Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2509 Delivered to your door! (1 update)

During the chase, the pirate ship driven by Ling Feng had already lured the demon pirates away from them.

In other words, no matter what, at least Devela and the others should be safe.

They can successfully take the Poseidon and arrive at the Southern Witch Territory.

At this time, the pirate ship behind them was getting closer and closer.

After all, Ling Feng was still relatively unfamiliar with this vast sea. Naturally, he was far incomparable to these demon pirates who had been hanging around in the waves for decades.

At this time, a pirate ship had overtaken Zuo Yi, and the seventh captain of the demon pirate, Bo Gang, had jumped out of his ship and jumped onto Ling Feng's deck with a smile on his face. A ferocious smile.

"Hmph, where else do you want to run?"

Bo Gang's burly body stepped heavily on the deck, and the entire bow instantly lost its balance, and he almost stepped into the sea with his foot.

"What a terrifying brute force!"

Ling Feng frowned. Those with eight lines of demonic ability must have been enhanced by demonic power in all aspects.

It would be difficult for him to deal with a strong man of this level.

"You keep sailing, and I'll deal with him!"

Shentu Xuance flew out and jumped out of the cabin. His whole body shone with holy white light, and behind him, it condensed into a pair of pure white wings.

The light witches control the power of light, and their aura is quite similar to that of the light and dark unicorns, but not as powerful.

However, the power of light is the nemesis of all darkness and evil spirits. Shentu Xuance's power, to a certain extent, restrained these evil pirates.

"Disgusting smell!"

Bo Gang frowned, stared at Shentu Xuance coldly, shouted loudly, and punched him.

Among the thirteen captains of the Demon Pirates, Bo Gang is nicknamed "Captain Iron Fist", which means that his strongest attack method lies in this pair of iron fists.


Bo Gang punched out, and the void roared. The bright wings behind Shentu Xuance flapped, and he stepped aside to let Bo Gang punch.


The terrifying fist wind roared directly against the side of the pirate ship, rolling up a terrifying whirlpool on the sea and blasting it thousands of feet!

The flowing sea water actually came to a brief stagnation at that moment.

It was as if even time and space had frozen under his punch.

But in terms of strength, this Bo Gang is definitely the strongest and most terrifying enemy Ling Feng has ever encountered.

Fortunately, his speed is relatively slow, which is his only weakness.

Shentu Xuance looked back at the sea that Bo had just swept across with his punch, and there was a slight sweat on his forehead.

If this punch had hit him, his life would have been completely sealed, "Jie Jie Jie..."

Bo Gang laughed ferociously, "The punch just now was only 30% of the force. Boy, with the next punch, I will smash your head to pieces!"

Shentu Xuance made a trick and began to use the witchcraft of the Bright Witch Clan.

"Spear of Light!"

Shentu Xuance gave a clear scolding, and a light spear appeared in his hand, emitting a soft white light.

The white light passed by, and it obviously had a suppressive power on Bo Gang.

Bo Gang frowned and punched Shen Tu Xuance hard.

"Light War Technique!"

Shentu Xuance was seen holding a light spear in one hand, and the other hand was still making hand gestures. The power of light transformed into thousands of chains, binding Bo Gang's body.

Ling Feng looked at Shentu Xuance holding a spear and fighting Bo Gang. Both his movement and attack were extremely sharp and agile, as if he was teasing a heavy wild bear.

Bo Gang was so angry that he was shaking all over, but he couldn't do anything to Shentu Xuance.

Of course, Shentu Xuance's attack was basically painless to Bo Gang.

However, because of the restraining effect of the power of light, Bo Gang suffered a lot.

"Is this the power of the Light Witch Clan?"

Ling Feng took a deep breath. It seemed that the Southern Witch Territory he was about to go to would definitely be an eye-opener for him.

But for now, the best thing to do is to find a way to get rid of these demon pirates first.

Gritting his teeth, Ling Feng drove the pirate ship a little faster.

What he didn't understand was that the two pirate ships on the flanks just followed closely and didn't seem to have any intention of intercepting them.

When Ling Feng was stunned, he suddenly saw a long and narrow piece of land in front of him, which had completely blocked the way forward.

"There is no road ahead!"

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth twitched slightly, he had brought himself to a dead end!

What made Ling Feng even more desperate was that Na Bo just jumped up and no longer struggled with Shen Tu Xuance, but laughed loudly, "Welcome to the Devil's Island!"

Ling Feng's pupils suddenly shrank.

The piece of land blocking the front is actually the Devil's Island!

Good guy, I’m here to deliver it to you!

"Brother Ling, you..."

Shentu Xuance's face also darkened. He was fighting with Na Bo Gang, and the outcome was still 50-50, but now Ling Feng took him directly to the demon pirate's lair.

Now, it's really about to end!

Ling Feng was sweating slightly on his forehead, and he felt unlucky in his heart. He just drove so casually and drove to Alcatraz Island.

"A momentary mistake..."

Ling Feng wanted to turn the ship around, but unfortunately, the two pirate ships behind him had completely blocked his way.

Ling Feng smiled bitterly and jumped out of the cabin. He looked at Shentu Xuance and lowered his voice: "For this reason, I think we can only choose to abandon the ship and run away."

Although there is no suitable big ship in this vast sea, the chance of survival is very slim, but if you can't escape, the chance of survival is simply zero!

Shentu Xuance patted his forehead, looked into the depths of Devil's Island, and said with a bitter smile: "I'm afraid, we can't escape."

Ling Feng's eyes narrowed, and he followed Shentu Xuance's gaze, and sure enough he saw two figures approaching quickly.

What made him even more desperate was that the two demon pirates also had demon crests engraved on their bodies!

In other words, what they have to face now are three captain-level demon pirates!

In the blink of an eye, the other two captains had also arrived.

The one on the left is wearing a gray short coat, holding a long knife in his hand, with short black hair, standing upright, and his body is covered with extremely exaggerated muscles. On his left arm, there is a skull symbol engraved on it. Demonic coat of arms.

There was a person on the right, whose body was almost completely covered with bandages, with only a pair of intimidating eyes showing, emitting a bloody light.

Behind his back, there was also a very huge weapon wrapped in bandages. From the appearance, it seemed to be a huge hammer.

Judging from the aura, the strength of these two people is only stronger than Bo Gang!

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