Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2498 Undersea Tunnel! (2 updates)

"These... these guys..."

Du Fei was shocked, because these three guys were not the one-eyed pirate and the two fat and thin pirates!

"do not be afraid."

Ling Feng smiled lightly, "This is a replica made by me, not a real person."


Du Fei looked at Ling Feng with a puzzled look, and even Tuoba Yan didn't know the reason at all.

When Ling Feng learned the "Great Creation Technique", Tuoba Yan was still asleep, so he didn't know about this extremely heaven-defying magical power.

The power of creation is a force that is difficult to explain.

"It's a bit complicated to say, but you just need to know that this is not a real person."

Ling Feng smiled faintly. These replicas were created by him with the power of creation. They have similar characteristics to the previous demon pirates. However, their power will inevitably be weakened.

"Okay, you guys can drive this boat away, as far away as possible."

Ling Feng issued orders to those clones, and these clones obeyed Ling Feng's orders and immediately turned the ship's bow and left the Sharman Bay far away.

Then, after hearing a few "plop" sounds, Ling Feng and others had already jumped into the sea.

When they sneaked into Sharman Bay quietly through the tunnel under the sea, someone needed to distract them.

And these copies bear this important responsibility.

Sure enough, on a small hill in Sharman Bay, there was a watchtower.

A demon pirate with a cockscomb head was holding a telescope and locked onto Ling Feng's pirate ship from a distance.

"Well, it's Beckman's ship!"

The cockscomb-headed pirate squinted his eyes and saw the pirate flag on the mast clearly, but he was a little surprised. The ship was already very close to Sharman Bay, so why did it suddenly leave again.

"What the hell is this guy Beckman doing?"

The cockscomb-headed pirate cursed, "Aren't they ordered to go out and search for traitors?"

"Beckman is a mentally ill guy, and his two subordinates are all useless idiots!"

On the other side of the watchtower, there was a burly bald man, who said with disdain: "Okay, don't worry about them, the shift will change in a while, let's go find some girls from the Shark tribe to have fun? "

"Hey hey hey..."

The cockscomb-headed man suddenly showed a silvery smile, and his mind was full of white things. If God has given the Sharman race not only the most beautiful singing voice, but also the most touching beauty.

Half of the reason why these demon pirates occupy the Shark Bay is probably because they covet these sharks.

Throwing the telescope aside casually, the man with the crested head rubbed his hands together excitedly and said, "That's fine!"

Ling Feng's distraction method was undoubtedly very successful.

However, the replica created is just a replica after all, and the secret will inevitably be revealed, and it can only last for more than an hour.

Therefore, Ling Feng had not thought of using these replicas to cover their landing, but this method was a bit risky.

After weighing the matter, Ling Feng decided to take the undersea tunnel that Du Fei said.

Du Fei has excellent diving ability and seems to be very familiar with the conditions on the seabed.

After a while, he led Ling Feng and others to a submarine reef.

The entrance to the tunnel is within this reef.

Because it is blocked by clusters of rocks, this entrance cannot be found unless you are very careful.

"When I was young, my sister and I discovered this entrance accidentally."

Du Fei's expression darkened, and he felt pain in his heart when he thought of his sister.

Pushing aside the dense water plants, Du Fei got into a cave like a swimming fish. Her figure was very thin, so the entrance of the cave was not stressful for him.

Tuoba Yan also showed his amazing flexibility, twisted his waist, and got into the cave.

Ling Feng's body was pitiful, but he was still a big man even if he didn't say he was a tall man.

Shaking his head, Ling Feng used the Eight Desolations Body Forging Technique, shrinking his size several times before he was able to get into the cave.

Fortunately, after passing through the narrow passage at the entrance, the tunnel ahead suddenly opened up, and Ling Feng could finally stand up straight and move forward.

Throughout the passage, there are some luminous swimming fish, or some gems and pearls that emit light, so the passage does not appear dark.

In this passage, the various magnificent underwater wonders were an eye-opener for Ling Feng and Tuoba Yan.

After walking forward for about half an hour, Du Fei looked at the light ahead and breathed a sigh of relief, "The passage is indeed still there, we can go out!"

With that said, he was the first to rush out toward the light ahead.


However, at this moment, a flash of snow-white sword light pierced from the front and hit Du Fei's face.

Ling Feng reacted extremely quickly. With a flash of his figure, Yufeng Xiaoyaoyou unfolded and rushed in front of Du Fei. With a horizontal palm strike, he directly deflected the sword light by a few inches.

Du Fei was stunned for a while, fell to the ground, and his whole body became stiff.

Just a little bit away, he stepped into the gate of hell.

Tuoba Yan quickly stepped forward to pull Du Fei up and drag him to the back to prevent him from being injured by the aftermath of the fight between Ling Feng and the guy who had taken action secretly.

The sword light was deflected by Ling Feng's palm, and a soft "Huh" sound was clearly heard from the opposite side, but soon another sword struck straight at him.

Only then did Ling Feng see clearly that the opponent's sword was very special. It was not the broad-edged sword used by ordinary swordsmen, but a thin and narrow sword.

It's more like a spike than a sword!

A slender spike!

And because of this, the speed at which the opponent drew his sword was extremely fast.

Ling Feng could see that this was not some powerful swordsmanship, but simply extremely fast.

At the same time, he also saw that the person who attacked him was a handsome man with bright eyes, staring at Ling Feng coldly.

"Devil Pirate!"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, and he immediately thought that this was probably the demonic power possessed by those demonic pirates.

"Damn it!"

Ling Feng cursed lowly, he didn't expect that he would bump into these demon pirates, so there was only one battle left!

A faint light flashed in the palm of his hand, and the next moment, All Directions Destroyed appeared. Ling Feng stepped forward and used the Xuantian Cloud-breaking Sword. The power of the Xuantian Sword was unleashed. As expected, the opponent was a little overwhelmed and was immediately beaten back by Ling Feng.

"Come die!"

Ling Feng snorted coldly, and he was not merciful when he gained the upper hand, and he was about to slash at the back of the opponent's neck with one strike.

"Wait a moment!"

At this moment, a woman's voice came, and it sounded very pleasant to the ears.

"Aren't you demon pirates?"

The next moment, at the exit of this tunnel, a graceful woman walked quickly. She was dressed in a smart outfit and had a slender sword on her waist. She looked very capable.

When he saw this woman, Du Fei's mood suddenly became very excited, his eyes turned red, he looked at the woman and shouted loudly, "Sister!"

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