Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2512 Magic Pearl! (2 updates)

"I did have some experience in the Western Sword Region."

Ling Feng nodded and said lightly.

"You are clearly in a desperate situation, why is little brother Ling not panicking at all?"

Wei Duoyin looked at Ling Feng. Over the years, he had seen too many prisoners captured here, but none of them could calm down as quickly as Ling Feng.

"What's the use of panicking?"

Ling Feng smiled and asked rhetorically.


Wei Duoyin was startled at first, then shook his head and laughed, "Yes, panic is of no use, but I advise you not to act rashly, otherwise, you will only die."

"Thank you, senior, for reminding me."

Ling Feng nodded towards Navidouin. It could be seen that this old man was a pretty good elder.

The other prisoners around him sneered, "Old Vidoin is acting like a good guy again."

"Forget it, being a good guy is of no use here!"

Soon, there was silence in the cave. The prisoners seemed too tired to even talk. They just taunted a few words and then closed their eyes to rest.

There wasn't much time left for them to rest.

Sure enough, at this moment, two burly demon pirates walked in from outside the cave, both with five-marked demon abilities.

A pirate with tattoos on his face on the left began to curse as soon as he came in, "Get up, everyone. If today's mission is not completed, no one will be able to eat! Why don't you get up!"


After saying that, the tattooed pirate pulled out a long whip and whipped it on the ground several times.

The captives in the cave jumped up immediately. These captives basically had no human rights at all. Even if the pirates killed them, there would be no consequences.

As for resistance?

The consequence of resisting is that you can neither survive nor die!

"Little brother, come with me."

Old Weiduoyin glanced at Ling Feng and Shentu Xuance. They were two "newcomers" who were probably very confused about the so-called mission.


Ling Feng nodded, followed behind Old Vidoin, and asked: "Senior, why did those demon pirates capture us?"

"In the mining area, extract the magic crystal ore, refine the magic beads, and then hand it over to them every month."

Old Vidoin said slowly: "These magic beads are said to be the nutrients used to cultivate the devil fruit."

After a pause, Old Vidoin continued: "Refining magic beads is a process that consumes a lot of energy and energy. Those demon pirates know this very well, so they need a large number of prisoners to refine magic beads for them. ”

"We captives need to pay a sufficient amount of magic beads every month, otherwise we will be severely punished."

Vidoin clenched his fists and gritted his teeth: "That is a punishment more terrible than death. They will torture you in various ways. After experiencing the brutal torture, they will hang the captive upside down on the cliff and let the Blood Spirit Crows Diandiantun eats their flesh and blood..."

Ling Feng took a deep breath, these demon pirates were indeed a group of demons!

After a while, the group arrived at the mining area. Ling Feng looked around and saw many Blood Spirit Crows around the mining area.

These Blood Spirit Crows are equivalent to the eyes of the demon pirates. What happens in the mining area and any disturbance cannot be hidden from their eyes.

"Brother Ling, we need to mine the magic crystal mine every day, and then at night, we have to go back to condense the magic beads. We need to pay 500 magic beads every month."

Wei Duoyin said solemnly: "If we fail to turn in enough magic beads on time, we will be punished to varying degrees according to the situation. And according to them, as long as the task is completed on time, they will let us go in fifty years." ”

"Fifty years..."

Ling Feng rolled his eyes, not to mention whether these demon pirates would keep their promise and let him be trapped in this hellish place for fifty years. The day lily would be cold!

"You two are new here!"

At this moment, a demon pirate walked towards Ling Feng and casually threw a spiritual ring to each of Ling Feng and Shentu Xuance. Of course, it was the lowest kind of bronze-level spiritual ring.

"This is your equipment. It contains things for mining. The Naling Ring stores magic beads for you."

After the demon pirate finished speaking, he walked away directly.

Ling Feng opened the Naling Ring, which contained a hoe and a very inferior stove, which seemed to be used to condense the so-called magic beads.

Under the guidance of Lao Weiduoyin, Ling Feng and Shentu Xuance quickly learned to distinguish the so-called "magic crystal mines", but it often took a long time to mine a thumb-sized piece of magic crystal mine.

And those slightly larger magic crystal mines will also cause fights among the prisoners.

After all, whether it is mining magic crystal mines or condensing magic beads, it is a very energy-consuming process. Digging out a large enough magic crystal mine means that you can free up more time to condense the magic beads. , not only can you complete the task, but you can even save some magic beads.

And these fights seem to be tacitly approved by the demon pirates. As long as no one is killed, they will tacitly agree to the small fights below.

In fact, they were happy to see the prisoners attacking each other as a daily pastime.

After a hard day of digging, Ling Feng and his party were finally able to return to where they lived.

The cave before was only used as a temporary resting place, and the place where they lived was actually a bare stone mountain with countless caves dug out, just enough for one person to sit in and condense the magic beads.

Ling Feng and Shentu Xuance found a cave near the old Weiduoyin's residence. They still needed to ask this enthusiastic old man for advice on how to condense the magic beads.

Otherwise, it is inevitable to take some detours.

"The so-called condensation of magic beads is actually very simple. It's not even an alchemy technique."

Old Vidoin smiled, took out a simple stove, and said slowly: "The magic crystal mine we mined actually consists of two parts, one is the magic energy, and the second part is the mineral essence."

"Condensing the magic beads is to extract the magic energy inside and condense it into the form of beads. The only difficulty is to refine the minerals on the surface. This process requires a lot of energy and spiritual power."

Old Weiduoyin sighed softly and threw a piece of magic crystal ore into the furnace, and then began to activate his energy. After about half an hour, the magic crystal ore he just threw into the furnace turned into Three black round beads are the so-called magic beads.

"At my speed, if I refine it all night, I can probably refine about twenty pieces. In a month, I can barely complete the task."

Old Vidoin said slowly.

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