Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2510 Demon Captain! (2 updates)

"Bogang, the lord asked you to capture the traitors. The two people you brought back are not the ones the lord wants!"

The muscular pirate holding a long sword, although not as tall as Bogang, is already two meters tall, with muscular body, giving people a terrible sense of oppression.

"Hmph, Likum, are you blind? I brought back more than two people, look at the cabin..."

Bogang looked at the cabin, and his smug expression suddenly became dumbfounded.


Bogang's eyes almost fell out of his sockets.

He clearly saw Ling Feng boarding the pirate ship with Davila and the others, but now...

Where are the people?

Why are they gone!

"Where are the people!" Bo Gang stared at Ling Feng angrily, "Boy, where did you hide that woman?" "Haha, the boat is so small, where can I hide them?" Ling Feng shrugged, "Big guy, you are dazzled, I don't know the person you are looking for, if it's okay, I can leave, right?" "Leave?" Although Bo Gang didn't have much brains, he knew that he was fooled by Ling Feng. He was so angry that he trembled all over and punched Ling Feng, "You still want to leave? Go to hell!" The wind whistled, and a terrible vortex of power suddenly hit him! Ling Feng's long hair and robes fluttered wildly in an instant, and he almost couldn't stand steadily. Gritting his teeth, Ling Feng directly used the dragon and elephant power, stepped deeply into the ground, and punched out at the same time, directly hitting Bo Gang's fist. Crack! The bones shattered in an instant, just a collision of punches, Ling Feng's entire arm was directly twisted into pieces! However, Ling Feng's figure did not move at all!

Bo Gang's power was indeed strong, but under Ling Feng's test, he also found the limit of his power.

Anyway, he had the magical power of "Immortal Golden Body", and breaking his hands and feet was just a small matter.

The next moment, Ling Feng's body shook, and his shattered arms grew back at a speed visible to the naked eye, intact as before.

"Immortal body!"

Bo Gang and the other two demon pirate captains all changed their expressions, obviously a little surprised.

Ling Feng pursed his lips. When he first met the demon pirates, the one-eyed pirate named "Beckman" had also mentioned this term.

It seems that among the demon pirates, there may be people who have abilities similar to the immortal golden body.

"Humph, immortal body, so what, I'll destroy you!"

Bo Gang was furious. He failed to catch Davila and bring her back, which was a serious dereliction of duty, and he could not escape the punishment of the demon lord.

"Bo Gang, I advise you to take your men to catch up with the Poseidon as soon as possible." The pirate captain, who was wrapped in bandages, said in a hoarse and dry voice, "If I'm not mistaken, that woman Davila is still hiding on the Poseidon!" Ling Feng's eyelids jumped. There are some smart people among the demon pirates. However, even if he guessed it, what would happen? The Poseidon has been out for so long. With the speed of these pirate ships, it is impossible to catch up. Bo Gang glared at Ling Feng fiercely, and then gritted his teeth and said, "Likum, Shak, this kid is left to you to deal with!" After that, Bo Gang jumped onto a pirate ship and left quickly with his subordinates. If we catch up now, maybe there is still a glimmer of hope. Of course, it is only a very slim glimmer of hope. "One is gone, fortunately..." Ling Feng was obviously relieved. If there were only two left, he and Shentu Xuance would deal with one each, and maybe there would be a chance. "Boy, are you really naive enough to think that you two can escape from us?"

The guy with bandages all over his body laughed hoarsely and harshly again.

Ling Feng's face froze, and he stared at the bandage pirate, thinking to himself: "This guy can actually see through my mind?"

"Don't be suspicious."

The bandage pirate sneered, "As long as you are locked by my eyes, I can see through everything in your heart."

Ling Feng froze, this ability is a bit too much!

"Too much?"

The bandage pirate grinned, revealing a pair of shark-like sharp teeth, "More outrageous abilities are still to come!"

Ling Feng clenched his fists and cursed coldly: "It's not a good habit to pry into other people's hearts casually, because people like you are usually very annoying!"

"Boy, I advise you to surrender obediently."

The long sword pirate named Likum grinned, "Don't struggle in vain."

"Sorry, I don't have the habit of surrendering."

A faint light flashed in Ling Feng's hand, and the Ten Directions were annihilated. He held it in his palm and stood side by side with Shentu Xuance.

Since this guy is a disciple of the Great Wizard of Light, he should have some trump cards.

Shentu Xuance also took a deep breath, "I didn't expect that the legendary thirteen demon captains, I actually saw three in one breath today, I'm really lucky!"

The faces of the two were obviously not very good. Even if the two of them were lucky enough to deal with the two demon captains in front of them, this was the lair of the demon pirates!

In addition to Bo Gang who has left, there are ten strong men of the same level as them!

And just when the war was about to break out and the two sides were at war, a black shadow suddenly appeared in front of Ling Feng and Shentu Xuance.

Black mist surged, and then Ling Feng and Shen Tu Xuance went limp and collapsed.

The next moment, the black mist condensed into a slender man, standing with his hands behind his back, and fell from mid-air.


The faces of the long-sword pirate Likum and the bandage pirate Shaq were condensed, and they bowed to the thin man.

It turns out that this thin man is actually the captain among the thirteen demon pirate captains!

In this Alcatraz Island, apart from the Demon Lord, there is one person who is inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people.

The captain had no expression on his face, and with one move, he plundered all the Naling Rings, weapons, and armors from Ling Feng and Shentu Xuance.

After doing all this, he looked at the other two captains expressionlessly and said slowly: "Take them to the mining area. Now is the time to employ people. These two people are both very strong. Feed each of them a devil fruit." ”

"Yes, Captain!"

Likum and Shaq did not dare to have any objections. Feeding devil fruits to captured prisoners was also a common method used by their devil pirates.

After swallowing the devil's fruit, although you can gain the power of the devil, you are also cursed by the power of the devil.

The devil fruits that the captives ate were all the lowest-grade fruits. The power they awakened was naturally not that powerful. The main thing was that they were restrained by the power of the devil.

As long as the power of demons exists in their bodies, they will never be able to betray the demon lords and become their slaves.

The thin man nodded, his figure turned into a ball of black smoke, and disappeared again in the blink of an eye.

"Humph, you are lucky."

Bandage pirate Shaq turned his head to look at Likum and said slowly: "Likum, I leave it to you."

Likum nodded, sheathed the long sword, lifted Ling Feng with one hand and Shentu Xuance with the other, jumped up, and disappeared into the depths of Devil's Island in a moment like a flying ape.

(PS: Something happened today, so I can’t type anymore. There are only two updates. I’ll try to find time to make them up later...)

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