Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2488 Money can make the world go round! (1 update)


The old captain fell into hesitation, seeming to recall something, his eyes filled with fear.

"Serman Bay is not a good place to go. It is a very scary place. Even if I am willing to go, I am afraid that no one in my fleet will be willing to go with me."

The old captain shook his head and finally rejected Ling Feng's request, "Little brother, this is not a question of how much money you have. No matter how much money you have, you still have to live to enjoy it. I advise you to give up on this idea." Well, the Endless Sea is a forbidden area of ​​death! The Shark Bay is the devil’s mouth!”

"Well, I'm willing to pay three times the commission!"

Ling Feng pursed his lips. Since people from the Southern Witch Territory can walk out of the Endless Sea and reach the East Spiritual Territory and the West Sword Territory, then this Endless Sea is certainly dangerous, but it is only for ordinary people.

And he is a strong semi-saint, with the strength of a great saint. Although the ocean is full of threats, he believes that he can get through it.

What's more, as long as you arrive at Sharman Bay, you will have the opportunity to board the Poseidon.

Seeing that the old captain still refused to let go, Ling Feng raised a finger and said solemnly: "A hundred times! I am willing to pay a hundred times the commission! I will pay all the commissions directly, and regardless of your fleet There is no need to refund whether you take me to Sharman Bay or not.”


The old captain was obviously interested. A hundred times, this was not a small number. This trip alone was almost as much as the entire fleet's three-year income.

Three whole years!

"Are you telling the truth? Pay the full amount in one lump sum?"

The old captain took a deep breath, his eyes flashed with green light, and with a "snap", he jumped up from his rocking chair.


Ling Feng nodded and threw out a bulging bag filled with high-grade Yuan Jing.

When the old captain opened the bag and took a look, his eyes suddenly sparkled, and he nodded repeatedly: "Okay, I promise you!"

The so-called money can make people go around and the so-called "absolutely not" is actually just that the money is not enough.

"I'm Linn, I wonder what I call the young master and this girl?"

The old captain's attitude towards Ling Feng obviously changed completely. This was the biggest customer their fleet had encountered in recent years.

"Ling Feng." Ling Feng pointed at Tuoba Yan and replied calmly: "Her name is Tuoba Yan."

"It turns out to be Master Ling and Miss Tuoba."

Lin En chuckled, made a "please" gesture to Ling Feng, and said with a smile: "Master Ling, please come with me!"

Under the leadership of the old captain, a few people quickly arrived at a place similar to a shipyard. The fleet that went to sea naturally relied on ships for food, and every time they went to sea, the big ships would inevitably be damaged.

Every large fleet will have its own shipyard for production and repair.

"This is the old shipyard. Master Ling, I will introduce you to a person who will be your helmsman this time."

The old captain took Ling Feng aboard a large ship. The ship was more than two hundred feet long, and many crew members were repairing the hull.

Ling Feng looked at the large ship carefully and secretly thought that Lin En's fleet was indeed the most famous large fleet in Bitao Port. There were only a few large ships of this size in the entire Bitao Port.

Lin En brought Ling Feng and the two to the deck. At this moment, several crew members were cleaning the plywood with mops or rags in their hands.

One of them, a dark and thin man, had his butt raised in the air, holding a rag in his hand, and was wiping it back and forth on the deck very hard.

From a distance, Lin En waved to the thin black man and said loudly: "Du Fei, come here!"

When the thin black man heard Lin En's summons, he quickly threw aside the rag in his hand, walked quickly to Lin En, and said with a surprised look on his face: "Captain, are you looking for me?"


Lin En nodded, then looked at Ling Feng, and introduced with a smile: "Master Ling, this is one of the most outstanding crew members in our fleet, named Du Fei. One of the few survivors."


Ling Feng blinked and looked at Du Fei carefully. Although he couldn't see anything special, he didn't need Du Fei to have much ability. As long as he could lead him, it was enough.

Hearing Lin En praise that he was one of the most outstanding members of the fleet, Du Fei almost thought he had heard wrong, and immediately said with joy on his face: "Captain, do you finally recognize me? You want to make me official..." "


Lin En coughed several times quickly, interrupted Du Fei, and said in a deep voice: "Du Fei, these two are Master Ling and Miss Tuoba. I want to arrange a task for you. When you come back, you will be the deputy of the fleet. captain!"


When Du Fei heard this, he almost jumped up with excitement. He quickly paid attention to Captain Lin En and said with a serious face: "No matter what the mission is, I, Du Fei, swear on my life that I will complete the mission!"

"good very good!"

Captain Linn patted Du Fei on the shoulder, blew out a few smoke rings from the pipe in his mouth, and said with a smile: "You are indeed my most promising crew member!"

The crew members who were working around them all frowned and started whispering when they heard that Captain Linn actually promised to Vice Captain Du Fei.

"What is wrong with the captain? Vice-captain? Is it Du Fei, that loser?"

"Who doesn't know what Du Fei is? He's a guy who eats and doesn't work. He said he came back from Sharman Bay or back. That guy was hiding in the bottom of the ship from beginning to end and never participated in the battle!"

"Hmph, if you want to talk about excellence, Baganzi has nothing to do with Du Fei, a loser!"


Ling Feng's hearing was so sharp. Hearing these comments, he secretly sneered in his heart.

This old captain is so cunning!


Sure enough, the old captain's expression changed, and he yelled at the crew members who were talking nonsense: "Don't you need to work anymore, mother-in-law? Do you still have time to whisper there? Don't even take your wages for this month!"

After saying that, Lin En patted Du Fei on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Boy, I have always been very optimistic about you, don't care what others say!"

"Yes Captain!"

Du Fei only felt that the best person in the world was Captain Lin En. He was so moved that he burst into tears. While wiping his tears, he sobbed: "Captain, I didn't know you thought so highly of me. No matter what the mission, I Du Fei will definitely finish it!"


Captain Lin En narrowed his eyes and smiled, and then said: "I want you to take Master Ling and the others to Sharman Bay!"

"What, Shark Bay?"

When Du Fei heard this, his face turned pale with fear, "I...I..."

"Du Fei, don't forget what you just said?"

Captain Linn patted Du Fei on the shoulder and said with a smile: "As long as you can come back alive, you will be the deputy captain!"


Du Fei fell into hesitation, and the other crew members laughed immediately when they heard that Lin En had asked Du Fei to go to Shark Bay.

This kind of mission is just to die!

It turns out that the smartest one is Captain Linn!

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