Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2492 Demon Pirates! (Down)

"Since these demon pirates are so powerful, why don't they just land on land and establish a sect?"

Ling Feng was confused for a moment. In this world, the strong are respected. Even if it is just an island, it is not surprising to establish a sect after accumulating enough wealth.

Moreover, even the Poseidon, which had saint-level powerhouses, was captured by them several times, which shows how powerful the demon pirates are.

Even in any of the five major domains, they definitely have their place.

"Sir, you don't know. The power of the demon pirates comes from the island of demons. Therefore, when they obtained the power of the demon, they were also cursed by the power of the demon."

The old turtle paused and said slowly: "These demon pirates will never leave the waters of the Endless Sea for eternity."

"I see."

Ling Feng pursed his lips. The world is so big and full of wonders. Even though Ling Feng doesn't know what the power of demons is, just listening to it, it doesn't sound like it's a good thing.

"Devil pirates generally operate in the inner sea area of ​​​​the Endless Sea, and rarely set foot in the outer sea area. With Shark Bay as the boundary, once you cross the Shark Bay, there is a high probability that you will encounter demon pirates, whether they are monsters or monsters. Whenever they encounter the human race, they will rob them all and slaughter them brutally!"

The old turtle sighed, "I originally lived in the inland sea area. It was because I was afraid of these demon pirates that I fled the inland sea. Only the Poseidon got their acquiescence, so it could travel through the inland sea of ​​the Endless Sea. "

"So that's what happened."

Ling Feng recalled that it was no wonder that Captain Lin En kept secret about the Endless Sea. It turned out to be because of those demon pirates who were running rampant.

Even the Poseidon was, to a certain extent, enslaved by the demon pirates.

Ling Feng frowned. It seemed that wherever there were people, there were rivers and lakes. It was difficult to have peace on the sea.

"No matter what kind of devil pirate he is, I must board the Poseidon!"

Ling Feng clenched his fists and said in a deep voice: "Old Turtle, as you said, you can stop as long as we reach 50 nautical miles away from the Shark Bay."

"Okay, sir! Thank you, sir!"

The old turtle was obviously relieved and didn't bother to advise Ling Feng anymore. Anyway, whether this human kid was dead or alive had nothing to do with him.

After inquiring about some information, Ling Feng flew back to the cave behind Old Turtle.

Seeing Ling Feng come back, Tuoba Yan immediately asked: "How is it? Did you ask about the situation?"


Ling Feng nodded, with a solemn look on his face, and said slowly: "It turns out that in the waters of the Endless Sea, there is a force called demon pirates. Because of those demon pirates, when in Bitao Port, regardless of whether No captain of any fleet is willing to take us directly to the Southern Witch Territory."

"Demon pirate?"

Tuoba Yan blinked his eyes, a trace of disgust flashed in his eyes.

The so-called pirates are actually similar to some bandits and bandits who block roads and rob. They are all scum and scum in the martial arts world.

Du Fei's expression obviously underwent some drastic changes. He clenched his fists tightly, a trace of strong hatred flashed in his eyes, his thin body trembled slightly, and even his lower lip was bitten, but he didn't show any signs of it. Not aware of it.

"Hey, Du Fei, you seem to hate these pirates very much, don't you?"

Ling Feng glanced at Du Fei and asked calmly: "Do you have any grudge against them?"


Du Fei's expression darkened, and he lost his usual liveliness and exuberance. He turned around, his back to Ling Feng, and just said in a deep voice: "I'm a little sleepy, let's go to sleep first."

Ling Feng and Tuoba Yan looked at each other and shrugged.

Obviously, Du Fei must be hiding something, but since he doesn't want to say it, Ling Feng won't reveal the scars in his heart.

After changing from the broken ship "Black Pearl" to the old turtle, I have to say that the forward speed is much faster, and Ling Feng doesn't need to worry about anything, and the journey is very pleasant.

Ling Feng practiced hard every day. Occasionally taking some time to go out and admire the beauty of the sea, he felt that his state of mind had broadened a lot.

"Look, there seems to be a small island ahead!"

After sailing on the sea for a long time, Ling Feng and others missed the down-to-earth feeling even more.

Although the back of the giant turtle seems to be an island, there is still a big gap compared with the real land.

"Old Turtle, stop at that island first and have a rest."

Ling Feng ordered Ao to the old turtle.

"Yes, my lord."

The old turtle swept its huge tail and instantly changed its sailing direction, quickly approaching the island.

"Sir, this place is very close to the Shark Bay. You will be able to arrive smoothly around this time tomorrow."

The old turtle's voice was still old, but he said with a hint of embarrassment: "Well, hey, the treasure you promised..."

"Don't worry, I won't forget it."

Ling Feng smiled faintly and took the lead to fly off the turtle's back.

Ahead was an island with lush trees. Ling Feng quickly caught a deer and built a bonfire. Soon, the smell of barbecue wafted out.

After staying at sea for half a month, I have only been able to eat some sea fish. Today I can have a change of taste.

Ling Feng's craftsmanship has been passed down by Shura Cooking Sage, and the barbecue he cooks casually can be regarded as a delicacy in the world.

The three people and the donkey all started feasting happily, enjoying this rare and pleasant time.

At this moment, the old turtle that was parked not far away trembled all over, and with a "pop", it plunged directly into the bottom of the sea, and then disappeared in a flash.

"Hey, old turtle!"

Ling Feng jumped up quickly, but unfortunately it was a step too late. The old turtle had already run away.

"What's going on with this old turtle?"

The bitch was chewing a deer leg while cursing: "Why did you just run away?"

"Something's wrong!"

Ling Feng frowned. Logically speaking, at this juncture, he was almost arriving at the Shark Bay. He was only one step away from giving it the treasure of heaven and earth.

And even so, he would rather give up the treasure at his fingertips and turn around and leave.

Then, he must have noticed something that frightened him!


Ling Feng's eyes narrowed, and he saw a small boat that didn't look too big from a distance, quickly approaching the island.

There is also a skull standard hanging on the mast of the boat.


Ling Feng's eyelids twitched. He could scare that old turtle to such an extent. Could it be that he was the legendary demon pirate?

Although Lao Gui mentioned that demon pirates rarely appear in the outer sea area, it does not mean that they will not appear.

But now, he let himself encounter it.

Ling Feng took a deep breath, but a look of eagerness flashed in his eyes.

He wanted to see who these demon pirates were, and who could actually become the overlords of this endless sea!

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