mr. Gui told you to go find him after you wake up, and asked me not to wake you up."


Ling Feng slapped his forehead. He was so sleepy that he didn't even notice Mr. Gui's visit.

"I'll go right away!"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly. After all, Mr. Gui was also a senior. It was really inappropriate for him to wait for him.

After all, when he first came to Donglingxian Pond, Mr. Gui also gave him a lot of guidance and help.

As the saying goes, remember the source when drinking water. Even though his strength today is far above that of Gui Lao, in Ling Feng's heart, Gui Lao is still an elder he respects very much.

Not long after, Ling Feng arrived at the Holy Land of the Spirit Turtle.

When he arrived, he discovered that besides Gui Lao, Taoist Jing and Emperor Tianyuan were also there. (PS: The three elders of Donglingxian Pond are Turtle Lao, Long Lao, and Whale Lao. Mr. Long died during the Blood Shadow Alliance incident. Since then, only one of the three elders of Donglingxian Pond has been left.)

"Headmaster! Mr. Turtle, Mr. Whale!"

When Ling Feng saw these three people, he quickly bowed and saluted.

"No need to be polite."

Old Gui waved his hand, and a soft force gently lifted Ling Feng up.

"On the journey of martial arts, those who have mastered it come first. Little friend Lingfeng, with your current level of cultivation, you are no longer inferior to the three of us."

The Taoist Jing glanced at Ling Feng and said with a faint smile: "Perhaps I should change my mind and call you, Fellow Taoist Ling Feng!"


A trace of embarrassment appeared on Ling Feng's face, "Seniors are always seniors. It was just a coincidence that the boy broke through to the semi-saint realm."


The three old turtles looked at each other with a hint of relief.

In fact, even they couldn't see through Ling Feng's cultivation, but Ling Feng didn't have the power of a saint yet, so they guessed that Ling Feng was probably a semi-saint.

But now that Ling Feng personally admitted it, several people were not only surprised, but also a little bit shocked.

What makes me happy is that there is now another half-saint in the Dongling Immortal Pond.

What is surprising is that in just one year, Ling Feng broke through from the early stage of the Emperor Realm to the Semi-Saint Realm!

One year!

For the geniuses of Donglingxianchi, it may not be too difficult to break through to the imperial realm.

However, if you want to take the step of being a semi-saint, ordinary people may not be able to do it even if they have practiced hard for three hundred years.

Even among them, Tianyuan Holy Emperor, who made the fastest progress, took more than a hundred years to cultivate from the early stage of the Emperor's realm to a semi-saint.

As for Ling Feng, it only took one year!

This is beyond their knowledge, this is simply a monster among monsters.

In fact, let alone Dongling Domain, even in other major domains, like Ling Feng, it is not impossible that someone like Ling Feng can reach Semi-Saint in his twenties, but they are definitely rare.

After all, even Yu Junyao of the Jiuli God Clan would have been hard-pressed to break through to the Saint level in her twenties if it weren't for the opportunity in the Bloody Ancient Road.

And Jun Jiuyou, although he looks very young, is actually already forty or fifty years old.

Of course, for a saint-level powerhouse with a lifespan of thousands of years, fifty years old is indeed still very young.

"You must have suffered a lot this year."

Mr. Gui took a deep look at Ling Feng, his eyes full of kindness.

Although there were no scars on Ling Feng's body, it could be seen in Ling Feng's eyes.

He has experienced too many things.


Ling Feng smiled lightly. The so-called growth is mostly a process of learning to be strong.

And throughout Ling Feng's growth process, he has never had room for weakness.

Just be strong!

"First of all, on behalf of Donglingxianchi, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my little friend!"

Mr. Gui stood up slowly and bowed deeply towards Ling Feng, and then, Daoist Jing and the Holy Emperor Tianyuan also bowed towards Ling Feng.


Ling Feng was shocked and turned pale, and quickly supported the three of them, "What does this mean? Mr. Gui, Headmaster, I can't bear it!"

"No! You can definitely bear it!"

Tianyuan Holy Emperor looked deeply at Ling Feng and said slowly: "In this year, Longjian Tianfu has not sent anyone to Donglingxian Pond. We know that you must have stabilized the situation. Otherwise, with Longjian Tianfu, The power of my body has already leveled my Dongling Immortal Pond. Ling Feng, you are my great benefactor! Therefore, you can definitely bear this gift!"

There seemed to be a stream of heat flowing in Ling Feng's heart.

Although this bow did not have anything substantial, it at least let Ling Feng know that all the efforts he had made before were not in vain.

Donglingxian Pond is my home and a place worth protecting.

"As a member of Donglingxianchi, this is what I should do!"

Ling Feng helped the three of them up and said calmly: "You guys guessed right. The current Longjian Tianfu probably has no time left to trouble Donglingxian Pond."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. After the battle in the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountains, the power of Longjian Tianfu has been greatly weakened, and the Long Family has also been expelled from Longjian Tianfu.

With the deaths of Long Guihai and the ancestors of the Long family, the Long family has now become worse and worse. Naturally, no one will mention the old debts of old sesame seeds and rotten millet.

Waiting for them should be the anger of the other major families in Longjian Tianfu.

From now on, it is hard to say whether there will be a Dragon Family in the West Sword Region.

Of course, Ling Feng doesn't have the slightest sympathy, they are all bringing their own fault.

"That's good, that's good!"

The three turtles breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. After receiving Ling Feng's positive confirmation, their hanging hearts were finally completely relieved.


Ling Feng took a deep breath and said straightforwardly: "Actually, when I come back this time, in addition to this matter that I need to report to you, the Headmaster, there is one more thing that I hope the Headmaster can agree to."

Holy Emperor Tianyuan glanced at Ling Feng, "You are now the great benefactor of Dongling Immortal Pond. Not to mention one thing, even if it is a hundred or a thousand things, I have agreed to them all! Also, from now on From now on, you are the only candidate to succeed as head coach! As long as you say a word, I will pass the throne to you immediately without any hesitation!"

"No no no..."

Ling Feng waved his hands repeatedly, saying that he did not want to be a headmaster, "There are not so many requirements, I only need to borrow one thing from the headmaster."


Tianyuan Holy Emperor looked at Ling Feng and blurted out a question.

Ling Feng said word by word: "Shen——Huang——Picture——Lu!"


Holy Emperor Tianyuan looked troubled and immediately frowned.

Ling Feng took a deep breath, "This object is very important to me, and as far as I know, forces from several other major regions are also looking for this object. It is not safe for this object to be left in the Donglingxian Pond."

"No, you misunderstood."

Holy Emperor Tianyuan sighed softly, "It's not that I am unwilling to give this thing to you, but because this thing is no longer in the Dongling Immortal Pond!"


Ling Feng's eyelids were twitching wildly, his heart thumped, and he blurted out, "Illustration of the Divine Desolation, isn't it in the Dongling Fairy Pond?"

On that day, Biluo Shengji and the others clearly brought the Shenhuang Picture Book back to Dongling Fairy Pond!

Could it be possible that something went wrong in this?

(PS: The weather is getting colder. The author has a cold and a fever. He has runny nose and is in very poor condition. I am lazy and there are only two updates today. I also remind everyone to keep warm!)

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