Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2493 The power of demons! (3 updates)

"It's's them!"

Du Fei's eyes flashed with an extremely frightened look. He looked at the skull and crossbones flag hanging on the mast and his whole body trembled violently.

Ling Feng pursed his lips. This guy was indeed lying a few days ago.

Seeing how scared he is, who would have believed it if he had never been in contact with a demon pirate before.

This guy was able to escape from the hands of the demon pirates, I'm afraid, he must have experienced a very tragic thing.

"Don't worry, we will protect you."

Ling Feng patted Du Fei on the shoulder. This boy, who looked extremely thin, needed some comfort at the moment.

"Attack...attack the back of their neck..."

Du Fei glanced at Ling Feng, his body was still shaking violently, but he faintly uttered something that Ling Feng couldn't understand.

"Attacking the back of the neck?"

Ling Feng frowned, "I will kill them, don't worry."

While Ling Feng and the others were talking, the demon pirate's boat had already docked.

Three people jumped off the ship, all wearing tattered pirate hats. One of them was a one-eyed dragon wearing an eyepatch, and on his shoulder stood a crow with the same one-eyed head.

The person on the left is obese, and the person on the right looks like a pimp.

Ling Feng opened his infinite vision and could clearly see every move of these three people.

However, what made him a little strange was that these people seemed to have neither strong Yuanli nor strong physiques. They seemed to be just ordinary bandits.

With such a combination, I really don’t know why that old turtle is so afraid.

The pirate, who looked very fat, sniffed the air for a few times, then burst into laughter and said with excitement: "It smells so good, it smells like barbecue, it smells so good! It smells so good!"

The pirate who looked like a hemp pole looked at the fat man with disdain, his eyes flashed with green light, and he said with a smile: "It seems that there is an unfortunate little lamb on this island, and they are about to meet him. The biggest nightmare in this life! Jie Jie Jie!”

As for the one-eyed pirate in the middle, he said nothing and stared directly in the direction of Ling Feng and his group.

"Two idiots, there they are!"

The one-eyed pirate bent his legs slightly and jumped, and then his whole body was like a cannonball. With a "swish", the next moment, he had landed in front of Ling Feng and the others.

"What an amazing jumping ability!"

Ling Feng's pupils shrank, clearly not sensing how powerful the one-eyed dragon's energy and blood was, but his strength was simply unbelievable.

As for the two pirates under his hands, the fat man retracted his hands and feet and turned into a huge ball, rolling directly over from a distance. The thin man jumped on top of the fat man, as if juggling, stepping on the fat man all the way. The fat ball it turned into stopped behind the one-eyed pirate.

After arriving, the fat man stretched out his hands, feet and head again, staring at the barbecue on the bonfire, and his mouth was crackling.

"Eat, delicious!"

The fat pirate's eyes were glowing green, and a hungry tiger pounced on the food. Oh no, strictly speaking, it should be an evil pig pounce on the food, so he wanted to snatch Ling Feng's barbecue.

"Damn fat pig, take your trotters away!"

The bitch cursed loudly and kicked the fat pirate away with a hoof.


With a loud noise, the fat pirate hit a huge rock directly, making a huge dent and engraved his whole body in it.

"Tch, those devil pirates, they turned out to be a bunch of rubbish!"

The bitch smiled disdainfully, then grabbed the remaining piece of barbecue and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Crack! Click!"

At this moment, the huge rock was blown to pieces. The fat pirate's eyes were filled with anger, and he stared at the bitch, "How dare you steal my barbecue! I want to eat you!"

The next moment, the fat man's body suddenly became extremely strong and burly. His figure, which was already more than two meters tall, instantly became five meters away, like a small mountain. Like Mount Tai weighing its top, he crashed directly into Jian. donkey.

The bitch snorted coldly, the demon Yuan encouraged him, and kicked the fat man again with his hoof.


There was the sound of bones breaking.

But this time, what was broken was the bones of a donkey!


The donkey's hoof was directly broken, and the fat pirate's body turned into a huge meat ball and slammed into the donkey's body.


The bitch was knocked out and a mouthful of black blood spurted out from his mouth.

This is the first time that the bitch has suffered such a big loss!

The fat pirate didn't give up. His limbs grew again, and his hands suddenly became extremely huge. He wanted to grab the donkey and crush him to pieces.


The sound of the sword surged, and at this critical moment, Ling Feng slashed out with his sword, severely slashing the huge palm.


There was a loud noise, but Ling Feng felt as if he had just struck the target, and the force of the shock made his jaw tremble slightly.

What kind of monster is this?

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, was this really flesh and blood?

Seeing that the bitch was about to be crushed to pieces by the fat pirate, Ling Feng frowned and spit out a hot swallowing flame.

The swallowing flame turned into a fire dragon and swept towards the fat pirate. The fat pirate was not afraid of Ling Feng's flames. He ignored Ling Feng at all and just attacked the donkey on his own.

In his eyes, it seemed that only the black donkey was snatching food from him, and he couldn't see anyone else.

However, the next moment, he knew that it was powerful. Ling Feng's swallowing flames directly roasted his arm into charcoal, and it was still spreading upwards.


At this moment, the one-eyed pirate suddenly pulled out a short knife from his waist and struck the fat pirate on the shoulder, cutting off the entire arm!

What's surprising is that the fat pirate didn't even hum. There wasn't even a drop of blood in the broken wound!

Not a drop!

"Okay Charles, calm down!"

The one-eyed dragon pirate glared at the fat man. The fat pirate shrank his neck angrily, and then stepped aside, but his eyes were still staring at the bitch, full of hatred.

"It seems that you are no ordinary person!"

The one-eyed pirate glanced at Ling Feng and said coldly: "But it's a pity that you met our demon pirates! Hand over all your wealth! I can consider giving you a good time!"

"Hand it over! Hand it over!"

The one-eyed crow on the shoulder of the one-eyed dragon made a quacking cry, which was very harsh and a bit weird.

Ling Feng's face was as dark as water. These demon pirates were completely different from the opponents he had encountered before.

In fact, he couldn't even detect the energy fluctuations in these guys' bodies.

However, there is a faint aura similar to that of demons, but it is a little different.

Is this the so-called demonic power?

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