Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2494 Three-mark ability user! (1 update)

"If I don't hand it over, what then?" Ling Feng would not compromise with these demon pirates. Even though they were indeed a little weird, he had ways to deal with them. At least, the fat pirate named Charles was afraid of his flames. These demon pirates were not without weaknesses. It's just that they were a little different from ordinary warriors. "It seems that you won't cry until you see the coffin." The one-eyed pirate snorted coldly, and the remaining one eye flashed with cold light, "Do you think that you can fight me after repelling a three-line demon ability user? Naive, too naive!" "Three lines?" Ling Feng's eyelids jumped, and he obviously didn't quite understand what the one-eyed pirate was talking about. However, it should be referring to the fat man. "Hehe, it seems that you know nothing about us devil pirates!"

The one-eyed pirate sneered, "No wonder, the ignorant are fearless, I will let you know what despair is!"

The one-eyed pirate grinned, and the crow on his shoulder seemed to feel the terrible murderous aura on him, and immediately flapped its wings and flew up, making a hoarse and unpleasant cry, "Dead! Dead! You are dead!"

"Beckman, let me deal with this kid!"

The skinny pirate, who was like a stick, walked out with a strange smile, staring at Ling Feng, and said word by word: "I can easily kill such a little guy!"


The one-eyed pirate glanced at the thin man and nodded immediately, "Okay, Somar, then I'll leave it to you."


Sommar laughed strangely, and his cold eyes immediately locked on Ling Feng.

From the moment they appeared, the one-eyed pirate and the fat pirate each showed their own abilities, only the thin man had not yet shown any power.

Because of this, Ling Feng felt an invisible pressure.

He subconsciously covered his whole body with the Devouring Flame, tightly grasped the Ten Directions Annihilation, and was ready to launch a fatal attack at any time.


Somaer laughed loudly, and with a flick of his hand, drops of transparent liquid splashed on Ling Feng's body.

And those liquids exploded instantly when they encountered the Devouring Flame around Ling Feng.


A violent explosion sounded, and Ling Feng's eyelids twitched wildly. Before he could react, his body was directly blown to pieces!

The power of the explosion of those droplets was so strong that even a strong man like Ling Feng who had achieved sainthood in the flesh could be directly killed!


Somaer was a little surprised to see Ling Feng's body was only blown up, but not turned into ashes. He sneered: "Humph, it seems that your body is quite strong. Unfortunately, my ability is that the sweat on my body can be turned into the most terrible high explosives. When it encounters your flame, it will only explode with more powerful destructive power! Hahahaha!"

"Ling Feng!"

Seeing Ling Feng being blown to pieces, Tuoba Yan jumped up immediately, frantically urging the Yuanli in his body, vowing to fight to the death with those pirates.

"It's useless, it's useless!"

Du Fei squatted on the ground with his head in his hands, crying loudly, repeating: "They will kill us all! They will kill us all!..."

"Humph, Tuoba girl, don't worry, that kid won't die so easily!"

On the contrary, the donkey looked relaxed. Through the pet contract with Ling Feng, he could sense that Ling Feng was at peace.

Sure enough, the next moment, Ling Feng's shattered body was reassembled quickly, at a speed visible to the naked eye, and restored to its original form in a few blinks of an eye.


Tuoba Yan's heart was finally swallowed back into her stomach. She didn't expect that Ling Feng had learned such a heaven-defying ability while she was sleeping!

"Damn it!"

Ling Feng twisted his neck. He didn't expect that he was careless for a moment and was actually tricked by the skinny pirate!

Fortunately, his "Immortal Golden Body" has already achieved considerable accomplishments, otherwise, even if he didn't die, he would have lost half his life just now?

"Huh? Immortal body?"

The one-eyed pirate named Beckman showed a hint of surprise in his eyes, and then shook his head. Although the ability displayed by Ling Feng was very similar to the very advanced immortal body among the demon pirates, it was a little different.

"Huh, it turns out that you have such an ability!"

Somaer snorted coldly, and madly shook the sweat on his body and shot it at Ling Feng.

Ling Feng performed Yufeng Xiaoyaoyou, carefully avoiding those transparent sweat drops, and swept the sword, Xuantian Poyun Sword was performed, slashing fiercely at Somar's head.

"Do you think I will be fooled by the same method for the second time?"

Knowing that Somar's sweat drops would be detonated, Ling Feng naturally did not dare to use the power of fire again. However, Somar's mouth corners hung an arc, and those transparent sweat drops were actually suspended in all directions of Ling Feng.

Yes, those sweat drops were all suspended!

"Hahaha, it's not just that fat guy who is a three-line demon ability user, I am too!"

Somar laughed loudly, "My second ability is to control the suspension of objects! The third ability is fire!"


In an instant, Somar spit out a blazing flame from his mouth, and those sweat drops suspended around Ling Feng exploded in an instant!

Boom boom boom boom boom!

Hundreds of drops of sweat exploded around Ling Feng, and the power of the detonation was a hundred times stronger than before!

"This time I'm going to blow you up into ashes and annihilate you. Let's see how you come back again!"

Somar laughed wildly. The fusion of these three abilities made him the best among the demon pirates.

Among the many demon pirates, his strength can be ranked among the top 100!


Tuoba Yan looked anxious and turned to look at Jie Donkey, "Is he... is he dead?"


Jianlu is also a little unsure. Under such an explosion, even if Ling Feng can regenerate his limbs, I'm afraid...

Even Ling Feng can't stand it!

The bitch's face showed an extremely solemn look, and he cursed in his heart: Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! How could we meet these mysterious pirates! What kind of monsters are these!

"Is it necessary to be so happy when you blow up a clone?"

However, the next moment, a cold and stern voice sounded in the ears of the slutty pirate Somar.

Somar's eyelids twitched, and when he turned around suddenly, he only saw a pair of cold eyes staring at him.

"Shocking disaster!"

In an instant, a shocking catastrophic force erupted, and Somari's eyes were instantly pierced, and at the same time he let out a heart-rending roar.


Somar covered his eyes in pain and trembled all over.


With a backhand sword, Ling Feng slashed across the back of Somar's neck. Somar, who was still struggling and screaming in pain, suddenly stiffened. Then, his whole body burned with green phosphorus fire, and then turned into a flying puff. Gray, disappear!

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