Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2499 Amazing conspiracy! (3 updates)

"Sister! I thought I would never see you again!"

Du Fei rushed out with a whoosh and threw himself into the woman's arms.

" are..."

The slender woman, with a hint of astonishment in her eyes, looked at Du Fei carefully, a little suspicious, but unable to believe it.

"Sister, I am Fei'er!"

Du Fei's eyes were red from crying, and he wiped his face with his hands. After a while, the dark-looking face disappeared and was replaced by a beautiful woman with snow-white skin, red lips and white teeth!

Moreover, she is actually 45% similar to that slender woman.

At first glance, they are sisters!

"This guy is indeed a woman!"

Ling Feng pursed his lips and couldn't help but glance at Tuoba Yan. There didn't seem to be much surprise in Tuoba Yan's eyes.

It seemed that she had already seen through Du Fei's disguise.

"So you already knew that Du Fei was a woman?"

Ling Feng glanced at Tuoba Yan and asked in a lowered voice. No wonder Tuoba Yan was particularly patient with Du Fei and was particularly close to him.

It was so intimate that Ling Feng felt a little, how should I put it, a little uncomfortable.

"Didn't you already know that?"

Tuoba Yan shrugged and winked at Ling Feng, looking a bit playful.


Du Fei, or should be called Du Feier, lay in her sister's arms and burst into tears.

After ten years, she finally saw her relatives again!

Devela raised her hand and gently stroked her sister's cheek, her eyes were also red and swollen, "Fei'er, how are you all these years when you have been alone?"


Seeing that the two sisters were about to start chatting about their experiences over the years, Ling Feng gave an untimely dry cough and reminded: "This is not a good place to reminisce about old times. Let's go to the island first, right?"

Devela also realized this, took a deep breath, wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and said slowly: "Fei'er, you haven't introduced your friend to me yet."

"Sister, this is Lord Ling Feng. He is a very strong person. If it weren't for him, I would definitely not be able to see my sister. And this Miss Tuoba belongs to Lord Ling Feng, um..."

Du Feier blinked and suddenly asked: "Sister Tuoba, are you Lord Ling Feng's wife?"

"Cough cough cough..."

Hearing these words, Ling Feng suddenly coughed violently, and Tuoba Yan's pretty face suddenly turned red with embarrassment, and he quickly denied it: "Of course not!"

"It turns out it's not."

Du Feier hugged her sister's arm and said, "This is my sister, Devela."

Devela took a step forward, walked in front of Ling Feng, bowed deeply to him, and said gratefully: "Thank you for protecting my sister."

Ling Feng glanced at Devela, she was indeed a very beautiful woman, but there was always a trace of sadness hidden in her eyes.

Sometimes, beauty may become the source of pain.

Ling Feng shook his head and simply said: "It can't be called protection. It just so happens that I need to go to Shark Bay, and your...sister happens to be my guide."

Du Fei suddenly turned into Du Feier, which Ling Feng still couldn't accept.

"However, you are obviously sisters. One's surname is Du and the other's surname is Dai. It's really strange..."

Ling Feng chuckled.


Du Feier couldn't help but laugh, "Lord Ling Feng, my surname is not Du, my full name is Du Feier Mites. My sister's name is Devela Mites."

"So that's it."

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose. This was just like the demon queen Keweili, who came from the Gulant family. Her name was Keweili, but her surname was Gulant.

Soon, under the leadership of Devela, a group of people arrived at Devela's residence.

It turned out that after Devela was hunted by the demon pirates, she quietly sneaked into the Merman Bay through the undersea tunnel.

The most dangerous place is the safest place.

Those demon pirates probably never imagined that Devela would have the courage to sneak under their noses.

And Devilla's plan is to sneak into the Poseidon when it arrives here. Only in this way can she have a chance to escape the Endless Sea and completely get rid of those demon pirates.

"I have a question."

Ling Feng looked at the swordsman who was following Devela, frowned and said, "If I'm not mistaken, he seems to be a so-called demon capable person, right? How dare he betray that demon lord?"

According to Du Feier, all those who have obtained the power of the devil, although they have gained powerful abilities, are also cursed by the power of the devil.

Once you betray the demon lord, you will be counterattacked by the power of the demon.

"Yes, Tox is also a person with demonic abilities. In fact, I am too."

Devela gritted her silver teeth, as if recalling some painful memories, she clenched her fists and said, "On the second day after I was captured on Alcatraz Island, I was fed a Devil Fruit. "

As she spoke, six demonic patterns appeared between her eyebrows.

Devela is surprisingly a six-marked devil ability user!

"You actually..."

Ling Feng was surprised. In other words, Devela's strength was far superior to the one-eyed pirate Beckman he met before!

"Although I have six magic patterns, my ability is not good at fighting."

Devela sighed softly, gritted her teeth and said, "Although theoretically speaking, the more demonic patterns a user has, the stronger they will be, but demonic abilities are also classified, and my abilities are more auxiliary. Because, among all my abilities, none of them increase my own power, nor are they destructive in any way.”

Devela clenched her fists and said, "Because I only have one ability, and that is to produce devil fruit!"


Ling Feng's eyelids were twitching wildly. This ability alone was already enough to be perverted!

"The effect of my devil fruit is to free the devil pirates from the control of the devil lord, and it can also strengthen their original abilities to a certain extent."

Devela said slowly: "And my existence made the demon lord feel threatened! He has always used the power of demons to control everyone, but I was able to escape from his control. But he did not To kill me, he seemed to want to use my power, so he just kept me imprisoned. "

"Ten years! A whole ten years have passed. I was so vain and resigned to that devil, and finally found a chance to escape from that devil! I never want to go back again, I want to leave here! Leave the Endless Sea!"

"No wonder he ordered a search for you."

Ling Feng took a deep breath. What Devela said was really shocking. After all, Devela's ability could almost shake the rule of the demon lord!

"That's not all, I also know a huge conspiracy of his!"

Devela clenched her fists tightly and gritted her teeth and said: "All the demon pirates are just his sacrifices. He dispersed the demon's power to other demon pirates through the devil fruit, and just used their bodies. Nourish the power of demons! His purpose is to release the demons suppressed under Alcatraz Island!"


Ling Feng's eyelids twitched wildly, and he had some guesses in his mind. No wonder he vaguely felt that this so-called demonic power was somewhat similar to the demonic energy of the demon clan. Now it seems that it should be a suppressed ancient demon clan. I think I did it because I wanted to get away.

And once this ancient demon escapes from the seal, I'm afraid it will be an extremely terrifying catastrophe!

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