Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2495 Void whipping! (2 updates)

"It turns out that the back of the neck is really their weak point!"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched and he looked at Du Fei.

This guy really knows something, and he even knows the weaknesses of these demon pirates!

" did you know!"

The one-eyed pirate was obviously startled and made a "click-click" sound all over his body. Then, a complete set of armor appeared all over his body, especially the back of his neck, which was even more tightly wrapped!

These demon pirates obviously have their own methods to protect their biggest weakness!

"Humph, your death has come!"

After knowing the weaknesses of these demon pirates, how could Ling Feng still be polite to them.

With a sweep of the sword, Ling Feng was like a Nine-Sky Sword God, sweeping across with his sword and slashing with an unparalleled edge.

The one-eyed pirate roared angrily, "Charles, stop him!"

The fat pirate roared angrily, and his body suddenly expanded several times, reaching a height of five feet away. He retracted his arms and legs, turning into a huge ball, and then rushed towards Ling Feng.

"Boy Ling Feng, be careful, this fat man's power is not simple!"

The bitch roared loudly. The fat man just used this move to break one of his hoofs!

You know, the demon clan is known for its physical strength, and this fat man was able to break his donkey's hooves with his brute force, which shows how amazing his brute force is.

Ling Feng looked up to the sky and roared. The next moment, his body was covered with golden hair and he transformed into a giant ape that was more than five feet tall. He clapped his big hand and directly grabbed the giant ball that the fat man had transformed into.


With a roar, Ling Feng directly used the power of the two hundred dragon elephants, grabbed the ball that the fat man had transformed into, and threw it towards the one-eyed dragon pirate.


Hearing a scream, the fat man and the one-eyed dragon collided with each other, causing him to flip over. The fat pirate even made a huge hole in the ground, directly knocking the one-eyed dragon deeply into the ground.

"Ahhh...failed, failed!"

The crow hovering in the sky immediately flapped its wings in an attempt to escape. Ling Feng's eyes condensed, and a burst of purple energy floated. A crack opened in the void, and a huge shot came out of it.


Void whipping!

The crow couldn't dodge and was directly shot into a blood mist by the void tentacles.

Under the "teaching" of the demon queen Keweili, Ling Feng has initially mastered the magic patterns that strengthen the void tentacles.

"My Blood Raven! No!"

A roar came, it was the voice of the one-eyed dragon pirate.

With a "boom", the fat man jumped up from the ground, and then a figure jumped up from the hole. It was the one-eyed pirate Beckman!

After enduring such an astonishing impact from the fat man, this one-eyed dragon was actually unscathed!

"You are dead! You will bear my endless wrath!"

The one-eyed pirate's remaining one-eyed eye stared at Ling Feng fiercely, "I won't kill you so easily, I will torture you to death bit by bit!"


The next moment, the one-eyed pirate's hands actually flew out!

Yes, it was indeed thrown out. First, the bodies of two giant pythons were directly wrapped around Ling Feng's body.

"Charles, hit him!"

The one-eyed pirate roared crazily, tightened his arms, tied Ling Feng tightly, and kept shrinking inward.


In an instant, Ling Feng felt that several of his bones had been broken. No matter how hard he tried, he could not break free from the hands of the one-eyed pirate.

"Ling Feng, let me help you!"

Tuoba Yan drew out an immortal sword with his backhand, used all his energy, and struck the one-eyed pirate's arm with his strongest blow.

However, it didn't move at all!

This sword seemed to be struck on a spring, with no force at all, and the force of the rebound even knocked Tuoba Yan away.

"I am a user with four-marked demonic abilities. I am definitely not an opponent you can defeat! You must die, kid!"

The One-Eyed Dragon Pirate had completely lost his mind. Ling Feng first killed his subordinates, and then killed all the Blood Spirit Crows who were in contact with the top leaders of the Demon Pirates. He had to let this damn boy suffer to death. , can you eliminate the great hatred in your heart!

"Here I come! Look at my missile cannon!"

The fat pirate shrank his arms and legs and turned into a giant ball again. At this moment, Ling Feng was completely restrained. All he had to do was use his strongest strength and hit him hard!


The void trembled, and the giant ball transformed by the fat man blasted out like a giant cannon, and even the air was wiped out by an extremely hot wind.

These demon pirates, with all kinds of weird abilities, really overwhelmed Ling Feng.

"You may have forgotten that I have more than one ability!"

Seeing that the missile transformed by the fat man was about to hit him, Ling Feng's whole body instantly burst into flames.

At this moment, the weak pirate was dead, and without the threat of his sweat drops, Ling Feng could naturally use Yanyan with confidence and boldness.

The one-eyed pirate's arm was burned by Ling Feng's swallowing flames, and he immediately shrank back. The next moment, Ling Feng had already used the divine fire incarnation, and his figure flashed and appeared behind the one-eyed pirate.

"Go to hell, Li Huo Liao Tian!"

Ling Feng roared, and slashed out with a sword, carrying a raging flame, and struck hard at the one-eyed dragon pirate's back.

"Hmph, don't even think about it! Don't even think about breaking through my protective armor!"

Although the one-eyed pirate was extremely panicked, he forced himself to calm down and gritted his teeth and said, "This is the cold iron armor on the Poseidon. You can't break it!"

"Oh? Really?"

Ling Feng smiled coldly and swung his sword. The next moment, he used the sword instead of the hammer and used the forging technique taught to him by the big hammer.

Shock of power!

Penetration of power!

Boom, boom, boom!

Three consecutive swords hit the armor on the back of the one-eyed pirate's neck, and then, with a "click" sound, the armor shattered and turned into broken pieces of iron.

And what fell along with it was the head of the one-eyed dragon pirate!


The head of the one-eyed pirate continued to roll more than ten meters away on the ground. With despair and unwillingness in his eyes, he stared at Ling Feng angrily, "You are dead, devil pirate, I will not let you go! You - die - Certainly--"

The sound stopped suddenly, and then, his body also burned with green phosphorus fire. In the blink of an eye, he was burned to ashes, as if he had never existed in this world.

Obtaining the power of the devil also means being cursed by the devil.

These demon pirates, the undead souls after death, will eventually become sacrifices to the devil.

After killing two demon pirates one after another, in the end, there was only one fat pirate left who seemed to be the last one to deal with.

It's not that this guy is the weakest, but his brain doesn't seem to work well.

Maybe, we can get something out of his mouth!

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