Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2485 The Stone of the Gods! (1 update)

Holy Emperor Tianyuan sighed, took out a dark token from the Naling Ring, and handed it to Ling Feng.

Ling Feng was slightly stunned, and raised his hand to take the token. Directly on the dark token, there seemed to be a faint hot breath coming towards him.

On the front of the token, the word "Fire Witch" is engraved in ancient characters, while on the back, there is a pattern of a palace, with the words "Witch Temple" engraved on the side.

"The Witch God Cult?"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, and he frowned immediately while holding the token.

After all, I was still a step too late!


The Holy Emperor Tianyuan sighed, and then nodded with difficulty, "Yes, it is the Wushen Sect! Half a year after you left the Dongling Immortal Pond, a group of masters from the Wushen Sect came to ask us to hand over the divine wilderness. Catalog!”


Ling Feng was puzzled for a moment, "How do people from the Wushen Cult know the specific location of the Shenhuang Picture Book?"

"It's a special stone!"

Turtle Lao said slowly: "Originally, we also denied it, but the master of the Witch God Cult directly took out a shining stone and said it was the Stone of the Gods."

"The people of the Witch God Sect are indeed incredibly powerful!"

Tianyuan Holy Emperor clenched his fists tightly and sighed: "I originally wanted to resist, but I was defeated by the opponent's finger! Moreover, it was not the master of the Witch God Cult who took action personally, but a person beside him. A girl who looks like she's only a teenager makes a move! But I can't make a move in that girl's hands!"

Holy Emperor Tianyuan sighed. He had lived a long time and was the leader of a sect. In the end, he couldn't even beat a little girl.

This kind of frustration cannot be described in words.

However, Ling Feng could understand that the strength of the Tianyuan Saint Emperor, who was the best among the semi-saints, was only considered a second-rate master in the Western Sword Region, while the Southern Witch Region was a level higher than that of the Western Sword Region. .

It's not surprising that he was defeated at the hands of a little girl.

It's just that a casual little girl can defeat the Tianyuan Holy Emperor with one finger. The strength of the Witch God Sect is really terrifying!

"Those people from the Witch God Sect didn't seem to bother to take action against us. After I handed over the Shenhuang Picture Book, they left, leaving only this token and saying what the day this token shines, When the masters of the Witch God Sect arrive, we must march hundreds of miles to welcome them and kneel down thousands of steps to welcome them!"

At the end of the sentence, Holy Emperor Tianyuan clenched his teeth, his eyes filled with hatred, as if he was hating his own powerlessness.

The most dignified holy land in the Eastern Spiritual Realm actually wants to worship the Witch God Cult like this!

After a long time, Holy Emperor Tianyuan took a deep breath, as if he had accepted his fate. In an instant, he seemed to have aged a hundred years.

Tianyuan Holy Emperor looked at Ling Feng and said slowly: "So, Ling Feng, I can't hand over this Shenhuang Picture Book to you. If you have any other requests, just ask."

"Since the Divine Desolate Illustrated Book has been taken away by the Wushen Cult, the disciple has no other requirements."

Ling Feng clenched his fists. It seemed that if he wanted to get the Shenhuang Picture Book, he would have to go to the Wushen Sect.

Since the Witch God Sect has sent its disciples to search for the Atlas of Divine Desolation, maybe they have already collected the Atlas of Divine Desolation hidden in the Southern Witch Territory.

If you are lucky, you may be able to get two pieces of the Divine Desolate Picture Book in one go during this trip.

Even three!

After all, the piece of Northern Cold Territory may have also been collected by the Witch God Cult.

The overall level of the Northern Cold Territory is probably about the same as that of the Western Sword Territory. With the power of the Witch God Sect, it is not difficult to search for the catalog of divine wilderness in the Northern Cold Territory.

No matter what, I still have to go through this Witch God Sect!

"Little friend Lingfeng, you just came back from the Western Sword Region, don't you want to break into the Southern Witch Region again?"

Seeing the change in Ling Feng's expression, Gui Lao's eyelids twitched slightly. The overall strength of the Southern Witch Territory was much higher than that of the Western Sword Territory.

In his opinion, Ling Feng was in the semi-saint realm, and even if he was stronger than them, he was only too strong.

If you run to the Southern Witch Territory, you'll probably end up giving a sheep like a tiger's mouth!

"Why not?"

Ling Feng smiled casually, "Just in time, I also want to experience the witchcraft of the Southern Witch Territory!"

Speaking of which, he had come into contact with Baili Lanxi from the Fire Witch Clan before, and he had to say that the geniuses of the Witch God Sect were indeed powerful.

But, so what?

It's not like he was trapped in that underground world and couldn't come out forever.

And his jade flute is also in his hands!

Jade flute!

Thinking of this, Ling Feng's eyelids twitched suddenly, and he immediately became concerned.

That Baili Lanxi was trapped in the underground world, which meant that there was no such person as Baili Lanxi in the outside world.

If you pretend to be Baili Lanxi and sneak into the Witch God Cult...

Maybe, not only can you have the opportunity to steal the Shenhuang Picture Book from the Witch God Sect, but you may even be able to secretly learn the secret techniques of the Witch God Sect!

"No no no..."

Shaking his head, Ling Feng quickly dismissed the idea.

First of all, even if he could disguise himself as Baili Lanxi's appearance and aura, he was not a witch and could not use their witchcraft. This was enough to reveal his secret.

Secondly, Baili Lanxi has a high status in the Wushen Religion and is an elite member of the Fire Witch Clan. He disguises himself as Baili Lanxi. Once he comes into contact with the higher-ups of the Wushen Religion and doesn’t know any of them, wouldn’t he be immediately recognized by others? see through.

However, I can make good use of Baili Lanxi and think of a way to sneak into the Witch God Sect first.

"Hey, it looks like you've made up your mind."

Turtle Lao sighed, "In that case, I won't advise you any more. I believe you will continue to create more legends!"

Tianyuan Saint Emperor looked at Ling Feng with some regret. After all, Ling Feng's current strength is already the top of the Donglingxian Pond. If Lingfeng is in charge, the Donglingxian Pond will naturally be as stable as Mount Tai.

Unfortunately, Ling Feng is obviously not the kind of person who can stay in a small place.

The stage that belongs to the true dragon is, after all, the vast ocean.

To Ling Feng, the Eastern Spiritual Territory is just a small pond.

"Ling Feng, no matter where you are, just remember that Dongling Fairy Pond is your forever home!"

Holy Emperor Tianyuan took a deep look at Ling Feng and said, "If one day you get tired outside, just come back. I will always reserve the position of headmaster for you."


Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, "I'm not a suitable person to be a headmaster, so I won't be a headmaster. I will always remember Donglingxian Pond as my home!"

Hearing what Ling Feng said, Tianyuan Holy Emperor and the others showed a hint of relief.

"In addition, if you don't mind the trouble, Headmaster, among the four great empires in the Eastern Spiritual Region, Tianbai Empire is my hometown. I hope Headmaster can take care of me."

"Of course!"

Tianyuan Holy Emperor nodded repeatedly, he was afraid that Ling Feng would not mention the conditions, and since Ling Feng opened his mouth, he could only sell Ling Feng a favor.

In this way, it is equivalent to tying Ling Feng tightly to the warship in Donglingxianchi.

He thought this way, although he was a bit of a villain in judging a gentleman, but it was no wonder that Ling Feng was so good now that he did not want to lose such a peerless genius like Ling Feng at all costs.

When Ling Feng truly grows up, Donglingxianchi will surely rise.

The Eastern Spiritual Realm will never be reduced to the bottom among the five regions again.

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