Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2508 Harboring! (3 updates)

"Old Brown, you came too late!"

The burly Bo Gang lifted up Captain Brown, who was slightly stooped, as if he was carrying a chicken. As soon as he opened his mouth, a strong wind seemed to whip up, and Captain Brown's captain's hat was blown away directly.

Brown's face was livid with fright, but he still smiled and said: "People... people naturally become useless when they get old. How can I compare with you, Mr. Bo Gang, who is in the prime of life!"


Bo Gang nodded with satisfaction, threw Brown aside, and looked around with his big copper eyes.

"Lord Bo Gang, what kind of wind brings you here?"

After all, Captain Brown was also a saint-level strongman. Although he was thrown a little, it was nothing serious. He patted the dust on his body and walked up to Bo Gang with a smile, showing his humble posture.

There is no choice, either humility or death.

He can only choose to be humble.

After all, captains who have resisted in the past will only end up dead in the end.

"I'm not here to find you this time!"

Bo Gang reached out and picked his teeth. His mouth was full of criss-crossed fangs, exuding a bloodthirsty light.

Captain Brown spat in his eyes and said in a trembling voice: "What's the matter with you, Mr. Bo Gang? We strictly follow the requirements of the Demon Lord every year and give tribute to the great Demon Lord. The Lord also promised , As long as we surrender obediently, the demon pirates will never make things difficult for us, the Poseidon."

"You mean, I'm making things difficult for you?"

Bo Gang's eyes turned cold and he stared at Captain Brown.

"No, no, I didn't mean that. Mr. Bo Gang, you misunderstood."

Old Brown was so frightened that his calves were weak. Among the thirteen captains of the Demon Pirates, although Bo Gang's strength was not the best, he had the most violent temper and the most moody one.

"Hmph, I received news that there was a traitor who escaped from the Shark Bay a few days ago and boarded your Poseidon!"

Bo Gang raised his hand and patted Captain Brown on the shoulder, and sneered: "Old Brown, you are the traitor who harbored our Alcatraz Island. What crime should you deserve?"

" is this possible!"

Old Brown shuddered, "Even if you give me a hundred courages, I wouldn't dare to harbor the betrayers from Alcatraz Island. This must be a misunderstanding!"

"Oh? Really?"

Bo Gang laughed strangely, "Well, Old Brown, you don't mind letting my people search around, right? Hey, if the betrayer is found, you should know the consequences."

"Wait a moment!"

The red-haired captain Rocks' eyelids twitched, and he suddenly remembered that a few days ago, Ling Feng and his party boarded the Poseidon near Sharnian Bay. He swallowed hard and said in a deep voice: "Master Bo Gang, you What are the characteristics of the traitor you are talking about?”

"A man and a woman. One of the women is a very beautiful blonde. They may have other accomplices, the exact number is unknown."

Next to Bo Gang, a thin pirate with a mustache said slowly.

"Blonde beauty?"

Locks couldn't help but take a breath. Oh no, among the few people he let in, there seemed to be a blonde beauty!


"What, you know?"

Bo Gang's eyes were fixed on Rocks coldly.

"It could be them, I don't know their identities either!"

Locks gritted his teeth and said, "Sir, I have absolutely no intention of harboring betrayers!"

"Hmph, why don't you take me to find them quickly!"

Bo Gang snorted coldly, "These betrayers have killed many of us. If one of them escapes, you won't be able to eat, so you'll have to walk around!"

Rocks trembled and said quickly: "I know where they are, I need you to go now!"

"Hey! Are you looking for me?"

At this moment, four figures jumped out from behind the deck, jumped directly into one of the pirate ships.

These four people were surprisingly Ling Feng and his party!

Ling Feng got rid of the pirates who stayed in the pirate ship in a few moments, and then directly controlled the pirate ship and moved forward quickly.


Bo Gang cursed loudly, flew out like a cannonball, jumped onto another pirate ship, and roared loudly: "Chase me!"

Then, the pirates all rushed onto the remaining two pirate ships and started chasing them as fast as they could.

After a while, whether it was Ling Feng or the demon pirates, they all disappeared without a trace.

"Ship...Captain, what should we do now?"

Rocks was stunned for a while, and he was still a little awkward when speaking.

That was the demon captain with the demon crest, the most ferocious Iron Fist Bogang!

He was just a hair away from death.

"Sail the boat and get out of here!"

Captain Brown took a deep breath. He was not a fool. When those demon pirates came back, there would be nowhere to eat their good fruits.

The best thing to do is to take advantage of the opportunity and run away quickly.

the other side.

Ling Feng drove one of the pirate ships and fled the scene quickly.

"Were they still found by these demon pirates..."

Ling Feng sighed helplessly. Fortunately, he was alert enough, and with his infinite vision, he already knew everything that happened on the deck, so he made an improvised decision.

There must be someone who can lure away those demon pirates, Devela and the others, before they can successfully leave the Endless Sea and reach the Southern Witch Territory.

And Tuoba Yan and others around him...

Well, actually they are all replicas created by him using the Great Creation Technique.

all fake!

Ling Feng asked them to stay on the Poseidon, and after he got rid of the pirates, he would naturally go find them.

Of course, it's hard to say whether we can go back smoothly.

At least, those pirate ships were chasing closely at the moment and had no intention of giving up.

At this moment, a figure walked in from the back of the cabin. Ling Feng froze and was startled.

However, when he looked back, he found that the man turned out to be Shentu Xuance!

"Brother Shentu, why is it you! I didn't ask you to..."

Ling Feng's eyelids were twitching wildly. When he left, he asked Shentu Xuance to take care of Tuoba Yan and the others, but this guy actually followed him!

"Haha, I gave Miss Devela and the others a token of the Light Witch Clan. As long as they take the token to find someone from the Light Witch Clan, someone will naturally take care of them."

Shentu Xuance shrugged and chuckled: "The teacher asked me to investigate the matter about the demon pirates. My intuition tells me that by following you, I may be able to investigate everything clearly."


Ling Feng's forehead darkened, he shook his head and smiled bitterly, "I'm afraid your intuition is wrong."

However, Shentu Xuance was very powerful, so having him around might not be a bad thing.

"No matter what, now that I have made my choice, it is too late to regret it. Now, we are on the same ship."

Shentu Xuance grinned, looked at the situation behind him, and quickly urged: "Speed ​​up quickly, the pirates behind are about to catch up!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and pushed the speed of the pirate ship to the extreme. He knew that sooner or later, he would inevitably have to fight those demon pirates, but he had to lead these guys as far away as possible!

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