Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2502 Ling Feng was captured! (3 updates)

"Hmph, you still want to resist?"

Captain Iron Hook sneered, waved his hand, and said in an extremely cold voice, "Give it to me!"

For a time, those with demonic abilities, who generally had three lines or above, each used their own special abilities. Some of their bodies swelled, and their muscles turned into rocks.

Some directly turned into green-faced and fanged monsters, similar to the ability to transform into beasts, which not only increased their own strength and flexibility, but also possessed various attack methods of beasts.

There are also some people whose body parts can be directly turned into weapons!

All in all, the twelve demon pirates pounced on them fiercely, giving even Ling Feng a headache.


A demon pirate who rushed to the front had already fought with Tox.

Tox's sword was as fast as lightning, but it didn't hurt at all when it stabbed a demon pirate whose body was petrified.

Immediately afterwards, a demon pirate who transformed into a werewolf swooped down and knocked Tox to the ground.


Tox's narrow sword flew out of his hand, and the werewolf pirate pressing on him bit Tox's neck directly.

At this critical moment, Ling Feng focused his eyes and directly used the silver soul skill "Mysterious Curse Shadow Devour". The blood-breaking stimulation shot out, and the werewolf pirate's head exploded directly.

But even so, the werewolf pirate did not die, and the remaining body was still tearing at Tox under him crazily.

Ling Feng's figure flashed, Yufeng Xiaoyaoyou was deployed, his body turned into a wisp of breeze, went directly behind the werewolf pirate, and pierced his neck with a sword.

Immediately afterwards, the body of the werewolf pirate ignited green phosphorus fire, and in an instant, it was turned into ashes.

Ling Feng grabbed Tokes, kicked his sword to Tokes' side, and said in a deep voice: "You go and protect the others. Leave these pirates to me!"

Tokes walked away from the hell gate and was still a little shaken. He looked at Ling Feng with a complicated expression. He gritted his teeth and said "thank you", then flew back to Devela and Du Feier to prevent others. The demon pirates attacked them.

Although he was unwilling to give in, he had already realized the gap between himself and Ling Feng.

He couldn't help Ling Feng at all.

On the other side, Tuoba Yan also used the power of Tiance Baojian to set up layers of magic formations and stopped five or six demon pirates.

Although those pirates were powerful, they knew nothing about the magic circle.

Although Tuoba Yan's trap couldn't do anything to them, it was enough to trap them to death.

"Good job, Yan'er!"

Ling Feng laughed, and when the demon pirates were trapped, he threw out a chain.

This chain is the same chain that previously bound the light and dark unicorn, and it was also the former weapon of the Immortal King.

Ling Feng obtained the inheritance of the Immortal King, and this chain naturally became Ling Feng's.

The chains were thrown out, tying the six demon pirates into a ball, and then came the real killing move.

At one end of the chain, there was actually a chain blade. The chain blade was entangled with the chain, and before the pirates could react, it directly cut across the back of their necks.

In an instant, six demon pirates died directly under Ling Feng's chain blade!

"You...who are you?"

After killing seven demon pirates one after another, the remaining pirates finally showed a hint of panic.

Where did this kid come from? It seems he has never been seen before!

"You scumbags are not qualified to know who I am!"

Ling Feng stretched out his hand and took back the chain.

It was heavy to start with, but as Ling Feng's "Immortal Golden Body" steadily improved, he was able to use this chain initially.

However, when transformed into armor form, Ling Feng was still unable to move freely as before.

Therefore, for the time being, Ling Feng can only use the chain blade form of this chain.

"court death!"

A trace of anger flashed in the Iron Hook pirate's eyes, but he was also a little afraid of the chain blade in Ling Feng's hand.

Although the pirates who died under the chain blade were a little careless, the fact that it could easily slit the backs of their necks also showed that this object was no ordinary thing.

And this little-known boy is by no means an ordinary person.

If you are not careful for a moment, it is very likely that the boat will capsize in the gutter.

As for Devela and the others, they felt reassured as they watched Ling Feng and Tuoba Yan cooperate to kill several demon pirates one after another.

"It seems like, Fei'er, you have indeed made a very powerful friend."

Devela gently touched Du Feier's cheek. Perhaps, with Ling Feng's help, they would still have a chance to climb the Poseidon.

"Lord Ling Feng, time is running out!"

Devela looked at Ling Feng's back and reminded him.

"I know!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and looked up at the Poseidon. The whistle had sounded again, which meant that the Poseidon would soon sail again.

If the battle cannot be resolved quickly, the Poseidon will leave, and more demon pirates will surround them.

By then, they will be in trouble!

"Half an hour passed so quickly!"

Ling Feng clenched his fists and sweated slightly on his forehead. He wasn't too worried about the others, but the hook pirate, a user with six-marked demon ability, made him a little afraid.

After all, this is a powerful person comparable to the Great Saint level.

Moreover, his demonic abilities have not been exposed at all until now!

"Still dreaming of boarding the Poseidon?"

The Iron Hook Pirate sneered, "Boy, you do have some abilities, but it's a pity, you are about to become my prisoner!"


Ling Feng's eyelids twitched and he suddenly looked at his feet!

A strange shadow is actually imprisoning his own shadow at an extremely terrifying speed!

Ling Feng quickly jumped up and jumped back wildly. Although he didn't know exactly what would happen, there was an uneasy feeling in his heart.

However, he was still a step too slow!

Although he jumped into the air, his shadow did not escape smoothly!


The hook pirate laughed loudly, and then Ling Feng felt his whole body stiffen, and his whole body fell heavily to the ground with a "thud".

"Jie Jie Jie, you were caught by my shadow, do you still want to resist?"

The Iron Hook pirate stared at Ling Feng coldly, waved his hand, and then all the remaining demon pirates, all holding weapons, surrounded Ling Feng.

A long knife was placed on Ling Feng's neck.

Everything is completely under the control of the other party!

Everyone's expressions changed drastically in an instant. Even Ling Feng was caught. So the fate waiting for them, I'm afraid, is not optimistic...

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