Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2487 Poseidon! (3 updates)

Let's talk about Ling Feng's journey south. Among the four empires in the Eastern Spiritual Territory, the Tianlong Empire is located in the southernmost part of the Eastern Spiritual Territory.

To go to the Southern Witch Territory, you must first pass through the Tianlong Empire.

After that, you have to cross the distant endless sea and reach the other side before you can finally reach the Southern Witch Territory.

The area of ​​this Endless Sea is extremely vast, almost wider than several Eastern Spiritual Territories. Crossing the Endless Sea is an extremely difficult task.

Not to mention, there are countless powerful marine monsters in the depths of this sea.

Just when Ling Feng was thinking about how he should go to the Southern Witch Territory, he found a figure behind him and chased him quickly.

Ling Feng looked back and saw Tuoba Yan chasing after him.


Ling Feng was stunned for a moment and asked, "What's wrong with Yan'er? Is there anything else?"

"It's nothing, I just suddenly don't want to go to the Western Sword Region. I'm also planning to go to the Southern Witch Region, so I'll drop in with you!"

Tuoba Yan gritted his teeth and found a very "tough" reason.

"This..." Ling Feng was speechless for a while, "Aren't you just fooling around!"

"What nonsense? The Southern Witch Territory is not owned by your family. Only you are allowed to go, but I am not allowed to go!"

Tuoba Yan's face was slightly hot, and he cursed in his heart: Tuoba Yan, Tuoba Yan, when did you become so messy!

"Yan'er, I told you, this trip to the Southern Witch Territory is no joke, it's very dangerous!"

"I'm not just joking! Besides, I didn't ask you to protect me. Who am I?"


Ling Feng choked immediately.

I can't accept this!

It has to be said that women are probably born with the talent to mess around. After a verbal "battle", Ling Feng was finally defeated.

"Okay, okay!" Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly, "I'm afraid of you! Let's go!"

Since I can't refuse, I can only choose to accept.

Although Ling Feng arranged for Tuoba Yan to go to the Valley of Evil to practice out of good intentions, but since she didn't accept it, what could he do.

What's more, deep down in Ling Feng's heart, he was still willing to go with Tuoba Yan.

Otherwise, if he is unwilling in his heart, no matter how much Tuoba Yan messes around, with Ling Feng's speed, how can Tuoba Yan catch up with him.

In the blink of an eye, another half month passed.

Ling Feng and Tuoba Yan crossed most of the Eastern Spiritual Territory and finally arrived at the southernmost port of the Tianlong Empire.

This place, called Bitao Port, is a city by the sea. Because it is close to the coast, there are many casual cultivators gathered there, who trade by hunting some monsters in the outer sea area in exchange for some cultivation materials.

This is similar to those hunting teams, except that most of the teams that can operate on the sea have their own ships.

Otherwise, although the powerful Human Emperor has mastered the ability to fly in the air, the energy in the warrior's body will not be endless after all.

In the depths of the sea, there are all kinds of crises. It is undoubtedly very stupid to consume too much energy for flying.

Therefore, when it comes to long-distance sailing, not to mention the Human Emperor, even the emperor-level experts and even the saint-level experts will not choose to fly directly out to sea.

After Ling Feng arrived in this port city, the first thing he did was naturally to find a suitable fleet.

In the vast blue ocean, waves kept coming, hitting the rocks, making a roar of earth-shattering, and spraying snow-white foam.

Breathing deeply, the smell here seems to be different from that in the mainland, with a smell unique to the ocean.

This Bitao Port is a very huge port, and naturally has a large fleet.

What Ling Feng needs is an experienced crew with rich sailing experience to support them across the endless sea and reach the Southern Witch Territory on the other side.

However, upon hearing that Ling Feng actually wanted to cross the endless sea, most of the fleet refused.

"What? Across the endless sea? Are you crazy?"

An old captain wearing a black felt hat and looking unshaven looked at Ling Feng. Although the bounty offered by Ling Feng was already very generous, after weighing the pros and cons, the old captain still shook his head.

"Boy, no matter how big a ship is, it is impossible for it to cross the endless sea!"

The old captain was holding a wine bottle in one hand and pouring wine into his mouth while talking. He said drunkenly: "I have been back and forth hundreds of times in this endless sea. The most I can do is reach Shark." Human Bay, and that time, our fleet lost hundreds of crew members. It is simply a dream to cross the endless sea! "

"Is there really nothing we can do?"

Ling Feng frowned and looked at the drunken old captain, "Otherwise, senior, tell me where I can buy a suitable big ship, and give me a chart!"


The old captain laughed heartily, "You stupid boy, you are still trying to imitate others in going out to sea! With your small body, one person can only control a small boat less than ten feet long. This kind of small boat can capsize in one wave." , How can we cross the sea? Boy, I advise you not to have any wishful thinking. Ordinary ships cannot cross the endless sea!"

"Oh?" Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, "According to senior, there are extraordinary ships?"

With that said, Ling Feng gently placed a few Yuan Crystals on the table.

As soon as the old captain saw these Yuanjings, he immediately sobered up a little. He smiled, put the Yuanjings in his bag, and then said with a smile: "This extraordinary ship is naturally the legendary Poseidon!"


Ling Feng looked at the old captain and said, "Continue."

"This Poseidon is a legend in the Endless Sea. It is said to be the only large ship that can cross the Endless Sea and reach the Southern Witch Territory on the opposite side! Oh no, it should be said to be a mobile fortress on the sea!"

"This Poseidon is as big as several Bitao Ports. It is an extremely big ship!"

When the old captain mentioned the Poseidon, his eyes were full of longing and admiration, "My biggest dream in this life is to hope that one day I can board the Poseidon. Even if I stand on the deck and take a look, my life will be in vain!"

"So, where can I board the Poseidon?"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and said slowly: "I want to find this Poseidon!"

"That's hard to say."

The old captain shook his head, "It is naturally impossible for such a big ship to dock at Bitao Port. It is said that the Poseidon occasionally passes by the Shark Bay! Only when you encounter the Poseidon in the Shark Bay is the only chance to board the ship. ”

"Shark Bay?"

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose and said slowly: "Senior, did you just say that your fleet has arrived at the Shark Bay? Then, I hope your fleet can take me to the Shark Bay. As for remuneration, it’s definitely not a problem! Just make a price!”


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