Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2513 The power of the devil, the devil’s weapons! (3 updates)

"If it's twenty coins every night, after a month, there will still be some left."

Ling Feng picked up a magic bead and said lightly.

"As for the rest, you can handle it yourself."

Wei Duoyin said slowly: "For those of us who have swallowed the devil's fruit, we can actually awaken the power of the devil by absorbing the magic beads. In fact, among the devil pirates, there are many people who have been promoted to the That’s why the three-stripe ability person left here and became the minions of the demon pirates.”

"However, some people were unwilling to join the demon pirates, so they became the overlords of the mining area."

Old Vidoin sighed and said slowly: "You will always meet him later."

Ling Feng and Shentu Xuance looked at each other. It seemed that even in this mining area, the situation was very complicated.

After learning how to condense the magic beads, Ling Feng and the two left Vidoin's cave and returned to their residence.

Ling Feng took out a piece of magic crystal ore and the process of refining the magic beads was actually a simplified alchemy, and for Ling Feng, it was naturally a piece of cake.

Ten breaths later, Ling Feng had already mastered the first magic bead.

"Use magic beads to increase the power of demons?"

After hesitating for a moment, Ling Feng directly stuffed the magic bead into his mouth and swallowed it in one gulp.

Sure enough, after a while, Ling Feng felt that there seemed to be a special force in his Dantian that was echoing the power of the magic bead.

This power is probably the so-called demonic power.

There was a slight heat in the lower abdomen of Dantian, but after only a few breaths, the heat dissipated. He knew that his demonic power had failed to awaken.

"It seems that one magic bead is not enough."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, and then began to take out other magic crystal ores for refining.

Less than half an hour later, Ling Feng refined thirty magic beads, put them away, and began to practice the "Immortal Golden Body".

In a blink of an eye, it was already the third day after arriving at Devil's Island.

Ling Feng's mental state was pretty good. For him, whether it was mining or condensing magic beads, it was not a problem. However, he still pretended to be very tired, as if he had worked hard all night before he could finish refining it. The state of the magic beads.

As for other people, in this state, under slavery day after day, year after year, it is no wonder that they completely lose the courage to escape.

"Senior Vidoin."

After a few days, Ling Feng and Lao Weiduoyin became quite familiar with each other, and Ling Feng finally asked him about some doubts.

"Among the demon pirates, is there a captain who is good at using the black mist's ability?"

"Black mist?"

Old Vidoin shook his head, "I don't know. In fact, the thirteen demon captains are all very mysterious and rarely appear. People who have been walking on the sea all year round only know the ones below captain number six. "

"For example, No. 7 'Iron Fist' Bo Gang, No. 8 'Shark Tooth' Shaq, No. 9 'Sword Crazy' Likum, No. 10 'Ghoul' Saruman... "

Old Weiduoyin told Ling Feng all the information he knew. Unfortunately, there was no information about the mysterious black mist that Ling Feng wanted to know.

The black mist's ability was so weird that if he encountered it again, Ling Feng wouldn't be able to confirm whether he would be hit again.

"By the way, those demon captains all seem to have mastered the same ability. There always seems to be an invisible aura in them. Before I was captured, I fought against a demon captain. I once wanted to attack the weak spot on the back of his neck. But before he could attack, he was bounced away by an invisible force."

The demon pirates were already difficult enough to deal with, but their only weakness was that they were protected by an invisible force, making it even more difficult to deal with them.

"This is the strength of the Demon Captain."

Old Vidoin took a deep breath and said slowly: "Actually, there are quite a few demon pirates at the eight-level level, but only thirteen of them can become captains. That's because they control the power of the demon!"

"The power of the devil?"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, he sounded powerful.

"The power of the devil is divided into the gravity of the devil and the repulsion of the devil. The gravity of the devil can attract all objects to its side. As long as it is locked by the gravity of the devil, it is almost impossible to escape. The repulsion of the devil can bounce all objects away. You The invisible aura mentioned above should be the repulsive force of the devil."

Old Vidoin sighed softly, "A lot of people actually know about the weaknesses of demon pirates, but how come they don't have the means to protect their weaknesses? In addition to the demon's repulsion, there are even more powerful demon weapons. Their demonic power is so powerful that they can be transformed into demonic weapons. Once they put on the demonic weapons, the strength, speed, or defense of the demonic captains will instantly increase several times!"


Ling Feng felt bitter in his heart. With the power of the devil and the weapons of the devil, it seemed that he had indeed fallen into an extremely terrifying place.

It’s difficult to escape!


Old Weiduoyin hesitated for a moment, then leaned into Ling Feng's ear and lowered his voice: "Although the requirements for demonic armament are extremely high, as long as those with demonic abilities who have condensed the magic pattern have a chance to comprehend the power of the demon, but , first of all, you must become a true demonic user.”

As Old Vidoin spoke, a faint light flashed between his eyebrows, and two magic lines suddenly appeared.

This guy is actually already a second-marked devil ability user.

Ling Feng and Shentu Xuance, on the other hand, don't have any magic marks yet.

"It seems that in addition to practicing the immortal golden body every night, you can also try to condense the magic patterns!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and secretly made up his mind. Among other things, if he could understand the power of the demon, he would have more power to protect himself.

After all, without the destruction of all directions, his overall strength has been greatly reduced.

Another three days passed, and Ling Feng divided about half of the magic beads refined every day and used them to condense the magic patterns.

Finally, Huangtian paid off. After swallowing almost thirty magic beads, Ling Feng felt the demonic power in his dantian and finally responded to the power of the magic beads.

It was a very wonderful experience. There was a slight heat between the eyebrows, and the first magic pattern finally condensed successfully.

"I don't know what kind of demonic abilities I will awaken."

Ling Feng felt a little bit of anticipation in his heart. However, before he could realize it, an extremely hot feeling came from between his eyebrows.

"This is... Asura's Demonic Eye!"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, and Asura's Demon Eye actually opened automatically.

Ling Feng's heart "thumped". Back then, in the Taihua Immortal Palace, he got an Asura Demonic Eye by accident, which also gave him the ability to summon the Blood Shadow Guard.

After that, Asura's Demonic Eye seemed to be suppressed by the blood of the Emperor in his body, and he could no longer cause any trouble.

But at this moment, Ling Feng unexpectedly discovered that after he devoured the power within the magic bead, Asura's demonic eye seemed to have been strengthened in some way!

"Can the power of Asura be able to swallow the power of the demon on this demon pirate?"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, and he suddenly had an impulse. Just by refining the magic beads, he could strengthen Asura's demon eyes. What if he ate a few more top-quality devil fruits?

"Hmph, you devil pirates, you will soon regret why you provoked me!"

Ling Feng grinned. This time, he might be a blessing in disguise!

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