Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2496 Demon Lord! (3 updates)

"Lord Beckman!!"

When the fat pirate saw that the Cyclops pirate also turned into phosphorous fire and disappeared, he immediately threw his head in his arms and screamed. He stared at Ling Feng with angry eyes and gritted his teeth and said: "How dare you kill Lord Beckman! I will fight with you!"

"Hmph, do you want to die too?"

The ten directions in Ling Feng's hand were destroyed, and the swallowing flames burned fiercely. The fat pirate obviously knew how powerful the swallowing flames were, and there was a trace of fear on his face, and he did not dare to act rashly again.

"Your name is Charles, right?"

Ling Feng looked at the fat pirate, casually took out a piece of bacon from the Naling Ring, and said calmly: "Tell me the purpose of your coming here. This piece of bacon is yours!"

Charles swallowed and stared at the piece of bacon, his eyes almost glowing green.

"Tell me, the purpose of your coming here!"

Ling Feng shook the bacon in his hand and said with a smile: "If you don't tell me, I will eat it."

"I said! I said!"

The fat pirate really didn't have much wisdom, and was even a little imbecile. He couldn't walk at all when he saw the delicious food. He drooled and said: "We are here under orders to search for betrayers!"


Ling Feng glanced at the fat pirate, "Are there any betrayers among you demon pirates?"

"of course not!"

The fat pirate said angrily: "It's the Poseidon! There is a traitor in the Poseidon who once surrendered to us!"

When it came to the Poseidon, Du Fei, who had been huddled in the corner and shivering, suddenly raised his head and listened as if to hear clearly what the fat pirate had to say.

"That damn woman, she betrayed the great Demon Lord. We will rob her of her life according to the Lord's instructions!"

The fat pirate frantically wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth, stared at the bacon in Ling Feng's hand, and said tremblingly: "I told you, give me the delicious food!"

Ling Feng threw the bacon casually, and the fat pirate immediately started gobbling up the bacon.

Ling Feng continued to ask: "Who is that woman?"

"She is the daughter of the original captain of Poseidon No. 9!"

While eating bacon, the fat pirate stuffed his mouth slowly and said slowly: "She is really a stupid woman. She could have become the woman of the great demon lord, but she chose to betray! The traitor's Destiny is only death!"

When he heard these words, Du Fei became obviously very excited and even burst into tears.

Ling Feng glanced at him, guessing that Du Fei might be related to the former Poseidon!

After pondering for a moment, Ling Feng continued to ask: "Who is your demon lord?"

"I won't tell you Lord Sephiroth's name!"

The fat man was eating bacon, and suddenly his eyes showed an extremely frightened look. He looked at the western sky and knelt down devoutly, "No! No! No! Lord Demon Lord, I didn't mean to call out your name. I plead guilty!" I am a sinner!"

However, his prayers seemed to be of no use. His body began to burn with green phosphorus fire, and unlike those demon pirates who died because their stamina was cut off, his body seemed to be filled with a terrifying force. The power was directly chopped into pieces, and then burned alive by phosphorus fire.

Ling Feng couldn't help but feel his scalp tingling when he heard the fat pirate's screams like killing a pig.

What kind of force is this demon pirate?

"It's the power of the curse!"

Du Fei looked at the fat pirate tremblingly, and said with trembling: "As a member of the devil pirates, you can never mention that name, otherwise, it will be regarded as offending the master! The only consequence for the following offenses is die!"

"you know?"

Ling Feng glanced at Du Fei, he seemed to know a lot of things.

"Lord Ling Feng!"

The next moment, Du Fei actually threw himself in front of Ling Feng, knelt down and hugged Ling Feng's thigh tightly, crying loudly, "Please, save my sister!"


Ling Feng was slightly startled, "Your...sister?"

Du Fei nodded repeatedly, "Like, my sister! What the fat man said just now, the daughter of the captain of Poseidon No. 9, is my sister! Lord Ling Feng, you have great supernatural powers, even those with four-marked demonic abilities can easily Kill, if you take action, you can definitely save my sister and the Poseidon! No, you can save the entire Endless Sea!"


Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose, "Du Fei, you think too highly of me."

"No! You can definitely do it!"

Du Fei's eyes were red and swollen, "I finally see hope! You are the hope of the endless sea!"

Ling Feng shook his head, gently helped Du Fei up, and said in a deep voice: "Tell me first, what is a demonic person? Four lines? Three lines? What does it mean?"

"Devil pirates, they once swallowed the devil fruit on Devil's Island and awakened the power of devil, so they are called people with devil abilities."

While sobbing, Du Fei said slowly: "According to the number of awakened abilities of these demonic ability users, they are divided into one-line ability users to nine-line ability users. The difference is that they will have different demonic lines between their eyebrows. . The more power you awaken, the more powerful the demonic power you get!"

"Three-marked ability users are already at the level of captain. My father, who was once the captain of the Poseidon No. 9, was a saint-level powerhouse at the third level of the Nine-Transformation Realm. He died of a six-marked demonic ability. In the hands of the beholder!”

"My father died in the battle, and everyone else was captured by the demon pirates. Only me... I was the only one who escaped. Everyone used their lives to cover my escape! They must have hoped that I could change. We must become stronger and take back our Poseidon! But, ten years have passed and I can’t do anything! I… I am a waste!”

At the end of the sentence, Du Fei couldn't help crying, and his tears fell in big drops, wetting the ground under his feet.

"Ling Feng..."

The story told by Du Fei was really sad and made the listeners cry. Tuoba Yan was also deeply affected by it and looked at Ling Feng, "Let's... let's help him."

"I want to help, but I also need this ability..."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly. Those with six-marked demonic abilities could kill saint-level experts at the third level of the ninth realm.

In fact, just these three demon ability users with four lines almost put themselves in a desperate situation.

If he hadn't heard Du Fei mention that their weak spot was at the back of the neck, he might have suffered a big loss.

"Lord Ling Feng, only you can help me!"

Du Fei kept kowtowing to Ling Feng, even his forehead was bruised and bloody. Ling Feng grabbed Du Fei and sighed softly: "Those demon pirates, since they are searching for your sister again, we should find your sister as soon as possible. , As for other things, let’s take it one step at a time.”

He killed several demon pirates one after another, and this relationship was finally established. Even if he didn't want to provoke them anymore, they might not let him go.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah!"

Du Fei nodded repeatedly, "Sir Ling Feng, thank you! Thank you!"

(PS: Let me state in advance that I have not watched One Piece, and the style of painting is a bit unacceptable, but I know some terms and power systems of One Piece, so I can play with it~)

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