Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2515 The repulsive power of the devil! (2 updates)

"Boy! Since you're itchy, let me teach you what the rules are here!"

The naked man's whole body was filled with vitality. The muscles on his body suddenly knitted and his blood vessels bulged. He looked filled with terrifying brute force.

And between this guy's eyebrows, three magic lines suddenly appeared.

Three-marked devil ability user!

These guys are what Old Vidoin said are people who have reached the level of three lines, but don't want to join the demon pirates.

Near the mining area, the blood crows flapped their wings and made shrill screams, but no demon pirates came forward to stop the battle.

It seems that those demon pirates only care about whether you turn in enough magic beads every month. Other than that, they will not play any role in maintaining order.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, that boy is so stupid. He dares to disobey even Clark's people!"

The prisoners around him began to whisper to each other.

"The ignorant are really fearless. He still doesn't know who Clark is, right? The people under Clark are all strong men with three lines or above. They are simply not something we can deal with!"

"If you surrender the magic beads obediently, you can still save your life. Anyone who dares to go against them will only die!"


No matter what you say or what I say, everyone obviously doesn't think highly of Ling Feng.

"Did you hear that? Boy, you will pay a heavy price for your ignorance!"

The naked man roared, punched out, and a terrifying wind blew up.

The next moment, the naked man was blasted out like a cannonball at an incredible speed.

Apparently, his two demon abilities are acceleration and power amplification.


Then, there was a terrifying roar, thunder rolled from the sky, lightning flashed across the sky, and a burning smell filled the air.

Black thunder!

Ling Feng's eyes narrowed, this guy's third demonic ability was actually Black Thunder!

However, Ling Feng just sneered and stood there, motionless.


Thunder exploded on Ling Feng, and for a moment, Ling Feng just stood on the spot, motionless, and the naked man was thrown away, and the body's protective energy collapsed, and several "clicks" were heard. , I don’t know how many bones in my body were broken.

The opponent's black thunder fell on Ling Feng, not even damaging Ling Feng's hair.

You know, Ling Feng's body can even swallow the Nine-turn Tribulation Thunder directly. Playing with Thunder in front of Ling Feng is simply asking for humiliation.

"What...what is going on?"

The prisoners around were dumbfounded. Ling Feng actually won!

Moreover, it is completely crushing!

"how come……"

The naked man spit out several mouthfuls of blood, struggled to get up from the ground, and fell to the ground several times, with a look of shock on his face.

And the few scoundrels he brought with him were so frightened that their faces turned pale.

This kid is obviously only at the Emperor level, but the bald man is already at the Saint level, and is blessed with the power of demons.

Even so, he was defeated by Ling Feng with one move.

In fact, they didn't even see clearly how Ling Feng took action.

"You...just wait for me."

After saying a harsh word, the naked man left in despair with the help of a group of scoundrels.

"Xiao Feng, you are in trouble!"

When Old Vidoin saw the naked man leaving, he hurried over and said with a deep frown: "That guy is just a minion under Clark. You can't be Clark's opponent! Hey! , I should have warned you earlier!”

"Lao Wei, don't worry, I know what's going on."

Ling Feng just shrugged and didn't take Clark seriously.

And the moment he fought with the naked man just now, he finally caught that feeling.

Just now, the power that directly ejected the naked man was the repulsive power of the demon!

When the naked man came within three feet of him, Ling Feng was able to lock onto his energy. Whether he was grabbing him or popping him out, he seemed to be able to do whatever he wanted.

He knew that he had mastered the power of the demon!

However, the power of the demon also has its strengths and weaknesses. With his current level, he is just getting started at most.

Compared with those captain-level demon pirates, there is still a considerable gap.

"Brother Ling, that move you just made!"

Shentu Xuance's eyelids twitched wildly as he stared at Ling Feng. He had some guesses in his heart, but he was not sure.

"It's the repulsion of the devil."

Ling Feng shrugged, "It looks like it's pretty easy to use."

"Heaven...the repulsion of the devil?"

Old Wei Duoyin's eyes widened and he stared at Ling Feng with a look of disbelief on his face, "Xiao Feng, you... you..."

Old Vidoin's mouth was trembling, and he was having trouble speaking.

The prisoners like them had swallowed the lowest quality devil fruits, and it was not easy to condense the devil patterns. But Ling Feng actually understood the power of the devil in just half a month!

What kind of monster is this guy?

Shentu Xuance also swallowed hard. They were obviously captured on Devil's Island together, and they had also swallowed low-quality Devil's Fruit.

But now, he hasn't even been able to condense the first demon pattern, but Ling Feng has already comprehended the power of the demon.

The gap between people...

A bitter smile appeared on Shentu Xuance's face. He originally thought that he was one of the top geniuses of the Bright Witch Clan.

But meeting the monster Ling Feng almost made him doubt his life.

"You guy, how did you do that?"

Shentu Xuance took a deep breath, feeling that he could no longer understand Ling Feng.

"That's how you did it. Is it difficult?"

Ling Feng spread his hands, "It seems, it's not difficult, right?"

The corner of Shentu Xuance's mouth twitched slightly, and he cursed in his heart: I'm such a bitch for asking these questions! You are simply asking for abuse!

"You said that a boy at the Talented Emperor Realm couldn't survive a magic mark, but defeated you easily, and you couldn't even see clearly how the other party took action?"

In a cave, there was a middle-aged man who was not tall and sat in the main seat. His eyes were as cold as lightning, and his aura was so cold that it made people tremble.

"Yes... Sir Clark, I am absolutely not lying at all."

The one who spoke carefully was the naked man who was defeated by Ling Feng. He was now pale, and Ling Feng's repulsive force from the devil had really killed half of his life.

"Hmph, that's interesting!"

Clark smiled instead of angry. In this boring time, it was a kind of entertainment for a guy who dared to resist him to appear.

"Sir, let me go and meet him."

A bald man next to him spoke. His expression was cold and solemn, giving people a rock-like feeling.

"Okay, with your strength as a four-marked devil ability user, it shouldn't be difficult to capture him."

Clark nodded and tapped his fingers on the rock-polished seat a few times, "I'm waiting for your good news!"

"Yes, sir, I won't let you down like that good-for-nothing!"

The bald man sneered, glared at the naked man, and immediately jumped out of the cave.

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