Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2501 Falling into a trap! (2 updates)

"Yes, no matter what, leave the Endless Sea first!"

Davila obviously had a deep fear of everything on the Devil Island.

She just wanted to leave here!

And Ling Feng also had his own considerations. In the previous fight, he had roughly understood the power of the Devil Pirates.

Even the three-patterned demon ability users have the destructive power to kill the Saint-level strongmen. What they lack is only speed and reaction ability.

But with the increase of magic patterns, various abilities are becoming more and more complete, and the strength will naturally become stronger.

Of course, someone like Davila is a special case.

However, she can get rid of the shackles of the demon power, which is also a gifted talent in a sense.

"I got the news from the mermaids that the nearest Poseidon will arrive at Mermaid Bay in three days."

Davila said in a deep voice: "Three days later, as long as we successfully board the Poseidon, all nightmares will be completely over!"

"News about the mermaids?"

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched his nose, "Is this news reliable? Aren't the mermaids controlled by the devil pirates?"

Davila nodded heavily and gritted her teeth and said: "Mermaids are the race that hates the devil pirates the most among all the races on the sea! Everything they do is out of their control!"


Ling Feng took a deep breath and said slowly: "Okay, we will wait a little longer Three days! Dawila, do you have any plans? "

"The Poseidon is very big, and when it arrives at the Mermaid Bay, it usually stops for about half an hour! The crew of the Poseidon will get off the ship to pay tribute to the demon pirates, and they will be allowed to leave after the demon pirates have counted them. "

Davila gritted her teeth and said, "In this half hour, we can find an opportunity to sneak into the Poseidon. After all, when such a large ship docks, almost everyone's attention will be attracted by the large ship. We just take the opportunity to hide in the bottom of the cabin. "

"It sounds feasible, but..."

Ling Feng expressed doubts. Will everything go as smoothly as Dawila thought?

Ling Feng had a bad premonition in his heart, but Dawila was right. After three days, no matter what, they must find a way to sneak into the Poseidon.

This is their only chance to leave here!

Otherwise, if they miss this Poseidon, it is hard to say when the Poseidon will arrive here next time. The most important thing is that the longer they hide in the Mermaid Bay, the greater the risk of exposure.

"At present, this is the only way." Ling Feng nodded slightly. They need to board the Poseidon in three days. As for what will happen at that time, they can only adapt to the situation. ... In a blink of an eye, three days have passed. In order to avoid the search of those demon pirates, Ling Feng and his party have been hiding in the dark and damp caves, and they have hardly left. Until the third day, a deafening whistle sounded, and everyone opened their eyes at the same time. "It's the Poseidon!" Davila's face showed a rare surprise. She jumped up and looked at everyone and said, "Let's move!" "Move!" Ling Feng nodded, stood up, and led by Davila and the narrow swordsman Tox who followed her, approached the coastline little by little. At this time, almost all the demon pirates were waiting for the crew of the Poseidon to pay tribute and count the good things in the tribute. After all, although these tributes will eventually be sent to the Devil's Island, it is an unwritten rule for them to make some money from them. Before approaching the coast, Ling Feng had already seen a large ship several dozen feet high, docked at the seaside.

"No wonder people say that the Poseidon is a mobile castle on the sea, it is really outrageous!"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly, only a large ship of this level could withstand the terrifying storm in the depths of the Endless Sea.

Looking back, their first "Black Pearl" did not even survive the first storm and died directly.

"We only have half an hour, we must hurry!"

Davila seemed very nervous, after all, this Poseidon was all her hope.

"No, you won't even have a second."

At this moment, in the surrounding woods, accompanied by a "rustling" sound, more than a dozen demon pirates surrounded the group.


Davila's face suddenly turned pale, she never expected that her plan would be discovered early.

"Sure enough!" Ling Feng shook his head and sighed. Indeed, Davila was very smart. She knew to hide in the Mermaid Bay to avoid the search of the demon pirates. However, among the demon pirates, anyone who was a little smarter would think that Davila would find a way to leave on the Poseidon. Therefore, they did not need to search hard at all. They just needed to wait near the Poseidon. Sure enough, the rabbit had fallen into the trap. "Miss Davila, don't be afraid. I, Tox, will protect you with my life!" The narrow swordsman drew out the long sword at his waist, and his eyes flashed with a look of fearlessness. He was also a demon ability user, and his sword speed was even inferior to Ling Feng. "Humph, stupid betrayer, dare to betray the great demon lord, there is only one way to die!"

Among the demon pirates, the leader is a middle-aged man holding an iron hook. He said with a ferocious smile: "You have been surrounded. Except for Miss Devela, everyone else will die!"

"Ling Feng, what should we do now?"

Tuoba Yan bit her silver teeth. Now her actual combat ability is seriously inconsistent with her cultivation level. She has a semi-saint level cultivation, but it is difficult to exert 10% of her power.

After all, after her physique was completely changed, she could no longer use all the powerful moves she once had.

But because the origin of the soul has not changed, the "Thirteen Days Strategy" (PS: the ability of the Tiance clan), which has not been used for a long time, became her last resort.

With a thought, the Tiance Baojian flashed with golden light and guarded her side.

"There is only one fight left!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and looked at the Poseidon.

The Poseidon docked for almost half an hour, which meant that they had to resolve the battle quickly within half an hour!

And there are thirteen demon pirates here!

The leader of them, the Iron Hook Pirate, had as many as six magic lines that lit up between his eyebrows.

In other words, this guy is a six-marked demonic ability user!

Du Feier was so frightened that she found herself in Devela's arms. Others present still had room to fight back. However, she suffered the tragic experience of her family being destroyed since she was a child. After that, she lived in a small seaport town in the Eastern Spiritual Territory, barely surviving. It's not easy to get down, let alone practice any martial arts.

Now, her strength is only comparable to the Cai Pulse Condensation Realm!

And she is not a demonic person. In front of these demon pirates, she is nothing more than a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

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