Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2497 The Mermaid’s Song! (1 more)

Because the old turtle was scared away by those demon pirates, Ling Feng and others lost their boat again.

Fortunately, those demon pirate ships are now Ling Feng's trophies.

After learning more about demon pirates and demon ability users, Ling Feng took Tuoba Yan and his party aboard the warship of Beckman's pirates.

The so-called pirate ships are actually ordinary ships, but they have the skull and crossbones flag of the devil pirates hanging high on the mast. Therefore, any ship sailing in this sea area will be intimidated when seeing this sign.

The demon pirate is the only overlord in this sea area.

"Fortunately, according to what the old turtle said, it's not too far from the Shark Bay."

Ling Feng pondered for a moment and decided to go to Sharman Bay first according to the original plan.

After all, although the Poseidon has compromised with the demon pirates, the Poseidon is still the only large ship that can cross the endless sea.

He needs to reach Sharman Bay and board a Poseidon.

As for Du Fei's sister, there is no way to find her in the vast sea, so we can only take a look step by step.

As long as they continue to encounter demon pirates, there will be a chance to meet sooner or later.

Among the pirates' items, Ling Feng found some maps and letters. From those charts, he could probably find the route to the so-called "Alcatraz Island".

Ling Feng didn't want to get into trouble at the moment. After putting away these charts, he controlled the pirate ship and headed towards the Shark Bay.

The speed of this pirate ship was obviously not at the same level as the previous "Black Pearl". At full speed, around dusk the next day, a huge island was vaguely seen in front of it.

"That's the Shark Bay!"

Du Fei pointed to the island in front of him and said with a solemn expression: "Sharman Bay was originally a hub between the inland sea and the outer sea. Ships coming and going would supply supplies at Sharman Bay. This place was originally a paradise on the sea. …”

Du Fei was obviously lost in nostalgia for the past, and murmured to himself: "I still remember that when I was very young, I saw the performance of the sharks in the Shark Bay, but now..."

After a pause, Du Fei continued: "However, after the demon pirates took control of this place, the Shark Bay completely turned into a place full of blood and killing. The poor sharks were also turned into evil by them. tool."

"How to say?"

Ling Feng glanced at Du Fei and asked in a deep voice.

"The sharks have the most beautiful singing voices in the world, which can relieve the fatigue of people sailing on the sea."

Du Fei clenched his fists tightly, showing an expression of deep disgust, and gritted his teeth and said: "But now, the sharks must use their beautiful singing voices to attract nearby ships, so that they can approach the Shark Bay unintentionally. And boarded the Shark Bay. The ships in Human Bay and the people inside will all become prisoners of the demon pirates."

"They killed all the weak ones and took possession of the beautiful women, while the strong men were taken to Alcatraz Island by them."


Ling Feng's eyelids twitched and he blurted out a question.

"No one knows, but no one who was taken to Alcatraz Island ever left alive!"

At this point, Du Fei's voice choked up, "My father was taken to Alcatraz Island by them, and it has been ten years now!"

Ten years later, life and death were uncertain. No wonder Du Fei said before that his father had been killed by demon pirates.

The chance of this old captain of the Poseidon surviving was indeed almost zero.

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng said slowly: "Do you mean that any ship approaching the Shark Bay, hearing the singing of the Shark Man, will involuntarily approach the Shark Bay and be captured by the demon pirates?"


Du Fei nodded, "If you are attracted by the singing of the sharks, you will fall into an illusion, and you will not be able to distinguish between reality and illusion. When you arrive at the Shark Bay, you will only be at the mercy of others."

"Only the ships of the demon pirates, and the Poseidon, which has already surrendered to the demon pirates, can land in the Merman Bay normally."

Du Fei gritted his teeth and said, "Because the Poseidon is often carried by the top masters from all major regions, even the demon pirates are not willing to provoke them easily."

Ling Feng nodded. To put it bluntly, it was still a question of strength.

The Poseidon is the only ship that can cross the Endless Sea, and those powerful people who want to go to other regions must also take the Poseidon if they want to cross the Endless Sea.

And these people are often the top experts in each major domain. Although the demon pirates are overbearing, they do not dare to challenge the top forces in each major domain.

Otherwise, they would have been wiped out long ago by the powerful men from all major domains uniting together.

Therefore, generally speaking, as long as you board the Poseidon, you will basically not encounter attacks from demon pirates.

Of course, it is not easy to board the Poseidon, and it requires a very expensive fee.

"We are now on a demon pirate's ship. No wonder we didn't hear the singing of the sharks."

Ling Feng smiled lightly. Although those demon pirates had all kinds of weird abilities, they didn't seem to be very good at using divine senses.

In other words, they will only be discovered by the other party when they are very close to Sharman Bay.

"What is the specific situation on Sharman Bay? How many demon pirates are stationed there?"

Just in case, Ling Feng had to ask about all the situations.

"Usually there will only be a team of about ten people."

Du Fei said slowly: "But the Shark Bay is very big. As long as you board the Shark Bay, you can still have the opportunity to hide until the Poseidon appears."

"How to hide?"

Ling Feng glanced at Du Fei, this guy unexpectedly came in handy.

Otherwise, other guides would never be able to understand the situation in Sharman Bay as well as Du Fei.

After all, he is also a descendant of the former captain of the Poseidon.

"I know a way to avoid the sight of those demon pirates and sneak into the Merman Bay quietly."

Du Fei gritted his teeth and said, "Only my sister and I know this road..."

Du Fei's eyes turned red again when he mentioned his sister.

"Lead the way."

Ling Feng gently patted Du Fei's shoulder. Although he was not very afraid of those low-level demon pirates, it was not appropriate to have a head-on conflict with the demon pirates at this moment.

Otherwise, before the Poseidon arrives, a large number of demon pirates may come to arrest him.

You must keep calm.

"Come with me."

Du Fei gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice: "That is an undersea tunnel that leads directly to the back of Sharman Bay. We can land in through this tunnel without anyone noticing."


Ling Feng nodded, thought for a moment, and with a thought, golden light flashed in his eyes, and the Eye of Creation opened, mobilizing the creative power in his body.

Soon, three guys who were exactly the same as the previous batch of demon pirates appeared in front of everyone.

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