Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2511 Prisoner under the orders! (1 update)


After an unknown amount of time, Ling Feng slowly woke up, only to feel his entire head was dizzy.

Recalling the last thing that happened before he fainted, it seemed that a mysterious guy had knocked him unconscious with one move.

That was not some poisonous fog, otherwise, with Ling Feng's physique, ordinary poisonous fog would not have made him fall into a coma for a long time.

It seemed to be a special soul attack, or a mental suggestion, which made him lose his mind for a while and fainted uncontrollably.

This kind of power is really terrible.

When the two sides fought, if they were ambushed by this trick, they would probably have only one way to die.

Fortunately, the other party did not kill him.

After carefully checking the things on his body, Ling Feng frowned more and more. His Soul Ring and Ten Directions Annihilation were all taken away, and the heart-protecting mirror that the big hammer had made with the Nine Realms Star Steel was also taken away!

Fortunately, the pirates did not discover the existence of the Five Elements Palace, and most of Ling Feng's treasures were actually collected in the Five Elements Palace.

The treasures in the Soul Ring can be forgotten, but Shifang Jumie is his own special heavenly soldier, and he must take it back no matter what! Ling Feng took a deep breath, calmed down a little, and carefully looked at the surrounding environment. As captives, their situation was naturally not much better. Even their hands and feet were tied with handcuffs and shackles. These chains were very heavy, and even for ordinary Saint-level strongmen, it was a big burden. Fortunately, Ling Feng had been the scapegoat in the Valley of Evil, and he was already very accustomed to this kind of weight-bearing training. The handcuffs and shackles did not have a big impact on him. Shentu Xuance was still in a coma, and his things were also taken away. This was a place that looked like a cave. As a captive, the treatment was naturally not much better. In addition to them, there were some prisoners in the cave who were also wearing handcuffs and shackles. A small cave of only thirty or forty square meters was actually crowded with forty or fifty people! Those prisoners were all skinny, either topless or wrapped in tattered linen. In short, everyone looked exhausted.

No one noticed Ling Feng and the others, or rather, every once in a while, some new prisoners were sent in by the demon pirates.

They were already numb to this kind of thing.

"Brother Shentu."

Ling Feng pushed Shentu Xuance and shook him awake.

Shentu Xuance slowly opened his eyes and felt dizzy. Seeing that the person in front of him was Ling Feng, he raised his hand and pressed his temple, and said in a deep voice: "Brother Ling, where is this?"

"I'm afraid we've been captured."

Ling Feng took a deep breath, pointed to the injured chain of Shentu Xuance, and smiled bitterly: "Now, we are prisoners of the demon pirates."


Shentu Xuance was startled and instantly woke up a little. After a careful check, he found that all his things had been taken away, and he suddenly became impatient.

"Damn it, all my magic weapons were taken away!" Shentu Xuance gritted his teeth and cursed, "Those are all treasures that I usually don't want to use!" "As long as the green mountains are there, there will be no shortage of firewood." Ling Feng patted Shentu Xuance on the shoulder and comforted him, "As long as we are alive, we will have the opportunity to take everything back and leave this damn place!" "Hehe!" Ling Feng's conversation immediately made some people around him sneer. Those captives who had been imprisoned on the Devil's Island for many years sneered one by one. "Leave? Don't dream!" "As long as they catch you, it's impossible to leave!" Those captives all looked at Lingfeng as if he were a fool, and even deliberately stayed away from the two of them, as if they didn't want to hear the foolish remarks of this "fool". Ling Feng frowned. These people, aren't they too lacking in fighting spirit and blood? "Alas..."

A sigh came from the crowd, and a ragged, skinny old man slowly walked out, glanced at Ling Feng, and said in a deep voice: "Little brother, I advise you not to be delusional."

"Old man, what do you mean?"

Ling Feng glanced at the skinny old man and asked in a deep voice.

"Anyone captured by the devil pirates has been fed the devil fruit by them." The skinny old man sighed.

"Devil fruit!"

Ling Feng and Shentu Xuance looked at each other. They both actually took the devil fruit?

"Yes." The skinny old man sighed, "But what we swallowed were the lowest quality devil fruits. We could hardly awaken the devil power like those devil pirates, but we were cursed by the devil power. As long as we dare to escape from here, those devil pirates don't even need to chase us. We will be attacked by the curse in our bodies and die without a burial place!" Ling Feng clenched his fists. He had seen with his own eyes how miserable the fate of the guys cursed by the devil power was. Unexpectedly, they were also fed the devil fruit! "It's over, then we can't leave for the rest of our lives!" Shentu Xuance suddenly cried. He had investigated the situation of the devil pirates, so he knew very well what the devil curse meant. For so many years, the only person who could escape from the Devil Island was Davila.

And this is because Devela's situation is somewhat special, and she is not a prisoner.

"There is always a way out."

Ling Feng took a deep breath. Since Devela could lift the curse, he could do the same.

The so-called demonic power is, to put it bluntly, nothing more than the demonic energy of the ancient demons.

To deal with the demonic energy, whether it is the blood of the Emperor in his body or the Eye of the Void passed down to him by Kavli, they are both things that are far superior to the ancient demonic energy.

Ling Feng has this kind of self-confidence, so no devil's curse can stop him.

Soon, Ling Feng calmed down. He knew that at this time, it was more important to calm down.

It's useless to panic, it can't change the fact that you are captured, calm down and wait for the opportunity.

The skinny old man glanced at Ling Feng and found that Ling Feng's expression and eyes were very calm. He couldn't help but said: "Old Vidoin, I don't know what you call this little brother and where he comes from?"

"My name is Ling Feng."

Ling Feng glanced at the skinny old man and said calmly: "I'm from the Eastern Spiritual Territory."

"Eastern Spiritual Realm?"

Before Weiduoyin could speak, Shentu Xuance was surprised first, "You are actually from the Eastern Spiritual Territory? When has there ever been a genius of your level in the Eastern Spiritual Territory? I just saw you At that time, I thought you were from the West Sword Region! You have a powerful sword spirit, so I must have been right."

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